The greatest pitfall for conservatives is the leftist Democrat mantra that America can now “unite” and “move forward” with any sense of “normalcy.” This scam is essential to any aspiring despotism. Everyone must accept the new order. Not surprisingly, it is also exactly where the GOP “Establishment” is equally obsessed with taking us. And this tells us everything we need to know about the thoroughly corrupt and duplicitous Republican “insiders” who have been selling us out for years. They are now fully out in the open.
Several of their glaring betrayals should never be forgotten. The abominable Wyoming RINO interloper Liz Cheney, who promoted the second “impeachment” sham in the House of Representatives, immediately comes to mind. Right in line with Cheney is the ongoing treachery of Senate Minority “Leader” Mitch McConnell, who expresses his support for “conviction” if the Senate actually continues with its wholly unconstitutional atrocity of a post presidency impeachment circus.
If real conservatives want to know why, in the midst of the greatest national economy the world has ever seen, their Country could be so flagrantly and illegally ripped from them by the left, just consider the behavior of those two traitors. In truth however, they are only a symptom of the root problem, which extends much further yet into the fetid depths of the D.C swamp.
Clearly, the entire national Republican apparatus must be just as thoroughly compromised and infested with self-serving political posers for these two Democrat lapdogs to ever get into Republican “leadership.” And on almost a daily basis, others show their own unspeakably ugly colors. Kevin McCarthy (R.-CA), Republican Minority “Leader,” has rejected any demands by real Republicans for Cheney’s removal from her No.3 position in the Republican House caucus. Many others, including Dan Crenshaw (R.-TX) have also expressed their support of the double-dealing Cheney.
As a backdrop for the treachery of these RINOs, consider a brief timeline of 2020, and the total failure of “Republican” office holders to effectively stand up to it. Beginning with the first sham “impeachment” in January, leftist Democrats played a wholly politicized game with the Constitution, suppressing truth and bypassing any legitimate investigation into the bogus “charges” they cobbled together against President Trump.
Next came the Wuhan virus “pandemic” scam, by which the entire US economy was shut down and millions of Americans saw their livelihoods devastated. Leftist Democrats engaged in every despicable murderous effort to stoke fear and maximize the impact of the virus. Positive cases where forced into nursing homes, where they could infect as many of the most vulnerable among us as possible. Meanwhile, notably effective treatments such as Hydroxychloroquine and Zinc, with proven track records of saving lives, were suppressed through iron-fisted abuses by leftist Democrats in office. Throughout all of this, these same leftist Democrats and their Fake News lackeys squalled that President Trump was to blame for all of the resulting suffering and deaths.
As summer approached and the flu season abated, the left shifted gears with their massive, orchestrated riots, vandalism, looting, assaults, and murders. The claim was made that this was all based on the death of George Floyd, but the coordinated nature of the onslaught made it abundantly clear that Floyd was just an excuse for pre-planned mayhem. Leftist ideology always thrives in the midst of chaos and calamity.
Then came the 2020 Election Day theft, which was nothing less than a coup on the United States of America. The vast scale on which it took place, coupled with the universal stonewalling of any genuine effort to properly audit fraudulent ballots and flagrant manipulations of voting machines, proved that an enormous plot had been hatched beforehand by the left to ensure their takeover of the US government through any available means. Government of, by, and for the people is a thing of the past. And on January 6, “Republicans” in the House and Senate overwhelmingly put their stamp of approval on it.
Many were quick to castigate President Trump for refusing to concede a stolen election. From VP Pence, who never once mustered the decency or the spine to call the election theft what it was, all the way down to “Republican” governors and Attorneys General in contested swing states, it was obvious that the GOP had no intention of fighting for the eighty million (and likely many more) Americans who had supported the President. But you can be sure that, come time for re-election, they will all be campaigning as the “Second Coming of Ronald Reagan.”
So called “Conservative Never Trump” commentators (the term is an oxymoron) are piling on. Like their counterparts in elected office, they remain totally out of touch with the American people. Believing they have achieved victory in collaboration with the leftist Democrats, they now seek to thoroughly marginalize the President to the point that Americans will abandon him. But in their arrogance, they fail to realize that they are only destroying any credence they might ever have had, and are marginalizing themselves!
Now that leftist Democrats have completed their coup and secured their stranglehold on power, they are predictably calling for “national unity” and “healing,” which translates to demands for silence and compliance from our side. And of course those calls are eagerly echoed by the same RINO traitors who had little to say against all of the division and chaos fomented by Democrats since the 2016 election. In short, Democrat leftists are in complete control, and the GOP insiders like it that way. The abhorrence of this situation among outraged Americans is of no concern to any of them. Votes can be fixed.
President Trump gave Republicans many golden opportunities to rise up against the leftist onslaught on America, but they totally and deliberately failed. He merely forced their duplicity and treachery out into the open. This unmasking of phony Republican players may prove to be the greatest single accomplishment of the Trump Presidency. If Real America is ever to be restored (and that is by no means a certainty), we must move on from the fecklessness and deceit of the GOP. It must be understood that President Trump did not destroy the Republican Party. They did it to themselves.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
Christopher, Great Commentary. The Republicans In Name Only are and have been traitors to our Country for years. I hope the Trump voters remember these traitors, when they vote next time. The Republican voters better wake up. The Democrat voters are a lost cause, so there is no hope for these avowed communists.
I think I hate RINOs more than I do Democrats, at least we know what Democrats represent. RINOs are liars and hence, do, more damage. When will the GOP realize that their NEVER TRUMPERS are THE danger to the party? When we start the PATRIOT PARTY!?! I am never voting for a RINO again, that means John Cornyn and Kay Granger in my case. Fortunately I have Ted Cruz!
Try these guys..
Trump-Pence were elected because no other republicans were like them. The Party was a majority of Rino’s. It seems to have returned to this.This is true of the majority of so-called conservative parties in all of Western Civilization today.
This election was stolen before the eyes of the secular world with applause. Virtually every major decision that affects our mind-moulding institutions in Government- High Supreme Court-Education Establishments-Media in almost all venues is made on the basis of the secular atheist worldview. Secularism asserts that public life is to be conducted without references to God only to Darwin’s creation story that the fittest ought to exploit all others .
This road has led to unmanageable legislated evil. This constant bombardment of images shapes the perceptions of our whole generation and results in altered beliefs and lifestyles that make the aberrant seem normal. Any warning the public that we are being molded for the worse is contemptuously mocked as insane, and is considered a crime. meanwhile over 42 million babies were aborted in 2019 worldwide by doctors and nurses by Government legislation by atheist secular and communist law. When governments order doctors and nurses to kill people this sets precedents for all kinds of evil.
Joe Biden, and the Democrat Party is legislating tax-paying citizens to fund this evil even to the UN.
It’s useless to try and vote them out… they control the fraudulent election system… there’s only one option left.
i am done with the gop.
Wait a couple of months and rethink that plan.
President TRUMP is going to use the remaining infrastructure and Primary out the never- Trumpers.
The old guard is weakened by their own actions and 80 million TRUMP VOTERS have the power and influence to get them out.
It wouldn’t do Trump any good to try and primary politicians in the GOP. That’s been tried for years. The actual structure of the party was created to keep the base of the party in line and voting for RINO politicians. If they aren’t RINO’s when they arrive in Washington, the rest of the party either tries to conn them into becoming RINO’s or tries to sideline them. What I’ve heard is that Trump has already done the wisest thing and created a new party.
Now those initially joining it need to make sure the structure is different. The number one need is for term limits for party leadership as well as everyone running for ANY political office with the new party. I propose limits something like “No one shall run for any party or political office who has been paid for commenting on politics or has had a political or government job for more than 6 of the last 12 years.” At least it should be a discussion point to figure out what the criteria should be to get ordinary people into leadership positions in our government.
You guys cling to the Rotten party all you want. The fact remains that only 8 REPUBLICAN Senators and 139 REPUBLICAN representatives of the House DID NOT vote TWICE for Biden to be president after all of the blatant vote theft. That includes ALL the Republicans from a “Red” state like Alaska, and all of the “Republicans” from the state of Washington. Idaho managed to get ONE House Rep to not perjure himself by voting for fraud. Montana and Oregon also each had one. Texas is a great state but 9 out of 25 Republicans voted FOR BIDEN TWICE while in California only 4 out of 11 were such low down rotten snakes. In fact I’m seeing a pattern here. What party “controls” a state seems to have nothing to do with how corrupt the Republican party in that state is. And I consider not voting TWICE for voter fraud to be a low bar. Many of these individuals voted for Biden at least once.
WHAT is there to ‘rethink’? THE GOP IS DEAD to us TRUE RED Conservatives.. Sure, some are ok, and should be kept.. BUT THEY NEED To jump ship from the sinking GOP, to the Constitution party.. AND so does trump!
So I guess the dems and the RINOS have defeated us more than 175 million of us Trump supporters. So I guess it’s time to surrender and be nice. I can’t believe all the whining on this site lately.
You can’t vote them out now… they control the fraudulent election system… why can’t anyone understand that? There’s only one option left.
Fine.. YOU START with trying your method to get them out.. We’ll see how that works.
Nope. They did that all by themselves. The republican party is dead dead dead. There is no difference between the parties now except the republicans are much more treacherous. With democrats you know you are going to get screwed.
Why you can even ask Mitt how that is going and why he and some of his ilk are dividing the GOP.
Nope…Romney, McCain and few other slim balls took care of that.
If a chain is only so strong as its weakest link, then this Liz Cheney and those RINOs like her fit the bill. Republican party status is her illegitimate claimed baby she sought to claim as her trophy by becoming McCain’s trophy wife, but you cannot honorably buy a baby, or status, or a movement nor claim what other’s like Trump have given birth to. You come now before THE PEOPLE and the leaders of this party who you would have to act like Solomon to decide who gets to keep the baby,,,,,,you or the legitimate parent who gave birth to the movement, and would rather have the American Solomons divide the baby in two and see a party die and a movement die, than see the legitimate parent claim who and what you gave no birth to. Just how unfit can one adult seeking to become a parent in our party, prove herself to be? Cindy belongs in the party of abortionists who throw out the babies with the bathwater. Go sleep with the Democrats Cindy, but watch your back when you do.
The RINOS in the gop, killed it slowly, but surely. THEIR LAST nail in the coffin, was seeing so damn many VOTE TO put that traitor Biden in office, rather than follow the LAWS OUR constitution set up, and KILL that fraudulent election, dead.
To the contrary it was the Republican Establishment that destroyed the GOP.
Washington took his traitors out and shot and hung them, we vote them back in and give them more power. This clearly needs to change.
Look… 75,000,000 Americans DIDN’T vote for the Establishment, they voted FOR President Trump (despite the 4 YEARS of almost complete and CONSTANT opposition from Democrats and RINOs)!
Contrary to Mitch McConnell’s expectation (depending on what day it is), WE, THE PEOPLE (voting Republicans) DON’T want to return to the “Good Ol’ Days”, but want OUR GOP (or Patriot Party, if that’s what it takes) to represent US (OUR interests)!
Voting is done in America. Ya can’t outvote liars, cheaters & thieves.
It sure as hell, seems that way, doesn’t it.
The Republicans are losing the party because they are failing to really hear the people. They are tone deaf and like usual have no backbone. Love or hate Trump, he was the warrior we needed and a good percentage of Republicans turned on him for that when they should have stood with him. PLus they tried to bully the few who were standing tall.
” This scam is essential to any aspiring despotism. Everyone must accept the new order. Not surprisingly, it is also exactly where the GOP “Establishment” is equally obsessed with taking us. And this tells us everything we need to know about the thoroughly corrupt and duplicitous Republican “insiders” who have been selling us out for years. They are now fully out in the open.”
If WE THE PEOPLE do not wake up soon.
The United States will become a new order of the Dishonorable Democrat Party State.
The Democrat Party political officers and Gestapo are just getting started.
You will be loyal and support the Democrat Party State or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as “enemies of the state.”
Democrat, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, labeled US President Donald Trump and the Republican Party “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state.”
Scruffy, that’s the same message anti-christ will give you. better check your Bible folks.
IMO even IF WE ‘wake up soon’, it MAY ALREADY BE too late…
I’ve been awake for 30 years and now all my predictions and nightmares are coming true. In the end it didn’t make a difference. The swamp had set sail for despotism. I use to wonder why the Republicans never stood up for the people they pandered to, The people who voted to put them in office. The family values crowd they failed to protect. And why they always caved to media pressure and voted with the Democrats. The have always been a part of the cesspool and plot too turn this country into a surveillance police state.
The answer is a resounding ‘no’! Donald Trump was the first nominee for the Presidency in a long time who wasn’t a darling the ‘establishment’, someone most of us had been looking for for a very long time, probably since Ronald Reagan, he talked to the people, asked questions, gave answers the people wanted to hear. It was the establishment who feared him as they lost their power, the ‘good old boy and girl’ network was threatened. Many were willing accomplices with Democrats to undermine his term and they did. All of them shold be turned out of their positions and new leadership installed.
Bingo. Trump recognised the corrupt DC swamp and tried to drain the Swamp. That is why so many corrupt professional politicians tried to destroy Trump. This is the #1. reason we need term limits in Congress. ✔✔✔✔
Not one single drop of the swamp did Trump drain. That’s why the swamp (democrats & republicans) drowned him and us.
What scares me regarding term limits is that too many in the Swamp are unelected! They are career bureaucrats. Brennan and Comey are perfect examples… I think it might be worse with them always remaining in positions of our Gov’t. How do we get that crowd out of power should be the question!
NOT for lack of trying Boblee.
Now we know that half the swamp dwellers are republicans. the worst kind.
Right now, it looks MORE than 50% of the gop are rinos.
We all knew from the start the communist/dems would blame Trump for everything, that was a foregone conclusion. I have known for years, if I had to depend on a democrat when the chips were down, they would screw me. The number of gop members who stabbed the American people in the back, was higher than I suspected, ALL the cockroach’s have been caught in the light, we now know. There were some gop members who DID STAND UP, those we must not forget. The gop committed suicide 1-6-21, they are dead, there will be a new party come from this and NO gop members who screwed us should be allowed in. There should be ZERO funds donated to the rnc or the party as a whole, let them wallow in their own stupidity as they wither and die. I will leave you with a final thought “never underestimate the ignorance of mitt romney, and never get between him and a spotlight.
The Establishment, “get along by going along”, the Ford/both Bushs/Romney/McCain CABAL DESTROYED the OLD, USELESS, FECKLESS, TOOTHLESS Republican Party. TRUMP’s POLICIES were the best for AMERICA since Reagan!
We NOW KNOW JUST EXACTLY HOW DEEP and BROAD the CORRUPTION of our ENTIRE Federal/State/Local Governmental/FakeNewsMedia/BigBusiness/BigTech/Educrat/Democrat Party have ALL BECOME!
Now we know that though, IS THERE ANY REAL way, we can PUNISH THEM???
Cut their dam heads off, like you would do any snake.
Excellent commentary. And well written too. But the author does not actually call for a new party. I wonder why not. For a number of reasons, the Republican Party will never be the vehicle for conservatives to reassert themselves. We need a new party. And I’m not talking about a third party. I’m talking about a replacement party. If the Trump supporters abandon the Republican Party for a new party, the Republican Party will be dead. Good riddance.
The local party ultimately controls the state party.
The State party Controls the National. (whether they like it or not)
Been there, done that. The local party infrastructure is rotten to the core…especially in certain states. There are too many PCO positions available so that the establishment can coax, flatter and bribe enough people to vote for the same establishment party leaders who then give party money to the campaigns of only the establishment candidates. I haven’t given money to the RNC for years because I don’t trust what they will do with it. I will send money to individual campaigns…as long as I can be sure it’s going directly to the candidate. We desperately need a new party wit a different infrastructure. My vote is to greatly reduce or eliminate the PCO’s.
Eagle, that’s why i would LOVE TO ELIMINATE all Political Action Committees…
Maybe?????? . Its not as easy as you think to start a new party where everyone will agree (present a unified front) Most of the puppeteers of the Democrat party are Billionaires and CEOs hiding behind the scenes. You know there is someone that crafts there talking points and social issues. This is a well though out and planned cabal. They are the ones calling the shots.
IMO one already exists.. The constitution party..
The gop is killing the party all by themselves. We elected President Trump because we were disappointed in the direction the party was headed. So, what did they do? His first year when they controlled the House and the Senate, they left paul ryan waste the whole year doing nothing, and for all four years plus they allowed the dems, left and msm to attack him 24/7/365. Now that they helped put biden in office they have come out even harder against President Trump, like cowards out of the darkness. dems do whatever they want and msm covers for them and the gop remains silent, never investigates even with all the criminal behavior that seems right out in the open. Yet they had no problem watching dems and msm go after President Trump with no proof or even manufactured inuendo. So, when you’re realizing the party is in trouble look in the mirror and you will see who we hold responsible. Grow a backbone and head in the direction President Trump was taking us, you’re not our party anymore. Defend President Trump against this second biased, hate filled impeachment or slowly go away.
GOP can rebound. Need a good leader. Trump will do. Then organize to remove RINOs. They’re the problem. The Romneys, the McCains, the Liz Cheneys. Knock them out in the primaries where they still hold office. This is exactly what the democrats do. In fact they have it down to organized crime levels. If you don’t vote the way they want you to then you’re going to have a bad day. If it continues they will make sure you’re knocked out in the primaries. The only exception is the new squad funded by it seems Soros.
Sometimes I wonder if there really is a real life character like the Batman’s Joker and he’s the one running the democrat party. A recent example – what crazy thing can we do now? Good idea, after he says Amen, say “Awomen.” They did it!
IMO till WE GET RID of all those rinos, the GOP doesn’t stand a chance.. DON’T wait Till we get them BACK in power to get rid of the rot. GET RID OF IT NOW.
My fear is that there will be a new party or such a divide in the Republican party that we will no longer be able to command a lead in any election.
If you truly are a “DaughteroftheAmericanRevolution” you would realize that our only hope is getting back to the principles of our Founding Patriots. The Democrats and Republican establishment must be banished in order to do that. Unfortunately there are so many traitors in Conservative clothing and so many so called conservative voters that have been fooled by the disguise.
Easier said than done. Are you going to be a candidate? Who has the time and funding to craft a political organization/
party. What’s your plan? These creeps will fight back and not leave peacefully. The RINOs are stealth swamp dwellers and defacto Democrats. The ” Swamp” is the real unspoken, unidentified party that controls the government. How are you going to defeat Silicon Valley and their ability to control and censor political speech?
DAR We need to either clean up the GOP or as our forefathers did , throw out the old order and pray and work toward an honest future.
What’s your plan?? Its easy to complain and be a backseat driver.
if the party is not salvageable, we must find a way separate the wheat from the chaff before we start over.
Follow GOD Almighty, HE’s been doing it since Genesis.
No, President Trump united the Republican party, after 8 years of silence, during Obama/Biden’s term. They brought in Islamic Socialists, and CCP, Communist China Party, into the Democrat Party. When Hillary Clinton lost in 2016, Socialist Pelosi, George Soros, and Sociaist elite, held a conference in Carlsbad, CA. with Marxist Kamala Harris, Guest Speaker of the Resistance to Regain Power of the Progressive Party. Kamala’s father was a Socialist Professor. Pres. Trump’s entire term was under their attacks, as Pelosi, promoted the Anti Trump hate speech. Kamala Harris aided and released (sp) the rioters, saying they should not stop, and praised the Marxist BLM as brilliant. Maxine Waters said to confront the Republicans, and cabinet members wherever, they were. They promoted the riots, including the Capitol Chaos. McConnell was bought years ago, when he married the daughter of a wealthy, Chinese shipyard owner. His sister in law, is or was on the board of the China Bank, and may now be President. Unite and stand for America. Biden has shown disrespect for our Military.
Trump certainly did not divide the Republican Party, because it was already divided between “patriot Americans” and “Go along to get along spineless Rinos. Trump united the people of the Patriots of the United states, but was unable to unite the Republican Party.
Trump was the “radical” solution to a truly radical problem. He tells the truth; which is offensive to the establishment liars. He serves America. The swamp serves themselves only.
Thus, Trump HAD to go. Lies, conspiracies, hypocracy, insanity, and election fraud got rid of their problem.
ALL AND ANY persons who participated in this atrocity MUST be punished: booted out at the primary elections &/or boycotted &/or replaced. No exceptions. We need to not just drain the swamp but also scub and sanitize its space.
Out with the old, in with an entirely new, clean world of truth and morality.
He showed us how hard ( if not impossible???) it is to clean the swamp. They will silence and inprison anyone that tries to take them out of the game.
HE certainly DID show us, just how DEEP that swamp is.
Republicans destroyed the Republican Party. Liz Cheney, Romney, McConnell the McCains and a host of other’s. I would call them Democrats. The SWAMP runs deep. Every true Republican should be standing
against this impeachment, it’s not even Constitutional. Impeachment is for removing someone from office and if they don’t know that, they shouldn’t be in office!
Leftist ideology always thrives in the midst of chaos and calamity.
Leftist ideology prescribes chaos and calamity as necessary means to overthrow “Capitalism” (i.e., free markets & private ownership of property).
FTR, when Fellow Travelers are well versed in subversive tactics, no advance coordination is necessary. Trained Marxists™ recognize when circumstances favor The Struggle, and reflexively know how best to avoid “[letting] a serious crisis go to waste.” (The rest are Useful Idiots who watch the drama and take it as spontaneous and natural.)
I agree with “Out with the old, in with an entirely new, clean world of truth and morality”, but beware of the many wolves out there in sheep’s clothing. Many of the old got elected running as Conservatives only to become swamp dellers.
Which is why i’d LOVE IT, if we the voter, could SUE THOSE RINOS, for false advertising and CONNING US into voting for them/donating to them, by ‘APPEARING as conservatives JUST TILL THEY GOT our vote’…
The party of (r) has been on a slow DEATH SPIRAL since before Reagan.
When Trump won the Nomination, the ‘old guard’ went all in to completely destroy the party from within.
The Stronger Trump became the harder the party elites fought against him.
RINO’s and weak kneed Republicans have done more to destroy the GOP than President Trump ever did. It took an outsider to show party members just how much the Swamp infected the party. I was out with the TEA Party. I never saw so many lies about a loyal , peaceful , respectful movement in my life . Never saw one fight , only heard one curse ( And that person was told to cool it because there were so many children around …and he apologized ! ). Was there for the second Tea Party event in DC , The one on Richmond and Glenn Beck’s event on the mall. Same things happened. We were so full of ” Vitriol ” marching down the street , I was asked to play ( On my Fife ) Amazing Grace. It sure beats the leftists screaming F… The Police. FYI , NO TEA Party member was arrested and no garbage or trash was left as litter. If President Trump wants to form a Patriots Party or revitalize the GOP , I will go along with it. President Trump had more respect for Lincoln and the GOP than the RINO”S and the weak kneed freaks who beg for crumbs at the demonrat table.
Instead of begging for money 10 times a day , Come up with a real platform to get rid of RINO’s , Find Candidates who will FIGHT for America . Target States with Swamp Dwellers for representatives and work with President Trump to clean up the GOP or form a new Freedom Party. Work with the strong GOP governors , Mayors and other elected officials and never again roll over dead when the demonrat party changes how things get done. The election was a farce and you know it and we know it and what in hell are you going to do to fight this lie and what are you going to do to insure it never happens again ? Come up with a real program before you start begging for more money. You sure didn’t do all that well with the millions you spent this time.
The GOP Establishment has destroyed the Republican Party. They hate the party base. They hate Trump. Trump loved the base, and the base loved him….. which is why they continue to try and destroy him.
AND US too.. Don’t forget that.
The Republican (LACKEY) Party Destroyed It’s Self Over The Past Four (4) Years !!! By Not Having The Fortitude nor Back Bone to Effectively Investigate and Bring To Justice The Likes Of Obama ( His 1.5 Billion Dollar Bribe To Iran, His Illegal Immigration Policy, His Gun Running To The Mexican Cartel), The Biden Family (Their Influence Peddling To China and Ukraine For Profit) , The Clinton Klan (Their Foundation, Uranium One Deal With Russia, Bengaze ), George Soros and His Henchmen, Both Foreign and Domestic To Insight Insurrection Within Our Cities and States) and Sadly So Many Others!!!!! All in the name of “Political Correctness” !!!!! The Lackey Republicans Allowed The New Radicalized Far Left Demoncrat Socialist Party along With The Deep Dark State to Skillfully Implement Their Evil Agenda and This Fraudulent Election Against Our America In Order to Further Destroy America !!!! Please Pray For Our America !!!!
I’m dismayed to read that even Dan Crenshaw turned tail and ran and backed up quisling traitor 5th columnist Liz Cheney. If he does that, there’s no hope for the GOPas it stands. When you are in the midst of the swamp fight like the Swamp Fox. Dan let us down.
Whether intentional or not, President Donald J. Trump was a revelation to all who chose to see, no matter the Party affiliation.
He was not able to drain the swamp, as he was but one man with a hand pump, but he lowered the slime just enough for all to see how deep and wide the swamp actually is and how it is not just DC.
We are all now well aware that the swamp is spread throughout the nation, from election officials and volunteers in counties, to the upper levels of federal government agencies and bureaus and of course, many elected officials.
The other view Trump provided us was that not all who were assumed to be on the side of right, were indeed so, as there were many snakes in the grass on the edge of the swamp.
The result of the last four years has been that we are all much more aware, much more observant and much, much more united in our cause.
The Republican Party belongs to us, not those who claim the name to seek profit and notoriety, we are the Party and we need to clean the house, not burn it down. The Party can not be blamed for the problems we see, it is no more than a name, one which has been used by many that were undeserving. It is our charge to correct this, vet our choices and hold all accountable. There can be no second chances, you either represent us or you don’t, there is no in between!