WASHINGTON — U.S. defense officials say they are worried about an insider attack or other threat from service members involved in securing President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration, prompting the FBI to vet all of the 25,000 National Guard troops coming into Washington for the event.
The massive undertaking reflects the extraordinary security concerns that have gripped Washington following the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters. And it underscores fears that some of the very people assigned to protect the city over the next several days could present a threat to the incoming president and other VIPs in attendance.
Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy told The Associated Press on Sunday that officials are conscious of the potential threat, and he warned commanders to be on the lookout for any problems within their ranks as the inauguration approaches. So far, however, he and other leaders say they have seen no evidence of any threats, and officials said the vetting hadn’t flagged any issues that they were aware of.
”We’re continually going through the process, and taking second, third looks at every one of the individuals assigned to this operation,” McCarthy said in an interview after he and other military leaders went through an exhaustive, three-hour security drill in preparation for Wednesday’s inauguration. He said Guard members are also getting training on how to identify potential insider threats.
Democrat Steve Cohen smears National Guard
About 25,000 members of the National Guard are streaming into Washington from across the country — at least two and a half times the number for previous inaugurals. And while the military routinely reviews service members for extremist connections, the FBI screening is in addition to any previous monitoring.
Multiple officials said the process began as the first Guard troops began deploying to D.C. more than a week ago. And they said it is slated to be complete by Wednesday. Several officials discussed military planning on condition of anonymity.
“The question is, is that all of them? Are there others?” said McCarthy. “We need to be conscious of it and we need to put all of the mechanisms in place to thoroughly vet these men and women who would support any operations like this.”
In a situation like this one, FBI vetting would involve running peoples’ names through databases and watchlists maintained by the bureau to see if anything alarming comes up. That could include involvement in prior investigations or terrorism-related concerns, said David Gomez, a former FBI national security supervisor in Seattle.
Insider threats have been a persistent law enforcement priority in the years after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks. But in most cases, the threats are from homegrown insurgents radicalized by al-Qaida, the Islamic State group or similar groups. In contrast, the threats against Biden’s inauguration have been fueled by supporters of President Donald Trump, far-right militants, white supremacists and other radical groups. Many believe Trump’s baseless accusations that the election was stolen from him, a claim that has been refuted by many courts, the Justice Department and Republican officials in key battleground states.
The insurrection at the Capitol began after Trump made incendiary remarks at the Jan. 6 rally. According to McCarthy, service members from across the military were at that rally, but it’s not clear how many were there or who may have participated in the breach at the Capitol. So far only a couple of current active-duty or National Guard members have been arrested in connection with the Capitol assault, which left five people dead. The dead included a Capitol Police officer and a woman shot by police as she climbed through a window in a door near the House chamber.
Gen. Daniel R. Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, has been meeting with Guard troops as they arrive in D.C. and as they gather downtown. He said he believes there are good processes in place to identify any potential threats.
“If there’s any indication that any of our soldiers or airmen are expressing things that are extremist views, it’s either handed over to law enforcement or dealt with the chain of command immediately,” he said.
The insider threat, however, was just one of the security concerns voiced by officials on Sunday, as dozens of military, National Guard, law enforcement and Washington, D.C., officials and commanders went through a security rehearsal in northern Virginia. As many as three dozen leaders lined tables that ringed a massive colour-coded map of D.C. reflected onto the floor. Behind them were dozens more National Guard officers and staff, with their eyes trained on additional maps and charts displayed on the wall.
The Secret Service is in charge of event security, but there is a wide variety of military and law enforcement personnel involved, ranging from the National Guard and the FBI to Washington’s Metropolitan Police Department, U.S. Capitol Police and U.S. Park Police.
Commanders went over every aspect of the city’s complicated security lockdown, with McCarthy and others peppering them with questions about how the troops will respond in any scenario and how well they can communicate with the other enforcement agencies scattered around the city.
Hokanson said he believes his troops have been adequately equipped and prepared, and that they are rehearsing as much as they can to be prepared for any contingency.
The major security concern is an attack by armed groups of individuals, as well as planted explosives and other devices. McCarthy said intelligence reports suggest that groups are organizing armed rallies leading up to Inauguration Day, and possibly after that.
The bulk of the Guard members will be armed. And McCarthy said units are going through repeated drills to practice when and how to use force and how to work quickly with law enforcement partners. Law enforcement officers would make any arrests.
He said Guard units are going through “constant mental repetitions of looking at the map and talking through scenarios with leaders so they understand their task and purpose, they know their routes, they know where they’re friendly, adjacent units are, they have the appropriate frequencies to communicate with their law enforcement partners.”
The key goal, he said, is for America’s transfer of power to happen without incident.
“This is a national priority. We have to be successful as an institution,” said McCarthy. “We want to send the message to everyone in the United States and for the rest of the world that we can do this safely and peacefully.”
Associated Press writer Eric Tucker contributed to this report.
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If Biden needs 25,000 armed soldiers and razor wire fences to protect his inauguration from the people.
Then Biden probably weren’t elected by the people.
Has any inauguration in the history of this country ever needed armed soldiers and razor wire fence to protect a president’s inauguration?? Does this sound like a country that is happy and proud of their new president?
What a load of garbage. Your idiot Trump lied. Biden got more votes and even the police were involved in your attempted coup. Racist white supremacists are everywhere. Get a clue idiot.
IF anything, HOWS ABOUT WE VET The entire bloody FBI?!!!
That’s what I say… it should be the other way around
If you have 50 min. to see a broad, current view of the communist plan for America, check out https://www.youtube.com/The Fatima Center, (or google “The Fatima Center”, “Sister Lucia..”)
“Sister Lucia was Right!…”, parts 1&2. It helps to put into perspective what’s going on. God help us all.
Looks more and more like a military take by the liberal s. They are making sure not conservatives are in the n national guard
IT certainly DOES look like a complete military take over..
Mr. Biden…tear down this wall!
Where’s all the calls of “WALLS are racist” now?! OH YEA.. THEY ARE in favor of THESE walls…
Projection is a Liberal habit. Before, during and after numerous Trump rallies, there was NO violence or vandalism, unless it was done by outside groups rather than people there to support Trump. On the other hand the BLM, Antifa(rt) ‘peaceful protests’ did huge amounts of both for almost 9 months. Liberals have lost their mind, spirit and soul and even stealing/winning the Presidency hasn’t made them happy. It must truly suck to be them.
More lies from a complete idiot. You jerks staged an attempted coup. 5 people died. False equivalence dimwit.
IMO THEY lost their soul, LONG BEFORE THEY became democrats…
The FBI checking for extremists in the National Guard. The top echelon of the FBI tried overthrowing Trump, so all the FBI has to do, is look at themselves in the mirror, when they are looking for “extremists”, right James Comey, Christopher Wray and McCabe?
I suspect they are actually “sorting” through the guardsmen and harvesting the socialists from the ranks to serve.
Hence why say, WE SHOULD HAVE BEEN allowed to VET THE ENTIRE bloody FBI.. From the TOP DOWN.
If Wimpy Chris Wray, and the other two faced demon-crats are so concerned, why not just hire their own private security. They are all crying that law enforcement was biased in dealing with the crowds storming the castle, but they fail to see that law enforcement was told to stand down for ANTIF and BLM and to let the looking, arson and destruction of property go on because these poor individuals needed to put food on their table….. RIGHT.. A 70 inch television can provide so much nourishment. Wouldn’t it be a hoot if no one from the national guard showed up…. all coming down with CORONA VIRUS symptoms.
IMO they won’t be given the option, to NOT show up.
Political Science Rule One: Never, ever disrespect your praetorians.
I’d LOVE IT, if those guardsmen, ALL ARRESTED everyone of these treasonous Scumbags in office… STARTING WITH BIDEN!
I’m thinking that may very well happen… A wall/fence has only two functions. Keeps things out… and keeps things in.
Sounds like a communist regime. Fear in the ranks. All you have to do is say something positive about a conservative and you could end up arrested and in front of a psycho interrogator.
Something like – “It’s a joke. I bet Joe Biden’s extended car warranty has expired.”
COMMENTyour fellow gun nuts did invade – dimmy
you mean the corvette with the license plate that says BIG GUY?
The left is INSANE!! We got more troops protecting Beijing Biden than we have in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.. INSANE!!! How about Basement Beijing Biden just do his swearing in down in his basement where he belongs…. I will NOT watch a liar being sworn into the office of President.. He will NEVER EVER be my president… His agenda is to tear down this country…starting with cancelling out ALL The good that Trump did for the country and the American people… Thousands of illegal aliens heading to our country because of Beijing Biden and his open border policies and protecting illegal aliens while he stabs the American people in the back… China and Iran can’t wait till he is in office so they can get special treatment… he is going to take this country down a dark and dangerous road… … if they can’t trust our military people, then LET THEM GO HOME.. get their own private security…
The police and military follow orders. Tech companies are worldwide and they are censoring all speech. Thousands in caravans headed to America again. The country is collapsing. We have a one party dictatorship. Do we keep turning the other cheek? Leftist Deep State are itching for confrontation to enforce subjugation and YES – they are very paranoid as all dictators are.
Good God….
Honestly right now, IMO God’s left the entire nation… TO ROT!
“Dem Rep. Cohen: The National Guard Is 90% Male and Only 25% Voted for Biden, That Raises Concern of an Insider Threat.” Well now, the Democrat Caucus in the U.S. Congress is 50% female and 100% of them voted for Biden — that poses a serious insider threat to liberty and freedom!
Hey, how DARE YOU assume their gender…
Wow, the FBI is vetting the troops, but who is going to vet the FBI. There is just as much an inside threat from the FBI as any other group. Fascinating!
WORSE, since the FBI ALREADY IS KNOWN To have willfully SPIED ON a sitting president, AND LIED TO court after court….
Glad to hear the FBI is vetting our nat’l guard troops.
Now who among the troops is vetting the FBI “vetters”?? After Comey, McCabe, Strzok, and Page, I wouldn’t trust any of them!
Read the dateline. It’s an AP article.
Why is gopusa using the dishonest lying left’s language in the article?
“deadly Jan. 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by pro-Trump rioters.”
There’s something happening here
But what it is ain’t exactly clear
There’s a man with a gun over there
Telling me I got to beware
“Paranoia strikes deep, into your life it will creep, It starts when you’re always afraid
Step out of line, the men come and take you away”.. (For what’s worth, Buffalo Springfield)
An illegitimate “pretender will live a life of fear, suspicion and anxiety… Enjoy “Big Guy”…..
ITS not paranoia, when they are ACTUALLY OUT to get us…
Just cause I’m paranoid.. don’t mean it ain’t happenin’
Crooks never trust one another. If your troops don’t want you there and you are the commander in chief what does that say about you. The troops know that Trump did not sell them down the river, they know Biden will. This is a sad day for America, just like the 8 years before Trump became President. There is still hope, but not in this coming 4 years.
I wonder. When obama was in, we saw an exodus of sorts, of folks opting for early retirement.. WHICH IS partially why the military had to get PUMPED UP by trump.. SO will we see the same sort of exodus, or even WORSE, now bidens in??
“”If there’s any indication that any of our soldiers or airmen are expressing things that are extremist views, it’s either handed over to law enforcement or dealt with the chain of command immediately,” he said.”
If only Major Hassan had waited a few years to commit mass murder…or was known to have posted terrorist sentiments and plans online…
So this anti-terror and violence thing is new to the left. Right?
AHH,,, but it would have been Racist, bigoted, islamophobic etc, to have Vetted Hassan!
Truthfully, we might be better off to vet the FBI, since most of top level management is corrupt.
That we should have.. IN FACT, many of us said TRUMP SHOULD HAVE DONE just that, the day AFTER HIS FIRST inauguration.. MAYBE had he done so, we’d NOT be in this bloody mess.
Maybe we should disband the armed forces. After all, look at all the white guys.
Here is the oath that every member of the National Guard swears to when enlisting! And it is an affront to their honor to vet them the way that they were… basically you are saying that they lied when they took this oath! Here it is:
I, (NAME), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of (STATE NAME) against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the Governor of (STATE NAME) and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to law and regulations. So help me God.
Maybe check all the FBI and members of the House and Senate who also took a similar oath but time and time again have proven that they have not honored their oath. The men/woman of our military have served under many different presidents and have been true to their oath.