(The Center Square) — President Joe Biden’s nominee to Chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff helped spearhead the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion movement at the Air Force and now faces formal Inspector General complaints over his pledge to promote and hire subordinates based on race.
Chief of Staff of the Air Force Charles Q. Brown is expected to testify before the Senate Armed Services Committee Tuesday as the next step in his nomination process.
Brown has been a major backer of the DEI efforts at the Air Force, which has joined other branches in embracing the DEI agenda. The Air Force launched a Diversity and Inclusion Task Force in September 2020, and Brown said in the fall of 2020 that DEI was a key point of recruiting and a factor in promotions.
“I hire for diversity, because they all bring a different perspective, which makes my decisions that much better, because I hear different sides of the argument,” Brown said in November of 2020 as part of a virtual event hosted by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs. “Hearing from all these different groups provides a perspective…It makes us stronger as an Air Force, and I think it makes us stronger as a nation as well.”
The American Accountability Foundation gave The Center Square an advance copy of an Inspector General complaint to be filed Monday against Brown, pointing to several media interviews where Brown says he considers race as a factor in hiring and promotion.
“General Brown has made statements in favor of making hiring and promotion decisions in the Air Force based on race, as well as monitoring the private beliefs of recruits, airmen, officers, and employees with the intention of censoring those beliefs,” the complaint said.
Critics say Brown’s actions violate the equal protection clause, free speech, and the Department of Defense code of conduct. They point to the Secretary of the Air Force’s official Air Force Policy Directive 36-27 from March of 2019, which states:
“It is against Air Force policy for any Airman, military or civilian to unlawfully discriminate, harass, intimidate, or threaten a military or civilian Airman on the basis of race, color, sex, national origin, religion, or sexual orientation. In addition, it is unlawful to discriminate, harass, intimidate, or threaten a civilian Airman based on age, disability, genetic information, gender indentity as a form of sex discrimination, reprisal, or any other non-merit factors prohibited by statute, regulation, or Executive Order.”
Federal law currently prohibits discriminating against candidates in hiring based on race.
“These efforts have had a particularly deleterious impact on the Department of Defense which for decades has prided itself on its tradition of meritocracy where individuals can achieve their highest potential based on their aptitude and hard work, versus their race, sex, and ethnicity,” Thomas Spoehr, a Heritage expert and retired lieutenant general who served more than 36 years in the U.S. Army, told The Center Square, adding that he believes the push is hurting recruitment.
As The Center Square previously reported, Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said in a speech earlier this year that Active-duty Air Force is expected to miss its 2023 recruiting goal by 10%.
Democrats, and some Republicans, though, have welcomed Brown’s nomination, meaning blocking his nomination could be an uphill battle.
“As the Ranking Member of the Appropriations Defense Subcommittee, I have valued General Brown’s extensive experience, focus, and thoughtfulness, all qualities he would bring to the role of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,” Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine, said in a statement after the nomination was announced. “He has served at the highest levels in the INDO-PACOM theater and understands what is necessary to deter China. I look forward to the Armed Services Committee swiftly considering his nomination to ensure a smooth transition for the country’s highest uniformed position.”
” President Joe Biden’s nominee to Chair the Joint Chiefs of Staff helped spearhead the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion movement at the Air Force and now faces formal Inspector General complaints over his pledge to promote and hire subordinates based on race.”
More efforts of this Democrat Party’s corrupt puppet president to turn of country’s defiance military into a ineffective, immoral, social club who will attempt to defend our country with their feeling and sexual perversions. Obama and his butt buddy puppet Joe Biden are doing everything they can to destroy the U.S.A.. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Thursday, March 12, 2015. Michael F. Haverluck (OneNewsNow.com)
“Joe Biden went on to assure the pro-LGBTQ crowd that even though the Obama administration cannot enforce a thought police, people who stand for their religious convictions are in the process of being wiped out — as the White House’s homosexual agenda continues to proliferate across the nation. Carson and others who ascribe to the biblical view of homosexuality should be eradicated from the planet in the name of “equality” and “tolerance.” “
Hitting wickets, of LGBTQ()!_!_$#$)*UC)S*ADYUCW$# matters more to these traitors, than QUALIFIICATIONS do!
As a 23 year career and retired military member of the U.S. Air Force, I am ashamed of what our military is turning into. Lets just pray each night that our country does not have to go to war. We will be in a no-win situation with our military being run by a group of socialist.
“Tell me who your friends are and I’ll tell you what you are.”,,,,, Namely people who pledge to promote and hire subordinates based on race, are themselves the real Racists, with no cogent understanding of the concepts of equality, let alone equal opportunity. Professing to make all people equal in outcomes while diminishing one color of people to elevate another based upon skin color is just another version of racism, with the colors reversed. You cannot have liberty let alone equality by forcibly or legislatively taking away from one race to give it to another.
You cannot strengthen the weak, by weakening the strong,
You cannot lift the wage earner by pulling down the wage payer.
You cannot help the poor man by destroying the rich.
You cannot keep out of trouble by spending more than your income.
You cannot further brotherhood of men by inciting class hatred.
You cannot establish security on borrowed money.
You cannot build character and courage by taking away man’s initiative and independence.
You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves, or put corrupt men into power over you who would steal your life force expended to acquire the very personal property (And now Military) that protects you from them.
To the left, those things are EXACTLY what they are about.
How about we start getting “REAL” about who is making the decisions on everything in our Nation. If you really still think it is Joe Biden or Karmela Harris, you are a foolish person or extremely naive! Who is the top Dog? BHO, Soros, Gates , New World Order spokesman Claus S. would be good choices.
we are pretty much screwed!
This bilious Biden woke gender and race obsessed nomination for Joint Chief of staff is like the midget who walked into a bar and tried to kiss everyone in the joint. Not a fighting General but a political one who will produce nothing but another Afghanistan disaster.
Since biden recently said “WE ARE in ukrain till the end”, he’s turning Ukraine into another afganistan.. MARK MY WORDS.
“I hire for diversity, because they all bring a different perspective, which makes my decisions that much better, because I hear different sides of the argument,”. This is completely insane. What does it mean when there are “different sides of the argument” based upon ones skin color? This Charles Schultz cartoon character (Charlie Brown) is being pushed to be the leader of the Joint Chiefs of Staff? This has to be a bad dream.
So nothing to due race or “woeness”? Or acerebralism? Slo Joe is a sad joke. This guy is an obvious joke.
DEI efforts? How about WAR efforts?