To understand what House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s select committee investigation of the Capitol Hill events of Jan. 6 is all about, a good place to begin is with the sentencing hearing last week of Paul Hodgkins.
A crane operator from Tampa, Florida, Hodgkins, 38, pleaded guilty to a single count of obstructing a joint session of Congress called to confirm Joe Biden as the next president.
Hodgkins entered the Senate chamber carrying a Trump 2020 flag. He committed no assault, no act of destruction, no act of violence. Yet, he was sentenced to eight months in prison by U.S. Judge Randolph Moss.
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney Mona Sedky argued for a sentence of twice that length, a year and a half, because, as she told the judge, “Jan. 6 was genuinely an act of terrorism.”
But is that true? Was Jan. 6 “an act of terrorism” — of the character if not the magnitude, say, of the Oklahoma City bombing?
Hodgkins’ attorney vigorously rejected that depiction. To call Jan. 6 “domestic terrorism,” said Patrick Leduc, is “offensive and gaslighting the country … It was a protest that became a riot, period, full stop.”
Leduc is correct: Jan. 6th was a riot. Had it truly been “domestic terrorism,” as the U.S. attorney claimed, why would she have accepted a guilty plea for a single nonviolent offense?
Why did she not throw the book at the terrorist?
Looking back, what was Jan. 6 in reality?
A huge pro-Trump demonstration of tens of thousands, out of which a mob of hundreds moved on the Capitol, broke police lines, assaulted cops, rampaged and disrupted an official proceeding.
All in all, a shameful disgrace. But 1/6 was not 9/11 or Oklahoma City or Pearl Harbor or the Pulse nightclub or the Las Vegas massacre.
Why is it being hyped like this? Why will the establishment not let go of Jan. 6? Why, half a year on, does it remain an obsession of regime media?
The hype never ends. Daily, we hear establishment politicians and press paint it up as the most awful day in America’s history.
It was, we are told, an “armed insurrection,” “domestic terrorism,” an attempted “coup,” “an act of treason,” “the worst attack on American democracy since the British burned the Capitol in 1814.”
Why did Pelosi recoil from and reject two of House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy’s picks for her select committee — Reps. Jim Banks of Indiana and Jim Jordan of Ohio?
Because the deck is stacked, the fix is in. Pelosi’s committee has been crafted to bring in a third impeachment of Donald Trump and the GOP for posing the greatest threat to American democracy since Fort Sumter.
Issues, arguments and questions Banks and Jordan would have raised would have been off-script and interrupted the agreed-upon narrative.
Indeed, of whom does the select committee consist as it opens its hearings today?
Every Democrat of the committee has voted to impeach Trump for Jan. 6. Both of the Republicans Pelosi put on the committee to provide bipartisan balance — Wyoming’s Liz Cheney and Illinois’ Adam Kinzinger — voted to impeach Trump last January and are the two ranking anti-Trump Republicans on Capitol Hill.
Pelosi has impaneled a jury to try Trump and the GOP for insurrection, every one of whose members has already indicated they believe that Jan. 6 is a historic crime and Trump is guilty.
Why are Pelosi and the regime media doing everything to keep Jan. 6 alive? What are the stakes involved?
As of today, Jan. 6 is the biggest and last best stick the Democrats have for retaining control of Congress in 2022.
For if that election is not about the worst day for the GOP of the Trump years, it is going to be about the successes and failures of the first two Biden years.
And what, as of today, look to be the issues of 2022?
That election will be about the worst outbreak of inflation in a quarter-century to hit the U.S. economy. It will be about Biden’s having presided over a fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic, after having declared on July 4, 2021, our independence of the virus.
It will be about the largest invasion of illegals across America’s southern border in the history of the republic — 2 million a year in 2021 and again in 2022, with 300,000 of these “gotaways” who evaded any contact with the Border Patrol.
Among the 4 million anticipated illegals in Biden’s first two years are child molesters, drug dealers and unvaccinated carriers of COVID-19.
The election of 2022 will also be about a wave of shootings, woundings, killings and gun crimes in our greatest cities that have long been governed by liberal Democrats.
The Democratic establishment and its media arm have a vital interest in hyping Jan. 6 and not letting go of it. For Jan. 6, 2021, is their last best hope for holding power after Nov. 8, 2022.
Patrick J. Buchanan is the author of “Nixon’s White House Wars: The Battles That Made and Broke a President and Divided America Forever.” To find out more about Patrick Buchanan and read features by other Creators writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators website at
The worthless Republicans need to remind our Commie Left friends that their insurrection on May 29 2020 was far worse and has been all but ignored. Not to mention the months of rioting, looting and arson over last summer brought to us by blm and antifa.
Wake the F up GOP and bring the fight to them.
50 Secret Service agents injured in White House riots as Donald Trump is taken to ‘terror attack’ bunker
Mollie Mansfield
Jon Lockett
3:17, 1 Jun 2020
Agents rushed Trump to the state-of-the-art Presidential Emergency Operations Center as they were concerned for his safety, the New York Times reported.
The source also claimed some rioters were seen throwing bottles and Molotov cocktails at law enforcement officers.
Others were spotted parking cars near the ‘President’s Palace’ filled with incendiary materials for future use, Fox News reported it was told.
The National Guard is also reportedly being drafted in to help combat rioting outside the White House and elsewhere in the nation’s capital
As of this morning it is not clear why the president was moved to the underground bunker, but it is known the Secret Service has protocols to adhere to when the building is threatened.
MORE than 50 Secret Service agents have been injured during ugly clashes outside the White House on a sixth night of violence sparked by the death of George Floyd.
The attacks came after President Trump was reportedly moved to a secure bunker usually used during terror attacks as heated protests escalated across Washington D.C.
But to Nancy Pelosi, this was acceptable.
Not just acceptable, but SOMETHING TO BE CELEBRATED…
The Marxist democrat Party of America can’t let go of Jan. 6zTh. 2021 because Democrat.Marxist , Nancy Pelosi, and Such ( Rinos ) asLis Cheny a ” Never Trumper , ” Republican phony if ever there was one. Of course democrat Marxist zSeaker of the House, didn’t care how she dumped on Republkcan President Donald Trump, just so she could do it and nothing could work better for old Nancy Pelosi to have a so-called, ” Republican help Nancy get her dirty work done.. I happened to come across a Book, Titled ” Rules For Radicals , Defeated by Jeff Hedgeth which in Chapter 2, ” Rules For Radicals Defeated; ALractical Guide for Defeating Obama-Alinsky Tactics in which I found this, ” The second Rule of Ethies of the means and Ends is dependent upon the politicalposition of those sitting in Jidgement. “
AND never forget the third rule.. Never let a crisis go to waste.
Well, I see Jezebel is back in her patriotic pose with the American flag backdrop—what a joke.
“As of today, Jan. 6 is the biggest and last best stick the Democrats have for retaining control of Congress in 2022.” These people have delusions of grandeur that boggle the mind. An incessant stream of manufactured instigations designed to villainize a Party that threatens to expose their corruption, It is the biggest load of time-wasting drama laden with false allegations, unsubstantiated charges, and flimsy attempts at heroic exploits carried out by some of the most anti-American excuses for leaders this country has ever seen.
It is a disgrace—a total travesty of justice—a dazzling display of pure ignorance and ineptitude. They hold their heads up high to, I suppose, not have to breathe in the fumes from the s**t they stir up under the guise of bringing to light all the dirty deeds and intents of those venomous Republicans.
Dance the DC Limbo, Nancy—see how low you can go.
Nancy should pray to the government god that made her, that THE PEOPLE came only with flags and banners instead of flags and guns. It won”t be pretty for her next time. Try removing the causes of the people complaints, instead of stoking the flames of division with just more of the same lies and oppression. Those who create violence sooner or later get the taste of it themselves Nancy. NOBODY would take a bullet for YOU like they did for Reagan. Such is the danger of creating a party of dependent people who only think of protecting and enriching themselves. If you only get paid back the usual 10% of the violence and division you yourself have invested in America, you can consider yourself and Joe paid back on what you actually invested into America.
Peloski aka Pelosi aka Pollock can’t go any further than she is Now . She s all ready lower than a Snake s belly.
If you’ve nevef seen ” The faces of, ” Evil, ” befoe, now that you have Seen ” democrat, Marxist Maxine Waters, Adam Shiffee, Chuck Schumber and. The ” Rino ” Republicans play lap dogs to the Speaker of the House, the face of Evil, Nancy Pelosi.
Pity the flag doesn’t animate, AND WRAP HER UP, like an Anaconda or python, and SQUEEZE the life out of her…
If January 6th was an act of domestic terrorism, it was just a small echo of what the Democrat election inspired Democrats had been shouting into the faces of peaceful law-abiding taxpayers who got fed up paying for government protection that never materialized, with our police having been handcuffed in place of the anarchists. Call into the valley and the echo returns. While Biden and Pelosi embellish, empower and celebrate their illegally entered child molesters, drug dealers and unvaccinated carriers of COVID-19, WE THE PEOPLE who believe it is the job of a parent not to raise children but adults, just get more abused by the Children-in-adult-bodies, elected by the army of dependent Children raised by the democrats to follow, not lead, and seek the immediate gratification of a stolen election like a drug user pants for his drugs.
Hell, what of all the LEFT INSPIRED ATTACKS ON trump supporters, during the run up TO The elections, designed to do nothing more than SCARE US INTO NOT VOTING.. How the hell were none of THOSE considerd terrorist attacks!!?
Pelosi has impaneled a jury to try Trump and the GOP for insurrection,
every one of whose members has already indicated they believe that Jan. 6 is a historic crime and Trump is guilty.
A jury to try?? And everyone of the jury has already tried and convicted Trump even before the trial?
The treasonous Nazi Nancy Pelosi managed to charge President Trump with two kangaroo court circus impeachment charges and both of them were dismissed.
Nancy Pelosi admitted an unfortunate truth about her fabricated impeachment “farce”
– It hinges on witness’s “allegations” not “proof”.
It’s Not A Question” Of “Proof”, It’s About “Allegations”
So this disgraceful Nancy Pelosi’s Congressional Democrat cult are attempting to do it again. 👿 A third time.
This illegal, unconstitutional and traitorous actions by the corrupt Nancy Pelosi needs to be addressed.
And unlike a TRUE Trial,
A) the defendents have NO CAPACITY TO defend themselves with a lawyer
B) the defendents have NO capacity to question their accusers
C) if they’re found guilty, you can BET YOUR LAST DOLLAR< they won't ever be allowed to APPEAL IT.
The only way to address what Pelosi and her stooges are doing to this country is to fight back, and that means by any means, even another revolution. It’s going to get much worse in this country and getting them out of our government is our only chance to survive as a constitutionally run republic. I retired from our Army over 44 years ago but I’m ready to fight again for this country, and I’d bet that there are many more like me out there.
” The Second Rule of ” Ethies Of The Means and Ends Is Dependent Upon The political Position Of Those Sitting In Judgement. ”
Marxist democrat, Nancy Pelosi Eas Never Troubled Very Much About Ethics, If Ethics were a Conser Of Hers, She Wouldent Be A Marxist demovrat…
They have nothing else to divert attention away from their miserable showing over the last few years. Donald Trump was an easy target for them to vent their hate on even though he got more things done right than most Presidents ever think about. Now that he is gone, they undid as many of the beneficial programs the Trump administration initiated as fast as they could and created messes that they can’t point fingers of blame to anyone but themselves, the border, the economy, the pandemic, the racism, the honor of the United States abroad, the disrespect at home. January 6 is their rallying cry and they have blown the rather modest event , compared to other previous ‘protests’ out of proportion to a catastrophically epic armageddon! Whew!
The damage has been repaired, the mess cleaned up. Still the Democrats cringe in fear (so they say) of a second onslaught, something they would do if they were not already in control. Republicans are trying to do the business of government, Democrats seek revenge for being humiliated!
PITY armed patriots, don’t GIVE THEM THEIR wish, and storm the capital, and DRAG THEM ALL OUT In chains.
These Capital Police were career Washington D. C. political Hacks And Their Political connections is How thes Capital police obtained Their Jobs, They wete political Appointees .
Liberals are scared to death of President Trump and his followers, because we the people believe in the Constitution and democrats want to eliminate the Constitution.
We need to do MORE than jsut ‘scare them’ with our outrage….
Right on about the Pelosi/flag, self righteous, arrogant pose. Bipartisan committee, my foot. What happened to those that accosted senators in the capital halls during the Supreme Court nomination hearing for Justice Kavanaugh? Correct me if I’m wrong, but I didn’t hear anything on the scale of Jan. 6th terrorist/insurrection from anyone, yet rabid rioting protesters went through the halls, with some getting in an elevator with Flake giving him the riot act so he would change his vote. Oh, but these were liberal protesters and they were rightfully there to demand Kavanaugh not be seated. I guess conservatives aren’t allowed to do that. Democrats accuse conservatives of the very things they themselves do, but we are not supposed to mention that. What a sham we are paying for!
Mccarthyism ,Pelosism not much different. Years from now people will compare the two. Nancy will be found un American
Mccarthy’s purge, should have NEVER EVER been ended…
What is wrong with the capitol police? We read so many stories of police heroes putting their lives on the line to save people yet these whiny capitol police are afraid of a group of unarmed people wandering through the capitol.
Because they are a weaponized group, against WE THE PEOPLE… That’s what is wrong with them.
this is a sham of epic perportions a pure commie witch hunt by head commie polosi.
” Selective Memkry. ” Has everybody , in all of the of the excitment caused by the protestors breaking into the White House on January 6Th. 2021 that a lot of the different states Nation Guards were called to the White House to back up Security at the Capital on that day.and what seems to have slipped every ones mind was that the National Guatd which was called from their states where the National Guard members lived that after providing their Services of backing up Capital were treated pretty poorly in my opinion and were left to sleep on a cement Floor during their call to the White House. IThought that the National Guard Troops deserved better treatment and more respect than that for their answering the call to duty and called away from their homes on such short notice.
YET those same folks who ‘Demanded the guard come to protect dc’, RAILED AND WHINED at trump when he merely SUGGESTED TO OTHER STATES “Do you wish the feds to help out and send IN the guard to reign in all those riots”!
Those things done by the radical left wing BLM and antifa weren’t classified as riots by the democrats, they were peaceful marches against oppression. According to the democrats it pays to be black, or an illegal now, but not white.
IF anything, those riots were not just CONDONED, but celebrated!