Does anyone on the planet really still believe Joe Biden has the mental faculties to be president?
Anyone in Congress? Anyone in the media? Seriously.
It’s time for Democrats and Republicans to be honest. Skip the partisanship.
It’s not about how much you hate Donald Trump or Republicans or Fox News. It’s not about your opinion of VP Kamala Harris.
It’s not about the series of major domestic and foreign train wrecks Joe Biden has engineered in just eight months – the immigration crisis at the Southern border, the demolition of our energy independence, the botched, tragic and humiliating exit from Afghanistan.
It’s about a sitting American president who proves every day that he doesn’t have the mental chops – or the physical stamina – to be in charge of the most powerful and most important country on Earth.
Watching Biden stumble through the motions of being president makes you understand why his keepers hide him in his basement from the media.
Anyone who watched his mini-press conference in the Oval Office with Boris Johnson this week couldn’t help but be embarrassed for Biden and the country.
It was a pathetic sight to see Boris commandeer the “presser” and screw up the plans of Biden’s handlers – Biden’s controllers, really.
Boris took two questions – from foreign reporters, not American ones.
Then, when it became apparent that White House reporters were going to start peppering Biden with questions he hadn’t been prepped for, the president’s staff cut them off and started shrieking at the media to clear the room like it was on fire.
But this kind of clumsy, protect-the-demented-president strategy doesn’t make me mad at Old Joe. It makes me sad. I feel sorry for him.
It’s one thing for the White House staff and liberal media to pretend all is right with Joe Biden’s brain. They all voted for him in 2020 and will protect him as long as they can.
But where is first lady Jill Biden? Where are the president’s brothers and family members?
They know better than anyone how far Old Joe has declined, but they apparently care more about the perks of keeping a Biden in the Oval Office.
Who I’m most pissed off at is his wife, Jill Biden, who apparently wanted to be first lady more than she wanted to be a good “doctor” and do what’s best for her own husband.
Ditto for the selfishness of Biden’s political staff. Apparently, it’s more important for them to keep calling the shots in the White House than it is to do the right thing for a man who clearly has dementia.
I get it. I enjoyed being the son of a president. It was pretty cool – sometimes – to be protected 24/7 by Secret Service agents.
But my God, my father’s health was always a heck of a lot more important to me than taking trips in Air Force One or having access to the Oval Office.
The whole Biden dementia thing has become so horrific you can’t make fun of it anymore. It’s not funny, especially to me.
I watched my father suffer from Alzheimer’s Disease.
But when my dad was really showing the effects of dementia in the early 1990s, Nancy Reagan didn’t let him deteriorate in front of everyone.
Say what you will about her steely persona, but Nancy took her husband out of his office in Century City, brought him home and took proper – and loving — care of him for the rest of his life.
For the good of her husband – and the country – Jill Biden should do the same thing.
Copyright 2021 Michael Reagan, distributed exclusively by Cagle Cartoons newspaper syndicate.
Michael Reagan, the son of President Ronald Reagan, is an author, speaker and president of the Reagan Legacy Foundation. Send comments to [email protected] and follow @reaganworld on Twitter.
Will she save us? Hell no. She’s enjoying the trappings of being the first lady too much.
Can she save us? I highly doubt it.
“The woke wolf also has dwelt with the lamb for a lunch, and the leopard has lied down with the kid and spotted an opportunity to dine; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together have created the American barbeque of social cannibalism, and a little child in an aged adult body shall lead them, guided not by the mother of God, but the Democrat party of Babylonian harlots of created opportunity to reap the rewards of unpatriotic spiritually unfaithful abortive woman that throughout history have proven to be unfit for the task of wielding power to the people, just power to themselves. Jill Biden is no savior, just another immediate gratification sell-out, every bit as dangerous as Pelosi whose actions bear out the premise that absolute power corrupts absolutely.
OK… first off… the communist occupier in chief …IS… competent. Everyone has to stop making excuses for this trader. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He wanted to give the taliban 85 billion dollars of taxpayer military equipment and kill 13 of our finest while leaving 1000’s of US supporters and citizens to be killed while destabilizing the entire middle east …that’s why he say’s it was a success. He wanted to let 1 million (and growing every minute) illegal aliens in, unchecked to disburse the CHINA VIRUS all around the country. He wanted the US to NOT be energy independent and have to rely on foreign countries so he and his crime family along will the rest of the cesspool swamp can make more money by selling out the country at the taxpayer expense. He wanted to set policy to racially divide and pit one another against each other to further destroy the Constitution and usher in a communist take over. This evil fatherless scum knows exactly what he’s doing…. make no mistake.
I agree. As I’ve been saying for the past four months or so, it’s time we stopped blaming his “policies” on incompetence. He has, instead, exhibited great competence in accomplishing his goal — the destruction of America as we know it. He should have ben impeached by now; unfortunately, we do not have anyone in the house –regardless of party affiliation — with the spine to initiate the proceedings.
And evne if there was someone with the balls to initiate, IT WON’T go anywhere.
Joe and Jill Biden are traitors to our Country, Hunter is a traitor to our Country and Joe’s brothers are traitors to our Country. Let’s face it, Joe and Jill Biden head the Biden crime family.
But don’t ever expect a single bloody thing, to be done ABOUT these traitors/