I’m so sick and tired of the ACLU. Every time someone wants to continue American traditions like prayer or the Pledge of Allegiance or patriotism, the ACLU comes around to threaten lawsuits and scare people into submission. That’s exactly what’s happening in Cranston, Rhode Island, but this time, it’s the school’s annual father-daughter dance that’s being targeted.
As reported by WPRO 630 AM, “a signature school event, ‘the father-daughter dance’ has been banned in all public schools.” How can this happen, you ask? Is there something wrong with a father-daughter dance? Yes, if you are the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).
The new superintendent of Cranston schools, Dr. Judith Lundsten, issued a letter in August banning all “gender specific events” at the school because of a complaint from the ACLU last May.
“This is 2012 and they [public schools] should not be in the business of fostering blatant gender stereotypes,” Steven Brown of the RI ACLU told the WPRO Morning News with Tara Granahan and Andrew Gobeil.
Blatant gender stereotypes? What in the world does he mean? Is this guy nuts?
The Providence Journal adds that the mother-son ballgames are also banned.
In the midst of a firestorm sparked by the cancellation of father-daughter dances in Cranston schools, the School Committee says it will consider a resolution Monday asking lawmakers to modify a state state law prohibiting discrimination based on gender to allow the district to preserve the longtime tradition.
Many parents reacted emotionally and the national media picked up on the story when news spread Tuesday that the Cranston schools superintendent canceled father-daughter dances after receiving a complaint from the ACLU.
According to the news story, in order to comply with federal law, “the name of the dance would change and the girls could pick a parent for an event called, perhaps, the ‘ladies choice’ dance.” Are you kidding me?
Here’s a report from WPRI.com:
Parent-child events banned in Cranston
Wow… one person is upset, and so the entire dance is banned? What about the multitudes of people who are now upset about the dance being cancelled. Do their opinions and feelings matter at all?
Common sense is in such short supply in this country, and liberals and organizations like the ACLU just make it worse.
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