The head of the Centers for Disease Control Monday warned Michigan to impose new restrictions to limit the spread of COVID-19 in the state.
Dr. Rochelle Walensky advised Michigan authorities to impose limits on gatherings and businesses to blunt the shocking surge of the virus, which doctors blame on more contagious variants.
“What we need to do in those situations is shut things down,” Walensky said.
Walensky rejected a plea from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for the feds to send more vaccines to the state as an additional weapon in the ongoing battle with the virus.
The top public health expert said vaccines would do little to end the ongoing so-called spring surge in Michigan because vaccinations take weeks to protect people against the virus.
“If we try to vaccinate our way out of what is happening in Michigan, we would be disappointed,” Walensky said in a White House briefing on the pandemic.
Whitmer has called on Michigan residents, schools and businesses to voluntarily implement measures to limit the spread, especially wearing masks and limiting contact with other people.
But she has refused to order new restrictions on gatherings, sports or indoor dining even as the virus is again spreading like wildfire.
Whitmer, who has been a lightning rod for conservative critics, hoped to get the feds on board for her proposal to rush vaccines, especially the one-shot Johnson & Johnson vaccine, to the state.
Walensky countered a so-called effort to “surge” vaccines to badly affected states or regions would not be an effective tactic for countering the virus.
“We need that vaccine in other places,” Walensky said. “If we vaccinate today, we will have impact in six weeks and we don’t where the next place is going to be that is going to surge.”
Michigan is by far the state with the worst outbreak of COVID-19 right now.
The state recorded 7,359 a nationwide high of new coronavirus cases on Saturday, the last day that it released figures. The number of hospitalizations and deaths is also rising in Michigan, albeit gradually.
The U.S. is experiencing a modest rebound in coronavirus cases as more contagious strains take hold in some parts of the country. The tens of millions of vaccine doses, especially those given to the most vulnerable elderly people, have mostly helped keep a lid on hospitalizations and deaths.
Some public health experts predict the virus will surge across the country in the coming weeks and months, just like it is doing in Europe and other nations worldwide. Others believe the historic rapid pace of vaccinations will prevent such a so-called fourth wave in the U.S.
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That’s right, lock everything down like Texas and Florida did to get the virus under control. Whoops, sorry, they opened up and got things under control. My bad.
What a total moron in the CDC. I won’t take my sick dog to her for treatment. That’s all you need do, give that evil witch in Michigan more reason to punish her state. Where’s the recall effort out there?
The useless rino’s… that have control of the Michigan house has absolutely …NO… chutzpah to push it forward… they don’t want to rock the gravy train boat they forged with the communist occupier democrats.. you know what “they” say… follow the money!
JUST what witchmer wants to hear…
The only thing that government prostitute mother dog hears is her own greed for money and power… everyone else and thing be damned.
Sounds like EVERY DEMOCRAT out there.
Oh, let’s just shut everything down again. It worked so well the first time(not) let’s just do it again. Shutting down has not worked any time it has been tried.
What is the definition of insanity? Keep doing the same old thing expecting different results.
Not a health issue——a control issue.
I live in Nebraska. We have been wide open for a considerable time. Schools and all related athletic competitions, restaurants, concerts, churches and more. Most communities no longer have any mask mandates and our STATEWIDE hospitalizations are less than 200.
People are happily living their lives which is the best disease prevention. The main “variant” that we have to deal with is where we plan to go for a nice prime rib dinner
THAT pretty much sums up EVERY DEMENTED democrat out there.
Don’t worry they know exactly what they are doing; they are the smart ones and the people who follow and listen like sheep to the science are the dumb ones!! No push back, still have idiots driving alone with mask on! I feel like telling them that the election is over and the pedophile, thief is in office!
More shut downs. How well does that work? Get the darn virus and be done with it.
Maybe we need to do ‘operation clean sweep’ ala the film Outbreak.. THAT would certainly take care of the virus issue in Mi…
CDC = center for domestic control.
Communist dictator center..
“Walensky rejected a plea from Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer for the feds to send more vaccines to the state as an additional weapon in the ongoing battle with the virus.”
It is a known FACT (based on real science and NOT an expert’s opinion) that what they are calling a “vaccine” does nothing to stop the transmission of the China Flu known as Covid-19.
So why go through the cost and fuss of rushing the stuff to a Covid hotspot.
On another note, how many undocumented Covid carriers from Biden’s Border has Michigan accepted this year, for the sake of the illegal immigrant children?
AND SINCE IT does NOT stop someone catching it, HOW THE HELL can they still call it a vaccine!?!?! Isn’t that false advertising?
Woke math was supposed to eliminate your ability to put two and two together.
But to be fair it will stop the spread if you triple mask and remain in your room with no contact to the outside world.
Gretchen how did keeping the state shut down for so long work out for you????? Had you kept the state open, the people in Michigan would have developed herd immunity, just like Sweden. Of course you followed the science, didn’t you Gretchen and by following Dr. Fauci and Dr. Birx, you made things worse. With regard to you Dr. Walensky, just remember the coronavirus is “racist” and it is a health hazard to people of color, because of racism. Why don’t you have Gretchen work at the CDC with you and you can shut down the whole United States. Airheads!!!!!!
She didn’t follow science. She followed the experts.
HER hand picked experts don’t you mean!
This woman is exactly wrong as the government usually is. Open it up, and let those who are paralyzed by fear hide behind ineffectual muzzles and stay away from others. The rest of us are willing to take a chance, just like we do every day when we get out of bed. Some will live to see tomorrow, some will not. Some will have major changes in their lives some will continue without change. We can not see the future, and if we are not allowed to continue on our own courses, it causes great harm for all of society. You may warn the people, but do not try to control them. Stop yelling “wolf” for nothing, and maybe people will start to listen. No one believes the government now because they are abusing their role.
Yes: we must keep doing the same thing even though it has had no effect. That makes perfect sense.
I’m surprised Wretched Gretchen didn’t jump on this “opportunity.” Not like her at all. Perhaps wHitler is starting to feel the heat. The wretched one’s tactics early on were quite not see-esque. Makes separating from duh mitten look better and better every day.
Poor, poor governorette Gretch . . .When Trump was in office, it was her sworn duty to tank her state’s economy along with the rest of the blue states to make the GOP Whitehouse look bad. Peasants out of work and businesses ruined was a small price to pay to accomplish the goal. Let them eat cake. Now with a dunce like Joe mouthing the marching orders, she has seen her villagers show up with torches and pitch forks , demanding to go back to work. Emperor Joe and his inner circle of lieutenants and sycophants won’t be held accountable when voters oust the Pontius Pilate in Lansing. Then again, with another 150% voter turn out as in the last election, it probably won’t matter.
PITY They didn’t follow through with their attempt to OUST HER!