CNN is at it again. As part of the network’s coverage of the “Cop City” protests and riots over the weekend in Atlanta, one CNN guest suggested that the word “violent” shouldn’t be used. What do you think?
During the Kenosha riots, CNN was famously mocked for the headline of a “fiery but mostly peaceful protest.” Now, police vehicles had windows smashed and were set on fire. Store fronts were vandalized as well. Why is leftist violence always dismissed?
More classified documents are discovered at Joe Biden’s home. Plus, Kamala Harris butchers the Declaration of Independence.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Why is leftist violence always dismissed?
Because the worthless GOP sat back and never countered these lies. The radical left saw an opening where they could lie without rebuttable and they took it. When the GOP goes on the offense and exposes these propagandists then this will end.
LEFTIST violence is condoned. RIGHT protests are called violence.
“Why is leftist violence always dismissed?”
Because the Democrat Party’s hate and destruction of its political opponents is part of the CNN and other Democrat media outlets’ dishonest, disgraceful character.
When we elect Godless, dishonest, immoral, hateful self-righteous, self-serving political representatives like the corrupt, demented, puppet Joe Biden, Tinkerbell PinocchiObama, the hateful Nancy Pelosi, racist Maxine Waters, Liar Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Camel toe Kamala Harris, Bimbo Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Muslim Ilhan Omar, squaw Elizabeth Warren and Ayanna Pressley who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you gotta ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity OR to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens? No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation. Vote ALL Democrats and RINOs OUT of Office everywhere. Return this country to we the people and by the people.
I’m thinking “mostly peaceful” shouldn’t be used. There are just too many willingly stupid people in this country—any probably in the world. If mankind is the crowning act of Creation, then it is an insult to the animal kingdom.
USA—United Stupidity in America
What’s the bet, the next time we see a “redo of the words in the dictionaries, MOSTLY PEACEFUL comes up as one of the words being put in!”