Unabashedly sponsoring two genocidal regimes as they attempt for the third time to hijack the Olympics into a public relations gambit isn’t just an accident of history for Coca-Cola, it now seems company policy.
n 2008, when Coca Cola was criticized for its support of the 2008 Beijing Games because of China’s human rights abuses, the then-chairman of Coke, Neville Isdell, justified their previous sponsorship of the Nazi’s Berlin games in 1936 as something they would do again, because, like Britain’s Neville Chamberlain, Coke was on a mission of peace.
“The sponsorship would have been committed four or five years ahead of that,” Isdell told WARC in 2008, “and don’t forget Neville Chamberlain was in Berlin on a very popular mission to talk to Hitler.”
He added: “Not everything [about the Nazis] was known in 1938 [when Chamberlain visited Hitler] and the Olympics were in 1936.”
That may be true, but too much is known today about Chinese communist abuses of human rights and its commitment to genocide among its minorities.
So maybe Coca-Cola should be out of excuses for the 2022 Beijing games.
But it isn’t.
Now, in fact, it almost seems like Coca-Cola approves of Nazi and Communist policies that degrade human beings, with forced organ harvesting to benefit the kleptocracy behind the Bamboo Curtain and mass rape to gene-wash out of existence the inconvenient minorities that threaten Maoist conformity — just to name a few of its genocidal tendencies.
How else would you explain the advertisement that Coke ran not too long ago called “The Good Old Days” that celebrated the Nazi invention of Fanta as a substitute for wartime-prohibited Coca-Cola?
“Coca-Cola has pulled an ad for Fanta in Germany after accusations it intentionally overlooked the role the Nazi regime had in the soda’s creation,”CBS News reported.
“The ad, called ‘Good Old Times,’ was meant to celebrate Fanta’s 75th anniversary.”
Coke ran the ad in 2015, ignoring why Fanta was created to begin with: World War II.
That’s right: Just six years ago the company was celebrating the Nazi victory over U.S. embargoes that excluded Coke’s soda syrup in Germany.
It should also be noted that the 1936 Olympics in Berlin that Coke helped make possible was part of a set-piece to the classic propaganda movie, Triumph of the Will, produced in 1935 that helped glorify and popularize fascist government worldwide.
Compromisers like Coca Cola Company make it possible for regimes like the Nazis and the Chinese communists to use the Olympics — even in 2022 — to put a patina of respectably over the gaping, festering wound that these governments create.
And that respectability subsequently allows the abusers to spread their deadly malignance out of those wounds to everywhere.
It should no longer be tolerated, even and especially at a mission for peace like the Olympics and even especially by a company like Coke.
© Copyright © 2022, Accuracy in Media
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If coke was the only remedy to put out my house on fire, I’d let her burn to the ground before buying coke for anything.
TIme to kick EVERY COKE Facility and worker, OUT OF THE US, rescind their US citizenships, and EXILE THEM to china, if they love that nation so bloody much.
I like Coke and I love the Coca-Cola bears. Why do they feel compelled to ruin that image?
Just like with the M&M’s story that was on here a few days ago. I love M&M’s—they have been around since I was a kid. But Mars-Wrigley just has to jump into the societal upheaval fueled by wokeness and political correctness. Candy just can’t stay candy and be left alone.
These companies are ruining a good thing.
IF FOlks, would stop supporting them, MAYBE they’d get the hint.
The demonic Democrat Party’s intensions – “Rule and Ruin” everywhere possible.
In order to appeal to the woke/Dem half of their customers, these companies piss off the right half. What business sense does that make? NONE. So these CEOs are abusing their position to advance their own ideology which is what leftists always do. Shareholders should demand they be fired.
A long-time drinker of Coca Cola, I switched to Dr Pepper when Major League Baseball pulled out of Atlanta over voter ID. This is one more reason not to switch back. Ever.
Things do NOT go better with coca cola and it’s NOT the real thing. All they do is teach the world to sing Marxist propaganda.
I’d rather drink battery acid, than coke.
Apparently it has similar corrosive effects in the long run. Kids used to clean pennies with Coke, housewives their toilets!