The U.S. economy added a little more than 260,000 jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday in its monthly workforce assessment — a figure that missed economists’ projections by a wide margin.
The department said 266,000 jobs were added for the month and the unemployment rate was little changed at 6.1%.
The figure wasn’t even close to experts’ predictions. Most analysts expected the report to show between 970,000 and 1 million new jobs for the month and the unemployment rate to dip below 6%.
Friday’s report also revised down March’s job growth from 916,000 to 770,000.
The domestic economy was projected to grow by 10% or more in April, which is typically one of the peak months for growth.
Most economists said before the report that they also expected to see more than 1 million new jobs in each of the next few months as more Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19 and return to the workforce.
ADP and Moody’s Analytics reported in their private assessment Wednesday about 740,000 new jobs in April.
President Joe Biden is scheduled to speak about Friday’s jobs report at the White House at 11:30 a.m. EDT and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will give remarks at a separate briefing at 12:30 p.m.
Biden Puts Lipstick On A Pig
The U.S. economy still has a lot of ground to make up to return to prepandemic labor levels. There were about 8.4 million fewer jobs in March than in the pre-COVID-19 levels before February 2020.
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We all need to remember that Democrats LIE and to Democrats Truth, Facts, reality and History are all irrelevant if they do not WANT to believe them or they don’t fit into the Con or Deception that the Democrats are running at the time.
Democrats make up their own Truth, Facts, reality and History that they WANT to believe and fits into their Con or Deception.
I am shocked that the WH, didn’t “Encourage” creative accounting to FUDGE the numbers up!
Biden lied on national television when he said there were no jobs.
ANd who exactly will do anything to Punish him for lying to us?
“….they also expected to see more than 1 million new jobs in each of the next few months as more Americans are vaccinated against COVID-19 and return to the workforce.
So being allowed to go back to your old job counts as a new job created by Cho Bai Din?
The Fertilizer Party!
I wonder, are those “jobs” going to actual AMERICANS, or the millions of illegal INVADERS we’ve been inundated with over the past 2 years!?
The Biden administration’s own side through its departments is working at cross purposes. Stimulus monies for unemployment exceed the wages being offered by economically constrained business like restaurants. Who wants to work when they can get paid more for doing nothing. The Labor Department is not coordinating with other agencies and Congress which was warned this would happen when the bills were passed last year!
You can always tell a socialist, but you can’t tell them much. It is clear the only thing a Democrat can effectively organize is a riot.
Exactly. While stationed in Mayport, one local reporter was seen talking to dozens of welfare recipients, and asked all, “WHY DO You stay on welfare, why don’t you go out to get gainful employment”.
MOST Simply answered “THE level of work i could get, since i am a high school drop out, wouldn’t even cover 2 thirds of what i make from staying on welfare… SO I STAY!”
We’ve learned all about “experts” from the COVID fiasco. When Biden erased energy sector jobs that Trump had created—and we are talking LOTS of jobs—really good jobs—the level of incompetence among Biden and his “experts” was abundantly clear. These jobs were already in place—they did not need to be created. People were already employed and working.
But, no, Biden felt the need to reinvent America. And I would not doubt for one minute that whatever numbers we are being handed now relating to jobs are manipulated—which seems to be a common Dem ploy.
PITY we can’t REVOKE Their qualifications/certifications that MADE THEM Experts, as none seem to HAVE ANY certs..
With the unemployment benefits being so high, the lazy liberals do not want to work, as they can stay home, do nothing and they can make as much money or more money collecting unemployment. Washington DC, the government of Venezuela.
Trumps fault!!!
What happened ? They lied again.! They canceled more jobs then they made, especially canceling the pipe line , etc.
Nothing but fools in charge. I would like to see the totals on jobs canceled.
Democrats intent on bankrupting the country are printing money to pay workers more to stay home and be “scared” than showing up for work and save their employers businesses. Not to worry–Big Brother will then own the businesses and all remnants of independence and individuality will be thrown to the wayside as a tradeoff for the “benevolence” of liberal totalitarians. Stand by for runaway inflation.
Some of the workers say no daycare.So when someone Suggested summer school. All h**l broke out. That’s racist. But it would give children 2 meals a day . Some kids have not completed any school work, so summer school would help them get caught up.
Which makes you wonder. WITH SO MANY reports out there, about HOW LITTLE Completed work our kids have done this “school year”.. ARE THEY STILL going to go on with graduating them like normal??