The Rev. Al Sharpton says he may organize rallies in the home states of Democrat senators — such as West Virginia’s Joe Manchin and Arizona’s Kyrsten Sinema — who don’t support abolishing the Senate filibuster, charging that they’re, “in effect, supporting racism.”
Sharpton said he’s spoken with black civil rights leaders, voting rights advocates, and elected officials who argue that, for Senate Democrats, the filibuster issue is key, considering the degree to which the party depends on black voters.
“The pressure that we are going to put on Sinema and Manchin is calling [the filibuster] racist and saying that they are, in effect, supporting racism,” Sharpton said. “Why would they be wedded to something that has those results? Their voters need to know that.”
– Read more at KABC
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one of the BIGGEST racist in america the so called rev sharpton has done nada for racial relations in america.
along with his hateful brethren jesse jackson and barry sotero obama.
Add to that, HE WAS ALL in favor of the fillabuster, when the left were trying to stall the confirmation of Gorsuch and Kavenaugh.. SO I GUESS HE supported racism. back then.
BUT like always, “IF the left does it, its good/right/just. If the right does it, its Bad/wrong/evil”.
I miss Rush making fun of that rascist black buffoon. Someone needs to pick up where Rush left off. You know there won’t be a lack of material to use against him because the black dipshit can’t stop saying dumb things. Lol !!
That’s all they ever have. Racism. Zero logic, zero contributions, nothing. He and his kind are repulsive toolbags.
I think Al Sharpton’s only word in his vocabulary is RACISM. We are the least racist people in all of the world! FACT! If he thinks we are racist, can we send him to another country to get a reality check?
So now we have America’s biggest racist, good old Al Sharpton, blackmailing two Senators in order to force them to do as he demands. And he’s doing it out in the open knowing that he can get away with it. Of course the liberal Biden will go along with it. Are the liberals killing this country or what?
#1. The disgraceful Al Sharpton is on of the most racist of the American-Negroes. 👿
Sharpton is using race to blackmail Congress members.
#2. In case you haven’t noticed being accused of being “Racist” is the new Democrat Party catch word.
Anyone who does not agree with a Democrat or the Democrat party objective is accused of being “Racist”. 🙄
It doesn’t matter what it is, EVERYTHING and EVERYONE that doesn’t bow down to the Democrats desires or political agendas, is accused of being a “Racist”.
As like in the Trump impeachment kangaroo court circus:
Nancy Pelosi admitted an unfortunate truth about her impeachment “farce”
– It hinges on witness’s “allegations” not “proof. 🙄
It has been stated several times including the Senate last year, Impeachment is a POLITICAL act and has NOTHING to do with law!
That must have been dishonorable Democrats who said that.
Just like politically correct is whatever Democrats want it to be.
the Democrats have made impeachment a political act. it shouldn’t be. If and when the Republican control the house they should impeach any and al Democrat presidents as many times as possible.
Al Sharpton, the criminal racist who owes the IRS 4.75 million dollars. Maybe we should call back Lois Lerner and John Koskinen, formerly of the IRS to prosecute you. Al, they should build a museum for racists. Al, the biggest statue of a racist, in the racist museum, will be a statue of you.
BY now that could be up to 6+ mil with interest and penalties.
And yet the IRS and the rest of our liberal government does nothing about it. Has he got blackmail material against most of them too? For a man that doesn’t even have a real, or regular job, he sure seems to have a lot of money. If you will notice Al only goes somewhere to help the protests or riots when he’s figured out a way to make some money. He goes nowhere if there is no payoff involved. Sadly the blacks don’t seem to have figured him out yet.
Hey, I’m Al Sharpie don’t forget about me. I still here.
PITY we can’t just forget about him. FOR EVER>
He won’t let us.
This clown is just dying for attention.
Yep, that is the most of the matter,if stupid people would stop being stupid this jerk wouldn’t matter.
And money.
Why does this clown still make the news ? He’s been proven to be a fraud and scam artist and yet they still allow him to spew his bile.
Because “Racism!”
Cheap entertainment.
The majority of the so called news are as bad or worse than him………W.
AND how is making threats like that, NOT considered CRIMINAL EXTORTION!
Accuse away, racist moron.
If the filibuster is considered racist then the Democrat Party must be racist since they have used quite extensively over the last four years. It isn’t a relic of the Jim Crow era, it has been around since 1806, but the Democrats used it to thwart civil rights law, deny COVID relief, block Trump measures, if not in the doing but by the threat. Al Sharpton got that much right: it is racist in the hands of Democrats. No that they have a tenuous hold on the Senate they don’t want Republicans to be able to do the same, so much for bipartisan agreement in the halls of Congress.
THE left’s idea of “bipartisan” has always been “GIVE US WHAT WE WANT OR ELSE!”
Considering how many times the Democrats have used the filibuster for their own goals it appears that many of them are racist.
This message is to the senators from West Virginia and Arizona. Who voted you into office? The citizens of West Virginia and Arizona or Al Sharpton? YOU decide which will hold you accountable when your re-election comes up. And the only black civil rights leaders Sharpton has spoken to are the ones running BLM, the black version of the KKK.
These days, these numbnutz in office, don’t really seem to CARE who the people voted for.. JUST WHO pays the most (the PACS and unions).
Al must have figured out some way to make money. He does nothing unless it’s to his benefit.
Al Sharpton is for Al Sharpton, nothing and no one else. Period. To be attacked by him is a badge of honor.
Al Sharpton is going to call Manchin a racist whether he votes for or against the filibuster. Manchin might as well do what’s right.
Hence the real name Al Sharptongue
You expect Manchin to “Do what is right” Look at his record. He is referred to as a moderate. He votes conservative and traditional values only 18 % of the time. Such as with abortion, gun control and immigration.
My Comment: Tawana Brawley!!!
Did he also threaten to pay off his back taxes?……………………………………..
Go ahead and get rid of the filibuster. I anticipate Republicans will regain control of the House and Senate in January 2023. I anticipate President Trump will return to the White House in January 2025. Getting rid of the filibuster will allow the Republicans move at full speed to reverse the Biden agenda. They will no longer have Chuck Schumer and the Democrats impeding the adoption of all President Trump’s reforms.
By the way, the Senate is currently 50-50. All it will take is for one Democrat senator to die or resign and have a Republican appointed to replace them and the Democrats will be back in the minority again.
Mitch McConnell said that if Democrats rescind the filibuster they would live to regret it, possibly sooner than they think. Could it be that Mitch knows something Al Sharpton doesn’t?
WITH their vote fraud machine in full sway, AND HR=1 looking to be affirmed, to GUARANTEE those frauds, how do you expect the GOP to get back in the majority, let alone the white house?
Furthermore, remember Trump’s first two years in office? Republicans had the House, Senate, Executive and judicial branches of government (just like the democrats do now). What did Republicans do? NOT ONE DAM THING!
So how come they don’t go and have him arrested for making threats? No? How about millions in tax evasion.
They use the race card anytime they want their way and are losing. So, it’s racist! Requiring ID to vote! It’s racist! On and on. And it is time to stop paying attention to the screams of racist and stop giving in. It isn’t racist to filibust nor to ask you to prove you are who you say you are by providing proof. The race Card has become the played card on anything the dems either desire or don’t want. And liberals, esp. young white liberals, who have been made to feel ashamed of their race, chime right in, and allow this abuse. Perhaps it is time to Blind everything. You want a job, get a number, fill out a form that gives an assigned number and your qualifications without revealing color of skin or gender. Same with college and other things you apply for. And if you don’t get what you want? Try harder, educate yourself, stop using your sex or skin color as a shield or an easy street. As to Al, he is one of the biggest race baiting scam artists alive.
Such hypocrisy…….one of the biggest racists and thieves in the country calling other racist.
Sharpton should read the description of a “filibuster”. It is and has been used by both parties. The filibuster is an important part of our system and has nothing to do with racism.
I am now an old man so I write here based on many years of personal observation.
Al Sharpton was one of the worst liars and racebaiters in the 1960’s and the 1970’s and the 1980’s and the 1990’s and the 2000’s and the 2010’s.
Without him and his fellow racist troublemakers, minorities would have attained more equality in less time.
In spite of his evil influence, minorities have attained great strides and are today accepted nearly universally as fully equal in all respects.
Yet he continues to work to stir up distrust and animosity and hatred and violence and murder even now; apparently trying to destroy the good accomplished in the many years since Martin Luther King, Jr. and his message of peace came onto the scene.
Al Sharpton is a disgrace to himself, his ethnic group, and to the human race. The world would be well served if he were to be silent…yet he speaks on and on; spewing acidic bile everywhere he goes.
I often wonder, what the hell did MLK see in aligning with sharptongue?
Well, Al, if killing the anti-filibuster bill is racist, then racist must be a good thing. No? upholding the filibuster is a good thing—make up your mind. You’re the biggest supporter of racism, Al, because you know that if the races were to come together in brotherhood tomorrow, you’d be slap out of a job and you’ve been doing your very best to see that it ‘ain’t-a-gonna-happen.’
BTW, have you paid your taxes, yet?
Also Capt., ask the reverend when’s the last time he’s read in God’s Word? I’ve never even seen him with a Bible.
Black, brown, white, yellow doesn’t matter, if you don’t agree with Democrats you’re a racist. The use of the term racist has been the ‘go-to’ tactic of Democrats for decades. Just look at the names they use for the those blacks who stand with Republicans, particularly any who DARED to support President Trump.
Especially those who Trump nominated for certain spots….
Not only is Sharpton a racist, he is also a liar and hypocrite. Has he paid the IRS the back taxes he has owed for years? I think not! Is he a member of the NAACP, the largest racists’ organization known to man? Of course he is! Sharpton has been a racist since first I ever heard of him and now he uses his vices to condemn others: without proof of their guilt!
It amazes me how a liberal thinks they’re so relevant that everyone hangs on to, or lives in fear of, their every irrelevant word.