Having once commanded military operations along the Texas-Mexico border, Col. Dan Steiner (Ret.) spoke to One News Now about a new House appropriations bill that would defund law enforcement at the border, further amplifying problems already in existence.
“[House Democrats] probably can’t do more to demoralize the men and women on the front line of border patrol,” Steiner says, referring to the defunding bill. “Already overwhelmed, headlines such as those do nothing but make them feel more desperate.”
The stark difference between parties regarding illegal border crossings devolves in little more than talking points during any given election cycle, causing Steiner to accuse leaders in Congress of turning border security into a “political football.”
“[When they do that, there’s] an immediate humanistic damage committed to the men and women of Border Patrol – [and] the damage does nothing but drive the frontline deeper into the ditch,” he shares.
He points out how Border Patrol agents are now receiving individuals they would have been told to deny in the past, and this turn from the previous administration’s policies is hurting morale. “[And] when you start hurting the morale of individuals on the front line, the chance of losing the fight multiples,” Steiner adds.
On top of that, Steiner is concerned about the lack of interest from many in Congress – not to mention from television news media – that those responsible for securing the border are extremely overwhelmed. And if the border continues to degrade, the retired Air Force officer doesn’t expect it to be very long before “a dramatic, deadly event” takes place within the U.S.
“Much of the nation is going to wake up to a crisis that the government and media never told them was coming,” he tells One News Now. “All indicators … are pointing towards a greater threat to the United States.”
And all the while, he warns, cartels are gaining momentum.
Cartels a growing threat to U.S.
“Young men are running [cartel] teams like capos in the mob” – and as Steiner explains, those mid-level leaders “are always trying to find a way to gather their boss’s attention to make a name for themselves.”
And that, he explains, is the primary reason they make violent videos and brag about them online. He warns that “if [the U.S. continues] to paint a picture to the cartel’s bosses that the border is easier to cross and … less secure, the more emboldened these young men will get to do something stupid.”
And the cartels, which he says control nearly half of Mexico’s geographic territory, have the luxury of freely operating in their own environment.
“Drug lords are now warlords, as these guys now own the territory they operate on,” he laments. “… They have to be stopped, because the threat of violence and drugs will cross the river [into the U.S.] more than it already it does.”
Social chaos part of the gov’t plan
“Mexico is also in real trouble,” Steiner continues, identifying President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) as a significant part of the problem. “AMLO is allowing the cartels to bring about social chaos in Mexico in order for the country to be restructured in the way he would like to see it.”
Steiner points out that AMLO has referred to himself as “the big brother of Latin America and the Caribbean, [and he] sees himself succeeding [in establishing socialism] where Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez have failed.” That essentially equates – in Steiner’s view – to “a revolutionary mindset thinker” leading America’s number-one trade partner.
He identifies that as a conversation the Department of Commerce and the State Department don’t want to have. “Instead, [they] stick their heads in the sand when it comes to the current status of Mexico,” he says.
Mexico, he concludes, is destabilized – and it’s getting worse, as exemplified in the growing power of the cartels.
Dan Steiner is author of “The War of the Americas: Mexico as the next Syria.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
First of all, there is nothing here to debate. Rational, intelligent people see the problem, but we have anti-Americans acting as civil servants, holding positions of power turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to an illegal immigration crisis that is threatening our Country on multiple levels. Becoming vigilantes might be a dangerous path to go down, but Washington DC and the vast majority of Congress do not give a damn about this Country. Our lack of leadership not only wants to not do anything about the issues we are facing, they don’t want to acknowledge that the issues exist in the first place. Its like we are being led by anarchists.
The only debate, is WHAT SHOULD BE HAPPENING to these criminals in charge, who are committing TREASON BY WILLINGLY not enforcing our nations laws…
2022 is our last chance to stop this. Nothing less than 100% conservative voter turnout will work. Last November, one survey shows that only 60% of registered voters who considered themselves conservative…even voted. 60%. The Democrats almost didn’t have to cheat. Please don’t make it easy for them again, or next year may be the last time you get to vote.
We have to vote these AO’s out of office in 2022, but they can still do a lot of damage between now and 2022.
ITS NOT just them we need to rid this nation of.. ITS THEIR Voting base, their indoctrinators in schools, and their backers in big business.
It’s just what the Dems want. The more non educated people the more votes for Satan’s party. They intend to let in millions and we are going to support them.
In reviewing a book called the Argentine Diary, Ray Josephs points out in 1944, that Fascism, like Communism waits or creates a crisis to gain power. Kamala Harris used the term, humanitarian effort, but in this case, allowing young people, and border states to be subjected to the growth of homeless, with the rise of drugs, and sex trafficking is not humanitarian, but cruel. The term humanitarian effort has been used to work the Socialist/Communist agenda. However, it only creates government domination with ownership, and a shortage of supplies.
This corrupt, parrot, puppet president and the Democrat controlled Congress are violating our U.S. Constitution and our Laws.
Article 4 of the US Constitution:
The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.
500,000 illegal immigrants invading our borders each month. If This isn’t a foreign invasion, then what is it?
TO THEM< no amount of illegals flooding in, classifies as an invasion.