Our nation is facing so many serious crises at the same time that even a competent administration would have difficulty formulating a response that could promptly return the prosperity and stability of life in America to the level we had experienced during the pre-pandemic years of the Trump Administration. With the dangerously insane, woke Biden-Harris Administration now in charge of the federal government, we are at the mercy of clueless fools who are more concerned with personal pronouns, bathroom choices for transgenders, silencing political opposition, and promoting Critical Race Theory than they are with resolving any of the problems they have created as a direct result of their inept leadership.
Of one thing we can be certain. Whatever Joe Biden and his political hacks do while in office, it will weaken America instead of strengthening it.
inluminatuo on Trump Should Call for a New American Patriotism: “It could be arguably stated that it was not just American slavery and racism but the world-wide acceptance of it…” Dec 3, 10:24
inluminatuo on Ninth Circuit rules in favor of federal deportation: ““The federal government has the authority to deport foreign nationals in the U.S. illegally over the objection of local authorities,…” Dec 3, 09:46
Scruffy_USN_Retired on Trump Should Call for a New American Patriotism: “This treasonous, destructive, immoral, unethical, lying, woke, socialist Democrat Party, their Democrat RINOs have become our country’s most destructive and…” Dec 3, 08:56
He can’t see the forest for the trees.
He’s too busy eating ice cream to see anything.
Our nation is facing so many serious crises at the same time that even a competent administration would have difficulty formulating a response that could promptly return the prosperity and stability of life in America to the level we had experienced during the pre-pandemic years of the Trump Administration. With the dangerously insane, woke Biden-Harris Administration now in charge of the federal government, we are at the mercy of clueless fools who are more concerned with personal pronouns, bathroom choices for transgenders, silencing political opposition, and promoting Critical Race Theory than they are with resolving any of the problems they have created as a direct result of their inept leadership.
Of one thing we can be certain. Whatever Joe Biden and his political hacks do while in office, it will weaken America instead of strengthening it.
TO me, they are NOT clueless fools, THEY ARE DOWNRIGHT EVIL tools, who are WILLFULLY doing this.