The Brooklyn Center City Council voted 4-1 Saturday to pass a package of sweeping reforms to its public safety system — what the city’s mayor called “a new north star” for policing — one month after an officer fatally shot an unarmed man during a traffic stop.
The proposals will remake the city’s police force with more independent oversight, prohibit arrests for low-level offenses and use unarmed civilians to handle minor traffic violations. The reforms also will make a new city department to oversee public safety.
“[It] will establish a new north star for our community, one that will keep all of us safe,” said Mayor Mike Elliott, who introduced a version of the reforms last week. “It says that we, as your elected leaders, are committing ourselves. And that you can hold us accountable for achieving those goals.”
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Council Members Marquita Butler, April Graves and Dan Ryan joined Elliott in voting for the resolution. Council Member Kris Lawrence-Anderson was the sole no vote. She was not present but said over Zoom that the council hadn’t taken enough time on the proposal.
The three-hour meeting included testimony from the families of Daunte Wright and Kobe Dimock-Heisler, two men who were killed by Brooklyn Center police and whose stories have pressured politicians into seeking changes.
“Thirty-four days ago, our son, on April 11th, was murdered,” said Katie Wright, Daunte’s mother. “I truly believe if this was implemented prior to April 11, our son would still be with us today.”
Former Brooklyn Center officer Kimberly Potter has been charged with second-degree manslaughter in Wright’s death. The killing ignited a week of sustained protests outside the police station and a backlash against minor traffic stops — or pretext stops — that disproportionately affect drivers of color.
Related Story: Former Minneapolis Police Officer Talks About His Decision To Leave: ‘I Did It Out Of Principle’
More than 200 officers have left the Minneapolis Police Department, or have gone on extended leave, since the murder of George Floyd.
Law enforcement officials have criticized Elliott’s proposals, especially the idea of unarmed people making traffic stops. The mayor failed to consult the Law Enforcement Labor Services police union before introducing the reforms, said Jim Mortenson, executive director of the 6,400-member union. No police officers spoke publicly at the meeting Saturday.
The action will create a Community Safety and Violence Prevention office, which would oversee the city’s police, fire and two new city departments: traffic enforcement and community response.
It also resolves to create a committee, which would include residents who have been detained by Brooklyn Center police, to review and make recommendations on such matters as police response to protests and the collective-bargaining agreement between the city and police.
The resolution will direct the city manager to implement a policy requiring officers to issue citations by mail, rather than arrests, for non-moving traffic infractions and non-felony offenses and warrants, unless required by law.
“It is time,” said Butler. “We’ve been talking about these reforms for quite a while, more specifically since last June, after the death of George Floyd. And we didn’t have as much urgency around it as we probably should have.”
U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar sent prepared remarks to the City Council supporting the reforms. “Let’s get this done,” she said in the remarks. “We owe it to Daunte.”
Dozens of citizens spoke at the meeting. One resident said she was concerned about the rise in violence and that street crime that gave her reason to fear for her safety. She said she supports change, but not at the expense of police.
Another said she would like to be part of the oversight committee but feared her voice would not be welcome as a white conservative woman.
In one tense moment, a man said he didn’t agree with having unarmed people pull over drivers. He then turned to Wright and said: “Your son was killed, not because of a traffic stop in my mind. But because he had warrants.”
The crowd booed, drowning out his comments. “You’re being disrespectful!” they shouted. A group moved the man away from the podium, and Elliott apologized to Wright on behalf of the man, who didn’t give his name.
Several Black residents spoke about being racially profiled, or of turning on the news and seeing a story about a police officer shooting someone and fearing the victim was a family member.
“The changes we’re talking about will take a while. And we have no more time to wait,” said Amity Dimock, the mother of Dimock-Heisler. “Please, please — and we will work with you every step of the way — but please do this. Please vote yes.”
Brooklyn Center officers shot Dimock-Heisler six times in 2019 after responding to a mental health call. Dimock-Heisler’s grandfather called police after Dimock-Heisler, who had autism, had grabbed a knife, and he feared his grandson might hurt himself.
Dimock has been instrumental in convincing lawmakers to change laws at the Capitol, including mandating autism training for police officers across Minnesota. Dimock said she believed her son may be alive if the changes had been in place then.
Andy Mannix
(c)2021 the Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
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“Black Lives matter”…… to whom???
I.A.W. U.S. Census & FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 6% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~53% of all the murders and ~55% of all robberies in the U.S… Every year in the U.S. there are ~5,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 93% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
“Black people make up 23 percent of New York city’s population, but they commit 75 percent of all shootings. … Whites are 33 percent of the city’s population, but they commit fewer than 2 percent of all shootings…
“These disparities mean that virtually every time that police in New York are called out after a shooting, they are being summoned into minority neighborhoods looking for minority suspects.”
“Five one-thousandths (0.005) of one percent (1%) of the interactions of police officers with black people end up in the death of a suspect,” Bishop E.W. Jackson states. “Over Five-thousand black men, women and children die every single year in black-on-black crime.”
In that light, Bishop Jackson asks: “How many bodies do you have to step over to get to the one that you think is important only because a police officer was involved?”
(Bishop Earl Walker Jackson Sr. is an African American conservative, Protestant minister.)
Statistics or logic or common senses does not matter to the liberal left. The BLM and Antifa groups are part of the Democratic Communist Party.
It sounds to me like we have a black cultural problem in this County.
From this point on it won’t make much sense for Brooklyn Center to bother passing any sort of laws. Take down speed sign, stop signs, etc. Let the real chaos of non policing be out in the open.
Don’t forget, the voters of Brooklyn Center put these idiots in office, I hope they get their just reward for their stupidity.
And please Broklyn Center people, don’t move to my state (MO). Stay wright where you are and enjoy your misery.
Let the fun begin. Stop protecting or paying to protect these “lawmakers”. Watch the crime rates spike to unprecedented levels and let the people protect themselves. Watch how any level headed police officer starts to retreat in their jobs. Who would want to protect people that are too stupid to protect their community. Call a social worker, or omar, or aoc, or presley, or Elliot, , the council members , Daunte Wrights family, or george floyds family , or blm, or antifa, to protect them when someone wants to do them harm, steal their stuff, run away from a crime. Stupid creates crime to increase, Don’t call 911 or any cop when you are hurt, etc.. Take the 911 out of your memory, or eliminate it from your phones, Good luck.
Pity those who GUARD these hacks in office, don’t go on strike as well!
That will be next along with any citizen criticizing criminals
for rape, murder, riot and arson will be charged
with a hate crime……………William
I say every business that owns a store or other building, in brooklyn center, PULL OUT NOW< and cease doing any sort of business WITH that whole area…
” sweeping reforms to its public safety system”. In other words Mayor Mike Elliott crime will be even worse that it is now. The police have been “defunded” by you, Mayor, as they can no longer do their jobs. You have just created a crime haven for criminals to run wild. Oh and the sociology and psychology majors will be shot and killed or severely injured doing traffic stops. Like I have stated before, donkeys on the donkey farm have more common sense than many people in our society.
Public safety?? WHO’s safety.. CERTAINLY NOT the general public.
In case there was doubt in any Brooklyn resident’s mind on why to move out, doubt has been removed
Their entire police department needs to take a very long weekend out of town. When they get back, a simple “miss me yet?” might get things moving back in the right direction.
“having unarmed people pull over drivers” ……. Wow, that sounds like a great gig! What could go wrong ? Where do I sign up ??
Especially when we’ve see, gee HOW MANY TRAFFIC Stops this year alone, result in a cop being SHOT!
What could possibly go wrong with this detached from reality idea?!?!
“It says that we, as your elected leaders, are committing ourselves. And that you can hold us accountable for achieving those goals.”
What you should do is commit yourselves to an insane asylum!!
ALONG with all those who VOTED these ninconpoops into office.
What’s next? Issuing nerf guns to the police? Or would that scare the liberals too much?
The ongoing act of Defunding Police goes hand in hand with the Anti Gun and Second Amendment issue !!! The Radicalized Far Left Demoncrat Socialist Party along with the Deep Dark State Must remove all Public and Self Defense Capability From We The People !!! This is so when they Unleash Their Evil Agenda Upon We The People and America, We Will Be Defenseless !!!!
Even these far left winger can’t be stupid enough to believe they can disarm the citizens of this country without a fight, can they?
They are trying very hard. I hope these communists know that it will cost them dearly, and they will lose big time.
Unfortunately, YES THEY ARE that stupid.
Auggie. WITH More and more, it seems the military is getting PURGED of any loyalists to our constitution, same as the fbi, doj, DEA etc, IF/when they come, it will be TYRANTS and their black booted thugs…
Yeah, I bet the UNARMED CIVILIANS will be lining up to go into those neighborhoods and investigate a problem disturbance or Crime….if they now have Life Insurance, it would be a good time to check and see if they are covered while doing this AND if their Insurance Company finds out, they may just get cancelled! This has to be one of the DUMBEST IDEAS to come our of a LIBERAL BRAIN. Does this IDIOT Mayor expect this to replace real POLICE WORK by REAL POLICE OFFICERS????
“Sweeping police reform”—as in sweeping the real problem under the rug while instituting procedural potholes that merely give the appearance of getting something done.
IMO, that is what every one of the policies of every democrat, has done. APPEAR to solve things, while solving absolutely NOTHING.
Well said. Not my idea of reform, just stupidity . You vote 13 this is what you get.
This is a serious legal statement by the mayor and city council that they are no longer providing police protection to their citizens. At least they are being straight forward about it and documenting their plan in legal documents for everyone to read.
One of many questions that comes to mind is how much longer will the League of Minnesota Cities continue to sell them liability insurance that covers omissions and errors, our typical indemnity coverage for both elected and hired employees? And/or how much longer the other cities in Minnesota will want to share exposure in their insurance pool with Brooklyn Center.
This could work OK for the city officials if they divest of everything they own and become pennyless, with nothing to loose but home owners, who must pay city property taxes to run the city government, and pay the city’s liabilities, including law suits for negligence have no way of knowing how big a risk they are facing and how much it will cost them in the future.
If I lived there I’d find a way to relocate as soon as possible before property values take a nose-dive, property taxes skyrocket and businesses leave.
Heck, what about geico, allstate etc.. HOW MUCH LONGER WILL they keep insuring companies and businesses, that STAY in liberal cities like this?
If you read the goals of the organized, Marxist BLM, co founder, Patrisse Cullors, it is ultimately to replace the police with a group like the new Black Panthers, or Farrakhan’s Islamist group. This is a dangerous path for Americans, as they will push their power, and perhaps gradually infiltrate their Sharia Law. An article mentioned this, unarmed citizen arrests, being tried in MN., Omar’s area. They had the Global Marxist, BLM financial center (from Tide’s to Currents) in Oakland, CA. This is Pelosi’s area, where Kamala Harris is from. Obama’s mentor was associated with Kamala’s parents, who inspired the new Black Panther Party. They were the aggressors during Obama’s term, but not as violent as the Marxist BLM or ANTIFA have been. They flip and divert attention from them to Trump, and white supremacy. They use the CRT, Critical Race Theory in Education & training employees, to create guilt in non blacks. The goal is to diminish others to an inferior race, which will easily submit.
Well, okay then.
All you white criminals & wannabes in the vicinity can now join the black criminals & load up your vehicles with illegal guns & dope & head on over to BC town to rob, rape & murder to your heart’s content.
All other folks better get the hell out of town.
The subversion of government in America from the Presidency on down to
City Councils and Mayors is one of the main parts in the plan to make
America unlivable for Americans and the destruction of society as the
final outcome. Welcome to the new bedrock of totalitarianism…..William
Using unarmed civilians in place of police? Hope they have a good life insurance policy and it’s paid up. The next of kin will need it.
IF i worked for an insurance company, i’d CEASE ISSUING POLICIES to those doing this stupidity..
Yeps get the hello out of there fast , its going to be a free for all do what you want kill , run people over , if you don’t like what they look like beat there face !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Yeps
In many ways, in these libtard hellholes, ITS ALREADY THAT WAY..
Lol. I like to see a bunch of unarmed people going into the hood at night to issue tickets …
There are going to be dead civilians, and a lot more crimes…but who would have guessed that?
I do not live there but if I did, I would do the same as I do here where I live. Allow any thief to come into my house for the 2 times – first and last cause the last will be for a ride to morgue.
“It’ll never fly Orville”. But good luck trying. LOL
Looks like there will be a mass exodus of this town and any tourism they may have had will be down to zero. These brainless clowns will have no way to pay for any of this let alone all the lawsuits that will be coming their way. Can we say that this city will be bankrupt within the next year.
THEN all they’ll do is put their hand out to unca guvt, to BAIL them out..
Hello driver, This is your On Star. You have been sited 8 speeding tickets since you traveled through our city.
Just a matter of time before governors are put into cats so the On Start type programs can disable your vehicle, site you all kinds of summons and force you to drive somewhere yo do not want to go to. The future is upon us.
WHICH IS WHY i hate all the fandango new cars, cause ALL Of them seem to be more and more computerized..
What could possibly go wrong?
And, while the crowd may have booed, the guy who said the man who died did so not because of a traffic stop but due to outstanding warrants is right.