In a development that could “embarrass the Biden administration,” as one news outlet stated, many of the people who participated in the protest/riot/insurrection at the Capitol on Jan. 6 “are likely to get little or no jail time.”
Politico reported that this would be a “jarring reality check” for “Americans outraged by the storming of Capitol Hill.”
Reality is embarrassing because the Biden administration and many Democratic lawmakers have “portrayed the Jan. 6 siege as a dire threat to democracy,” in Politico’s words.
The federal law enforcement apparatus has been treating the individuals who were on Capitol Hill that day as if they were an al-Qaeda sleeper cell. The FBI grabbed cellphone identifiers and pounded on doors with search warrants. Prosecutors wrote up charging documents that used apocalyptic language about violent insurrection and the attempted overthrow of the republic.
However, in courtrooms, reality has made a grand entrance. Many of these cases are turning out to be little more than trespassing.
For example, take the case of Lisa Eisenhart and Eric Munchel, a mother and son who attended the Jan. 6 “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington. She’s a nurse who lives in Georgia. He’s a resident of Tennessee, where he worked as a waiter. They came to the Capitol wearing tactical vests. Munchel had a taser on his hip and an iPhone on his vest.
After the rally, Eisenhart and Munchel walked to the Capitol and milled around outside with others. They “entered the Capitol through an open door and stayed inside for approximately twelve minutes,” and “police officers were standing to the right of the door, not blocking their entry.”
That’s according to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, where Eisenhart and Munchel appealed a lower court decision that allowed the government to lock them up in pre-trial detention. That court decision had reversed the ruling of a magistrate judge who found that the government had not met its burden of proving “dangerousness.” The Court of Appeals overturned the district court ruling and sent the case back, ordering the judge to consider the factors that weighed in the defendants’ favor.
Slowly, the courts are pushing back on the government’s repeated insistence that the hundreds of people so far charged for being in the Capitol that day are all dangerous, violent insurrectionists bent on the destruction of democracy. One defense lawyer told Politico that people in the court system are calling some of these the “MAGA tourist” cases.
While certainly there were some individuals who broke windows and committed violent acts, there’s a disturbing pattern in statements and actions by public officials of overstating the criminality, the actions and the danger of the people on Capitol Hill that day. In one well-known example, official “sources” told the New York Times that Capitol Hill police officer Brian Sicknick was killed by rioters who hit him in the head with a fire extinguisher, but that was false. The Times “updated” its story more than a month later.
Even more disturbing, people who walked into the Capitol through open doors as police stood aside, who harmed no one, are locked up in jail pre-trial as if they are the most dangerous people on the planet, and some in Washington are more concerned about how to mitigate “embarrassment” for the Biden administration when the courts pressure prosecutors to cut deals with no jail time.
And even more disturbing than that is the effort by some in the government to redirect the national security apparatus toward finding people who might become “domestic violent extremists.”
“Domestic” means they’re Americans. Some lawmakers want the government to spy on Americans as if they were enemies of the United States.
One of them is Michigan Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin, chair of a House Homeland Security subcommittee. She says combating domestic violent extremism must be the nation’s No. 1 national security priority. Slotkin said she is coordinating with the Biden White House on possible executive orders to use the national terrorist watch list as a means of fighting extremism at home. She also said she’s considering whether the U.S. needs a new “domestic terrorism czar” who would serve under the Director of National Intelligence.
Another lawmaker with similar plans is Michigan Democrat Gary Peters, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee. “We have to have a better understanding of what these groups are up to, who they are, how they are constituted, what’s the extent of the threat,” he said. “And that means we have to have intelligence resources that are focused on this.”
“Intelligence resources” is another word for spying. On Americans.
In March, a declassified federal report from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence warned that domestic violent extremism groups will pose an “elevated threat” in 2021. Among the “groups” cited as dangerous are those fueled by anger over the November 2020 election, the perception of government overreach “related to legal or policy changes and disruptions,” and the government’s response to COVID-19.
This happens to describe tens of millions of Americans. Is the government going to secretly collect the phone records and online data of everyone who criticizes the Biden administration?
There’s a crucial difference between law enforcement and intelligence activities. Law enforcement goes after people who allegedly have violated the law, and once there is an arrest, the process is public, the accused has legal and constitutional protections, and the evidence is shown in court.
Intelligence activities, on the other hand, are aimed at collecting information to prevent something that hasn’t happened yet. The entire process is conducted in secrecy, which permanently cloaks error and abuses from public view.
You see the problem. It may begin as an earnest effort to protect the nation from violence, but it ends up by putting Americans on a national terrorist watch list for opposing the Biden administration’s policies in colorful language.
The people who have been charged over their actions on January 6 are entitled to due process, to fair trials, and to the equal protection of the law. Instead, they are being treated as political cannon fodder in a war to suppress vocal political opposition.
Americans must be vigilant against the creeping mission of government agencies who think they can protect us by secretly spying on us. That’s a greater threat to the republic than anything that happened on Jan. 6.
Susan Shelley is an editorial writer and columnist for the Southern California News Group. [email protected]. Twitter: @Susan_Shelley
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They should be treated as the same as the Perps on all the other riots, burnings and lootings that have occurred, and are occurring all around the Country!
Hopefully, the ‘Authorities” are spending as many resources on the other Riots, Burnings and Looting, where $Billions of destruction was done, many Federal, State and Local buildings were harmed, and many people killed and hurt, including LEO’s, as they are on the “Capitol Insurgents”!
Wes, I was gonna leave the comment you made and then saw what you’ve written. We should have one standard for treating rioters.
The Dems have already said that property destruction, burning, looting, beating and general mayhem are all “nonviolent”, so that’s the standard. Certainly, walking through open doors doesn’t begin to meet the levels condoned in, say the Portland riots. Nobody from the Jan 6th event should be charged. Let everyone of them go and expunge their records.
Thing is, as we’ve seen ALL OVER the place over the past 20 years, there is NEVER A ‘constant’, in application of the law.. A woman can rape a man, but never get charged for rape, while a man can just be ACCUSED with no proof, and be screwed over.
A black can assault a white, while screaming “KILL that cracker”, but it is NEVER seen as a hate crime, while a white can assault Everyone he can reach with his hands/weapon(s), and if a black is one of the victims, its ALWAYS called a hate crime…
TILL WE GET justice back to being blind, things like this will just KEEP GOING.
Actually, we as Americans need to push back on the use of the word “riot” to describe what happened on January 6th. A riot denotes a large number of people and a large amount of damage. For example, if 100 people peacefully assembled and one person threw a rock and broke a window, that would not be a riot. I understand more than one window was broken. But where were the injuries actually caused by people (not heart attacks)? Someone taking some pedestal and putting their feet on Nancy Pelosi’s desk is a trespassing prank gone wrong. In fact, I wouldn’t even call the actions of the people who entered the Capital a protest. And if tourists go astray in the capital, it is as much the fault of the Capital Police as it is the tourists.
So unlike the nights of rioting in Portland and Minneapolis where people have died and fires have been deliberately set, the incident on January 6th was not a riot. It was a handful of pranksters (some perhaps with malicious intent, but that remains to be seen) and a bunch of confused and lost tourists.
AND If there was little damage other than some broke windows and doors, HOW IS THAT a riot, but DOZENS upon dozens of buildings destroyed, hundreds of cars wrecked etc, THAT IS still a “Peaceful protest”..??
Elissa Slotkin, said she’s considering whether the U.S. needs a new “domestic terrorism czar” who would serve under the Director of National Intelligence”. “Slotkin said she is coordinating with the Biden White House on possible executive orders to use the national terrorist watch list as a means of fighting extremism at home”. In other words, all of us Conservatives will be on a terrorist watch list. A domestic terrorist czar?????? So the Stasi Gestapo under the Director of National Intelligence will be spying on us and since we Conservatives believe in our Constitution, we will be jailed, as “domestic terrorists” or murdered. Communism is thriving in our Country and our Freedoms are waning!
How does it feel to be a “domestic terrorist”?
About the same as a “DEPLORABLE”!
CZAR! I like the fact that they use a Russian word to describe the title of the new agency head That sure conjures up a great visual and shows how liberals really think. Now , will they start will use the correct name of the FBI ……KGB.
ALL the time under Obama, they used the term Czar… MANY of us callled it out for being ‘russian like”…
“Michigan Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin says combating domestic violent extremism must be the nation’s No. 1 national security priority.” Finally, I agree with a democrat. Thing is, the democrats are the violent, extremist and they should be the nation’s No. 1 national security priority to combat.
Especially since when you compare the ‘level of violence’ between LESS THAN ONE DAY worth of ‘Trump supporting white conservatives, to the SHEER AMOUNT OF months on months of BLM/Antifa riots, there IS NO Comparison, which is more deadly. Which is more violent. Which has been MORE Costly to the communities…
The new ‘masters’ in our government finds anyone who does not drink the cool ade or pay homage to the rising order of progressivism (totalitarianism) to be an enemy of the state. Objective discussion and debate cannot be tolerated, even in the Congress. The real insurrection took place under the guise of an election where too many questionable deeds took place and were sumerily dismissed not to be mentioned again. The mob has taken over two branches of government and have their sights fixed on the Supreme Court.
They had their sites set on the Supreme court during obama’s reign.. REMEMBER The outright threats “DOn’t you dare vote down the ACA” and the like!
So, they are getting the same treatment as the more violent protestors as BLM and antifa during the riots in Portland, Seattle Kenosha etc?
Not even close. I have not heard of anymore than a handful of people being arrested in Portland after almost a year of rioting, looting and burning. And certainly no one in Portland is languishing in jail waiting for trial. I dunno if anyone from the Jan 6th event (I suppose it was a riot, but it was tame compared to the other riots – no burning, etc.), but I do know that the participants from Jan 6th were held in jail for some amount of time. Not so in Portland.
The Guy with the Horns is still in jail and so are a bunch of others, you know ones who ate Nadler’s snacks or drank Nancy’s vodka. Who shot Ashli Babbitt, what’s the name of that cop? All cops who shoot criminal black thugs end up with their names and faces all over Big Media, but not this guy, probably black and probably male.
Two very dangerous female domestic terrorists had their charges cancelled and records expunged in Portland, OR – imagine that? One nearly killed an officer during one of the daily riots there, and the other one pointed a laser at a police helicopter in order to blind the pilot and force a crash. But you had best to walk the halls where your Congressional servants trod – White Domestic Terrorists! Racists!! Trumpers!!
Ya, the incident on January 6th was not a riot. And we should stop calling it that. See my comment above.
Hell no. Practically ALL those who Were arrested in seattle or portland etc, GOT released either with NO charges, or piddly misdemeanor charges, often within the same DAY they got arrested.
Where as a LOT of those in the 6th protest, have been held for WEEKS….
As for domestic terrorists, BLM and ANTIFA come to mind…
Notice the 2 dummycrat politicians didn’t even name that group. Antifa/BLM are the same group of people.
OF course they wouldn’t. BLM and ANTIFA fund the DNC’s apparatus.
And…what in the world is in Michigan’s air or water that stimulates such nutty *** hats such as Tlaib, Slotkin, Whitmer, Gary Peters, and Debbie Dingell to mount their high horses and urinate all over their constituents and the rest of the USA for that matter?? Are their voters actually that stupid to vote for this totalitarian cabal? God help us all.
The whole state gets their drinking water from Flint, Mich.
THey must have imported it from the pacific ocean, cause its the same sort of insanity that has taken hold of most of Wa, Or and Ca..
Chazooo, didn’t you see the presidential election? Democrats don’t need no stinking votes, we don’t elect anyone anymore, they elect themselves. Their voters are copy machines and will vote as many times as is necessary.
Whether alive, dead, a US citizen, or illegal alien..
By grossly overstating the threat posed by the January 6th incursion at the Capitol, the ruling Democrats in Washington have used this incident as an excuse to weaponize the federal judiciary and FBI to persecute their political opponents by labeling them as domestic terrorists. The dishonest, oppressive Democrats are turning a government of the people, by the people, and for the people into a government against the people.
The rioters who stormed the Capitol should all get jail time. That goes for all the rioters who are burning down cities too. All these ******** are making life bad for everyone else, they’ve all got to go.
WHY Should they get jail time, while we’ve seen WHOLE HOCK areas of many leftist cities flat out taken over for WEEKS ON END< and not one of them are in jail? IF anything, fine them for the cost of FIXING the windows/doors and such, broken during their trespassing incident, and leave it at that.
Everyone needs to push back on what was the real cause of the Jan 6 “riot”, Democrats and Blue states don’t want voter ID causing the lack of confidence in voter integrity. The Dems and blue states are at fault, and like usual, blame Trump for their own guilt to divert away from their actions.
What made me laugh, I had a listen to Trevor Noah and someone else (via someone Bashing their videos), BOTH are dems who LAMBASTED voter ID laws.. BUT NOAH is from South africa, and one of those other liberals, is from INDIA.. BOTH NATIONS require photo id to vote.
SO ITS very hypocritical of them to say “WE ARE racist for demanding it, when its FULLY OK IN their home nations.
This is a perfect example of why we have courts and trials. Each person is going to face punishment for what they did. If the government can come up with proof that they broke the law the prosecutors are going to be under pressure to drop the case.
Some had encouraged President Trump to pardon all these people. By accepting a pardon there would have been an admission of guilt. Many of these people did not break the law. That is going to become very clear as prosecutors find themselves having to make a case in a jury trial.
That assumes the COURTS they get put in, are not controlled by the liberals…