After two years of holding “virtual” camps, Antifa is setting up an in-person camp in Portland, Oregon, where 9- to 13-year-olds can learn how to be anarchists.
If you live in the Great Northwest and are unsure what to do with your children for the rest of the summer, an Antifa-infected summer camp offers an invitation to consider. “Budding Roses” purports it strives to provide “a free, safe and empowering space” for young people to “learn, express themselves, and engage critically with the social justice issues that impact them.”
A short delve into the online curriculum reveals, among other things, that campers will learn the latest profanity-laced chants suitable for participating in protests; imagine what “safety” would look and feel like without police; get instructions on what to do if they come in contact with tear gas; have the opportunity to practice their artistic skills with the “Black Lives Matter Coloring Book,” which also includes a “transgender affirming” coloring sheet; and watch a series of videos explaining such terms as “white supremacy,” “intersectionality,” and “systemic racism.” (Related articles here, here, and here)
Wesley Wildmon, head of Men of Honor at American Family Association, says this is a very bad idea. “If they’re training children as young as 10 in the ways of anarchists, in the ways of violence, then you will perpetuate an atmosphere of anger [and] revenge. It never ends well,” he laments.
PJ Media, reporting on the Budding Roses Summer Camp, says this explains why there seems to be a “limitless supply of Antifa terrorists in Portland, Oregon, year after year, riot after riot, conflagration after conflagration.”
Wildmon warns this type of indoctrination will eventually come back to bite the parents who send their children to Budding Roses. “When you train a child to be rebellious and to fix things through destruction, then it’s only a matter of time before they find something in the parents that they don’t like – and that’s how they respond,” he tells AFN.
AFA’s Men of Honor outreach targets young boys ages 7 to 17 – so Wildmon understands that fourth through eighth grades are critical years for developing a worldview. He stresses that in this battle for the souls and minds of America’s youth, parents must engage – or their children could be the next victims.
“We should be discipling and teaching and training young men and young women in the ways of scripture – to love God first, to love others second, and to put our ourselves third, obviously starting in our own household, but beyond that,” he adds.
Previous reports on the summer camp have noted that left-leaning churches in Portland have made their facilities available for use, and that city parks and taxpayer money have been used for previous in-person camps.
Editor’s Note: The American Family Association is the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Proof antifa is a terrorist group and needs to be declared a hate group.
YOU just know if that was a ‘conservative’ group, doing that training camp, the FBI WOULD ALREADY have it on some watch list..
Some parents will do anything to get rid of their kids for a few days, a few weeks or a few months, and the misfits know that, so they will take your kids and raise them for you. You may not like your kids when they go, but you will like them even less when Antifa is done with them….
IMO folks like that, shouldn’t BE PARENTS then.
In my opinion, this camp only encourages young people to be rebellions and does not teach them civility to deal with anything. They will become monsters that their parents and Society never dreamed could happen. Also, who organizes and pays the bill for such a camp (with taxpayers’ money) must be sought after and taken to court and removed from Society. Churches that allow such activity and behavior are Not Churches of Religion!
Keep in mind – not all churches are Churches of God and are disciples of Jesus Christ.
There are demonic churches that worship Satan.
There is the Democrat Party cult that worships themselves and are disciples of Satan.
Matthew 7:15-16 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves.
16 By their fruit you will recognize them.
“a free, safe and empowering space” for young people to “learn, express themselves, and engage critically with the social justice issues that impact them.”,,,,,,at a dangerous age where children should be seen but not heard, where budding ambitions for vandalism for rebellious young men to test their ability to make their mark of human relevance, even if it means destroying the lives of others, first in inches and then in miles. The only social justice they need to worry about at that age is when the jail door swings shut on a well-earned period of incarceration, along with their 5th columnist leaders,,,so-called ANTIFA anti-fascists who act more fascist anarchists on our American streets than Mussolini’s black shirts or Hitlers Brown shirts of the 1930s, now replaced with ANTIFA’s masked faces and shirtless women. When I was a kid the TV advertisement was “Do you wanna go to camp, yes I do, cause I love cool-aid how about You” where winner got a free cool-aid paid trip to church camp. Today the cool-aid offered kids to drink by these creeps is just the kind Jim Jones brewed up for the death of 900 followers of his “Peoples Temple” in the Jonestown Massacre in Guyana circa 1978.
That’s because antifa is INCAPABLE OF Ever dealing with anything Civilly!
If Antifa ever shows up at my house they’ll get a quick lesson on how a riot is broke up WITHOUT police help.
Terrorist training camps on our own soil – who knew? Where’s the dopey Homeland Security crowd on this one??
For all we know, funding it!
More like, “Budding Marxists Youth Camp”.