The Boulder city council had to do something, I’m sure. After the mass shooting in a grocery store, the pressure was likely on for them to have to do something.
Boulder City Council unanimously passed a symbolic resolution Tuesday that calls on state and national leaders to pass gun control legislation that they said would prevent mass shootings.
The resolution supports things like a waiting period of at least six days for gun purchases, universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons.
It also supports appealing the district court’s decision to lift the city’s assault weapon ban that was put in place in 2018. A judge ruled last month a city can’t ban the possession of assault weapons because state law says local governments can’t do that.
Boulder is convinced that its gun control would have magically stopped it; like it would have put a forcefield over the city and no so-called assault weapons could get through.
– Read more at Bearing Arms
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Reminds me of joke I once heard… 2 liberals were buying truck loads of fruit down south for $1000.00…driving it back up north and selling it for $1000.00… after 5 trips … one lib says to the other… man.. we just anit making any money here… the other one replied.. I told you… we needed a bigger truck!
LOL>. YEa it does show the stupidity of these morons. BUT WORSE< are the voters who KEEP ELECTING them!
Boulder City Council, a bunch of liberal communists! Need I say more about their mental illness!
THIS is what happens when your state WILLINGLY THROWS its doors open, and accepts in all “liberals” who are supposedly “FLEEING” their state… THEY COME IN AND ROT YOUR STATE, making it just a mirror of the one they fled from!?
Any freedom loving person knows if they live in Colorado what a ignorant bunch of short sighted college town thinking morons run that place.
Thumbs Up!
WHICH IS why florida, ohio, texas and all other sane red states, need to be more DISCERNING on what people they allow to relocate to them!
“Boulder is convinced that its gun control would have magically stopped it; like it would have put a forcefield over the city and no so-called assault weapons could get through.”
If the Democrat Party gun laws worked, then Democrat ruled Chicago with the most and toughest gun laws in the country,
would be the safest place to live in the U.S..
According to the Cook County Medical Examiner’s office, 875 people died from gun violence last year.
Doesn’t that just make you want to move to Chicago and raise a family??…………….. NOT!!!
I wouldn’t even force my worst enemy to move and live in chi-raq.
Democrat stronghold after democrat stronghold, instituting the same failed policies over and over, expecting different results. Sounds like insanity to me.
THEN Spreading out “like rats fleeing a sinking ship”, to infect EVERY OTHER city they can get ‘welcomed’ into.
Liberal think: do something even it’s obviously stupid
IMO that’s how most of their policy decisions are.
GET SOMETHING passed, just so we ‘look like we are trying to do something”, even though NOT A DAMN THING WE have done so far, has ever worked.
Totally agree that mass shootings should be outlawed. Picking someone off here and there would be fine.
How’s about we
A) Ban those welfare leeches and B) Democrat voters from owning guns.. IMO that right there should cut down the crime rates by 85% or so.