Leftwing California is back in the news with a bill that seeks to make it illegal for retail outlets to have boys and girls sections in the stores. Bernie Sanders defends his socialist policies, and Joe Biden’s gaffes are so bad, even Australian news is covering it. All that and more on today’s show!
With all the messed up stuff in California, one would think that the priorities might be cleaning up the human waste on the streets or picking up the used needles that are on the ground. Instead, one lawmaker thinks that stores should actually be punished for having boys and girls departments. Go gender-neutral or face a $1,000 fine. Does that sound like freedom to you?
Bernie Sanders talked about the scourge of billionaires when he appeared on Fox News Sunday. Meanwhile, Joe Biden’s gaffes have become legendary. Sky News in Australia put a great montage of clips together on Biden. The collection would look great in a President Trump campaign video.
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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