Even Van Jones couldn’t believe Sen. Bernie Sanders didn’t do a better job on the Democratic debate stage with the “socialism question” and explaining why the particular brand he favors won’t lead to, well, death.
Honestly, that’s ’cause he can’t.
Socialism is to America like a square peg is to a round hole.
The fact that Sanders couldn’t provide a comforting clarification about why his special brand of socialism is different from all the other failed systems of socialism only underscores what the sensible already know: Socialism doesn’t belong in America.
“I was disappointed with Bernie’s answer on the socialism question,” Jones said, in the post-debate after-discussion on CNN, as reported by Breitbart.
As we all should be.
Sanders, in short, “failed” to outright reject the “authoritarian” style of socialism, and clarify that his goals for socialism in America weren’t akin to the kinds that led to starvation and death and murder in other countries.
There’s a reason Sanders didn’t really clarify that: He can’t.
He can’t because — drumroll please — Socialism. Always. Fails.
Socialism always leads to misery.
Jones is right on one thing, though — Sanders could’ve better prepared his lies.
“He had to know it was coming. There’s no reason to do a big retrospective, nostalgia, scream fest about authoritarian regimes from the ’70s. It was an opportunity for Bernie to clarify to the people when he says Democratic Socialism … it’s not that stuff from Cuba. It’s not that stuff from the Soviet Union. It’s the stuff in Northern Europe that’s working for normal people.”
Of course, this is the same Sanders who couldn’t clarify during a “60 Minutes” interview, or later, when pressed by the press, what his ridiculous socialist policies would cost American taxpayers.
If it’s not clear yet, it should be: Socialism is deception. Socialism is financially devastating. Socialism is soul-ripping destruction.
Socialism doesn’t belong in America.
And moreover, socialists have no business serving in American politics and government.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley. Listen to her podcast “Bold and Blunt” by clicking HERE. And never miss her column; subscribe to her newsletter by clicking HERE.
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