With the prospect looming of a Supreme Court dominated by Trump-appointed right-wing judges into the foreseeable future, an idea for a possible counterstroke has begun percolating among progressive political analysts and legal theorists:

Expand the court from the current nine justices to provide for a more balanced, if not distinctly liberal, bench.

“The idea of expanding the size of the Supreme Court will get traction IF the Democrats take the White House and Congress in 2020,” Erwin Chemerinsky, dean of the UC Berkeley law school and a constitutional scholar, told me by email. “It is the only way to keep there from being a very conservative Court for the next 10-20 years.”

This is something that warrants serious consideration after 2020 if Democrats take the presidency and Congress.

This is an excerpt. Read the rest at the Los Angeles Times

This plan is not new. Related Story: 1937 – Roosevelt announces “court-packing” plan

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