Cindy McCain, the widow of former senator and presidential candidate John McCain, is blasting Arizona Republicans for supporting an audit of the 2020 elections. McCain, who openly supported Joe Biden for president, said the effort to review the 2020 ballots is “ludicrous.” Isn’t this the time to review procedures and operations, so that the next election is run even better?
The Democrats are in an uproar over the Arizona ballot audit, and they have sued to try to get it stopped. With the importance of elections to our constitutional republic, shouldn’t an audit be done after EVERY election?
Sen. Susan Collins comes to the defense of both Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney. Plus, Caitlyn Jenner gets called out by the far left for supporting girls’ sports.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Good old Cindy McCain, who is like her late husband, an open borders New World Order, voter fraud traitor, who voted for the Biden criminal crime family. Cindy, why don’t you fly to communist China with Hunter?
I honestly wonder, is there ANY IN the mccain family, that are NOT rancid leftist traitors??
hunter may have some ‘minimum standards’?
Why doesn’t Cindy McCain just say she is a democrat. She says she supported the Biden’s who in my opinion are one of the most corrupt families along with the clintons. Doing a thorough audit will show some of the extensive fraud that went on all around the country from those elections. NO WAY Biden got more votes than President Trump, Obama , or another real leader President Ronald Reagan. The Democrats are in an uproar because they are afraid of what REALLY happened if proper audits are done.
who do these ****** think they represent.? It certainly isn’t the Constitution. Pathetic as usual. True pinko sympathizers They aren’t the only ones. That dumb bell Bush was on Kimmel.
The question I don’t see being asked is ‘Why do the socialists oppose an audit’? It seems to me that if there was nothing to hide, there would be no harm done. They seem to be frantic to stop it from going forward. Do you suppose the know something that they don’t want to see the light of day? Asking for a friend…
IT is being asked, just not in the lame stream media.. AND THE reason they are against it, IS CAUSE THEY DON’T want the proof being found, about their FRAUD…
Its obvious why. They always cheat and lie. The real question is… Why do some Republicans defend them? Its obvious why. They are agents for the Democrat Party. They are traitors and sell-outs too.
Cindy should shut her big fat mouth and join her crummy husband in hell.
AND do it soon please..
Cindy, Cindy, Cindy the little rich girl who picked off a cheating husband whose wife was dieing of cancer. Who stole drugs from the NGO she was volunteering for and became addicted and had to be rehabbed. Who cheated ion John profusely while he was away in WA drinkin’ and partyin’. Who wrote a condemnation of Jan Brewer and Joe Arpaio and spread it everywhere throughout the USA. Who traveled to CA to support Prop 8. I quote her;
“36 Reasons Why Arizona Is The Best State
Arizona is home to some 6.5 million people. Even though the state often gets a bad rap because of our crazy Governor, Sheriff, and our hot summers, we still have one of the best states in the country!”
What a worthless Btch.
Consider the source and what are you worried about, Cindy?
Cindy McCain , is a Buffoon like her Old Man. And he was a very WORTHLESS Individual that had No Common Sense.
His Brain was as big as the Smallest Pea ever Developed. Just like the One that Joey China aka O’ Biden and Peloski aka Pelosi carries Around.
You mean his brain is like a BB in a boxcar?
John McCain was a worthless, treacherous political pig for the intrenched Washington bureaucracy.
It’s hard for me to decide who was worse. HER, joe, Nancy or John… THEY ARE ALL rotten.
‘Ludacris’ only if you do not want to know the truth. And why, pray tell, would you not want to know the truth? Because you already know the truth. And it isn’t the truth that you want. This being that Trump won the last election by a landslide. You hate Trump. So, the truth is of less than no value to you.
THat certainly sounds like that’s why folks like her, don’t WANT to know the facts…
The McCains have been Democrats plants in the Republican party since the beginning . John was a fence jumper so he identified with the Dems. Then Cindy became an Opiod addict and fried her brain so don’t take anything she says as truth.
With all the fuss that the Democrats are making over an audit of this past Presidential election, it makes me wonder if they themselves believe that they actually won. The Democrats demanded a recount of the Florida ballots during the 2000 Presidential election, and it was granted. So what’s the problem with Arizona doing a recount of the 2020 election? If Biden actually won there shouldn’t be a problem.
THEY Even took it to the scotus, to get the chad thing overturned.. YET WHINED LIKE stuck pigs, when Don wanted to do the same!
I think most Biden supporters find his victory as hard to believe as Republicans do. This audit could find enough evidence to make the case for overturning the special election to fill the remainder of John McCain’s term. At this point that is the bigger prize. If the Republicans can regain that seat Chucky Schumer is no longer Senate majority leader and a lot of Biden’s agenda to pack the courts, add states, double the minimum wage, etc. dies.
EVEN IF they do unearth all this evidence of fraud, i highly DOUBT there will be ANY COURT willing to overturn things.
Why does McCain’s widow claim to be Republican when she voted for Bidemented and trashes Republicans? Come clean, Cindy. Say it loud and say it proud, you and your husband who hogged a Senate seat for decades accomplishing nothing are Democrat supporters and always have been.
Obviously the beer queen intends to run for office using her dead husband’s name.
Good luck with that.
Hey, Cindy, why is it ‘ludicrous’? If they find nothing, it strengthens your claim that there was no election fraud and you get to laugh some more and point fingers. Or are you afraid that such massive election fraud will be revealed that other States will also audit their election results?
Every election should be audited. If the election was fair and honest an audit should not turn up any major issues. The problem comes if an audit reveals some sort of election fraud. That would then cast doubt on who “won” the various races.
Joe Biden would still be president even if it was discovered the state’s electoral votes should have gone to President Trump.
What might change would be the outcome of the Arizona Senate race to fill the remainder of John McCain’s term. That was a relatively close election. If it was found that the wrong person was declared the winner, a lawsuit would likely be filed. If the Court ruled in the Republican candidate’s favor, the Democrats would lose their Senate majority. While that lawsuit played out in court the Democrats would make a mad dash to enact as much of their agenda as possible.
THIS IS why i DEMAND all elections go back to pen, paper and INKED FINGERS… AND All ballots be kept for 5 years after the election, so they CAN BE AUDITED..
Oh, Cindy, you are Soooo irrelevant; we do not want to hear your left wing drivel! SHUT UP and STAY SHUT! Why don’t you move to another country…and take that Cheney broad with you. You two lefties would be good soul mates!
Cindy McCain is afraid that the audit will prove what Trump said was true. The election results were tampered with just enough to tilt AZ to the left. The next question is: “How involved was Cindy McCain in making sure that the tampering occurred? “
Knowing how rotten ALL the Mccains are, i am sure she was deeply involved.
She is following the Flake and John McShame model of irrelevance. She is just as worthless as they were. No one but democraps care what she says because she has bought into the one world crowd of Anti-Americans. What a waste of good oxygen consumption by her.
Cindy McCain… please shut up you closet democrat! Are you afraid of the truth??? You are no more a conservative than I am a unicorn!
The truth is……..We know Trump really won and so do the Democrats. They are afraid we will uncover the truth and expose their lies and their fraud. we all know they cheated Trump out of his first and 2nd term as president. The entire stinking lying Washington establishment is in the crapper.