There is something very fishy about the new 2020 Census Bureau data determining which states picked up seats and which states lost seats.
Most all of the revisions to the original estimates have moved in one direction: Population gains were added to blue states, and population losses were subtracted from red states. The December revisions in population estimates under the Biden Census Bureau added some 2.5 million blue-state residents and subtracted more than 500,000 red-state residents. These population estimates determine how many electoral votes each state receives for presidential elections and the number of congressional seats in each state.
Is this a mere coincidence?
These population estimates determine how many electoral votes each state receives for presidential elections and the number of congressional seats in each state.
Remember, the House of Representatives is razor-thin today, with the Democrats sporting just a six-seat majority with five seats currently vacant. So, a switch in a handful of seats in 2022 elections could flip the House and take the gavel away from current Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats. A shift of 3 million in population is the equivalent of four seats moving from Republican to Democrat.
The original projections for the Census reapportionment had New York losing two seats, Rhode Island losing a seat and Illinois perhaps losing two seats. Instead, New York and Illinois only lost one seat, and Rhode Island lost no seats. Meanwhile, Texas was expected to gain three seats, Florida two seats and Arizona one seat. Instead, Texas gained only two seats, Florida only one and Arizona none.
Was the Census Bureau count rigged? Was it manipulated by the Biden team to hand more seats to the Democrats and to get more money — federal spending is often allocated based on population — for the blue states?
The evidence is now only circumstantial, but when errors or revisions are almost all only in one direction, the alarm bells appropriately go off.
Here are some of the strange outcomes in the Census revisions just released:
No. 1: New York — We’ve been tracking the annual population/migration changes between states since the last census in 2010. Over the past decade, New York LOST about 1.3 million residents on net to other states. (This does not include immigration, births and deaths.) Still, this is a population loss that is the equivalent of two, maybe three, lost congressional seats. But the final numbers ADDED approximately 860,000. That’s roughly twice the population of Buffalo and Rochester — combined. This is the state that has lost by far the largest population over the past decade.
No. 2: Many deep-blue states had 2020 census numbers significantly revised upward from their December estimates: Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island and Vermont.
No. 3: Many red states had 2020 census numbers lower than their 2020 estimates: Arizona, North Carolina and South Carolina.
No. 4: Going back to the 2010 Census, the final head count in every state was within 0.4% of the original estimate, and 30 of them were within 0.2%. This time around, 19 states were more than 1% off, 7 were more than 2% off, NY was more than 3.8% off, and NJ was more than 4.5% off.
No. 5: Virtually every one of the large deviations from the estimates favored Democrats. Just five states in the 2020 census were within the same margin (0.41%) that all states were within from the 2010 census.
Maybe the 2010 estimates were abnormally accurate, or maybe the 2020 estimates were abnormally inaccurate. The Census Bureau needs to tell Congress why these revisions under former President Barack Obama were so much larger than normal and so weighted in one direction: toward the blue states.
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economic consultant with FreedomWorks. He is the co-author of “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy.” To find out more about Stephen Moore and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
For the same reason millions of “votes” were given to Biden during the stolen election.
Washington DC—the District of Corruption.
IT certainly sounds frauded, what with every damn news network showing HOW MANY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE KEEP fleeing all these blue states FOR RED states.
So how then do they ‘add’ more people, UNLESS THEY ARE counting all the illegal aliens, OR FUDGING the numbers.
The Dishonorable, Socialist Democrat Party in the U.S. game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections
in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything
and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This includes cheating and manipulating the U.S. Census.
If this Dishonorable, Dishonest, Socialist Democrat Party is not destroyed,
It will destroy our country and make all of us servants, slaves and wards of the
“Socialist Democrat Party State” 🙁 🙁 🙁 ………. Conrade.
Plain and simple, democrats always cheat, no exceptions. Let freedom reign, do not wear a mask!
I wonder, if there was NEVER EVER any cheating in elections, HOW OFTEN DEMS could honestly win?? IF AT ALL
The Census bureau is political, just like the CDC, Dr. Fauci’s NIAID, the FBI, the intelligence agencies, the Department of No Justice, the Pentagon and the State Department. We have a mass cancer called the Gestapo and Stasi in the United States!!
These days, its probably easier to list what depts IN THE FEDERAL GOVT, are not political hacks…
None, nada, zero!
I am not sure the forestry or rivers/parks service has been taken over..
Time for another forensic audit. These tasks are all based on numbers, not wacky, loony theories, and it shouldn’t be that difficult to match the figures with living, breathing citizens.
And if ANY non-citizens, non-resident citizens, or no longer living citizens, were counted, that entire state must have it’s representation reduced by the independent auditor’s calculation of the percentage of non-citizens, non-resident citizens, or no longer living citizens counted.
THAT IS WHY I wanted the scotus to rule, NON CITIZENS SHOULDN’T even get COUNTED on the census…
According to the communistic Demonrat party, there is no truth, other than what serves their nefarious purposes.
If it furthers their agenda, it’s true. If not, then it’s a lie. Sit down, shut up or be beaten into subjection. Just like Hitler’s brown shirts.
Had the Trump administration done something like that there would be calls for executions.
AND mass jailings..
Democrat insurance policy in case by the grace of God there is election reform, they will have a crooked Census on which to fall back…you can’t underestimate the depths of the Swamp of Corruption.
California should have lost a lot of seats but due to counting illegalsthey lost only one ???
WHICH IS why the scotus Blurpped up, by telling trump “NO You can’t discount illegals”, when he tried to REMOVE THEM from the census.
They found all these people in semi-truck trailers or shipping containers that suddenly showed up after the census count was done, just like what has happened with the elections, you know, cases of “uncounted ballets” showing up in car trunks or under covered tables and desks.
For the same reason we have such a corrupt administration. Lying, subterfuge and plain old corruption. This administration is a false non-American administration who would not be in office if the election had been fair. Th Socialist Democrat Party doesn’t know how to be fair. Thy just want to power grab and are sending America back to the Middle Ages of serfs and poverty for all but the elitists who hide behind private walls and barriers. All of you who voted for this administration are living in Lala land if you think they are going to fulfill any promises made by the party in power. Let it go further and you will be in poverty and subject to the whims of the government. Wake up America!
At next election, there need to be security to ensure that ballots are not all of a sudden misplaced/lost/crushed, etc. and most importantly that no sudden finding of extra container with ballots with 90% marked being for a democrat.
Unless the malfeasance and treason which occurred during the 2020 elections, from the top of the ballots to the bottom, is: disclosed, rectified, actual winners installed in the respective offices [from President to city council], and the perpetrators punished in the appropriate manner [Treason is a capital crime]; there will never again be either an accurate census or legitimate election.
AND all those involved i n doing that fraud, needs to get hung publicly.
Not surprised. Not surprised in the least. The only surprise I harbor is that anyone else might be surprised by this. It’s in the Demoncrats DNA to lie, cheat and steal.
IT certainly seems that lying, cheating, stealing and backstabbing is inherent in their being.
And then what? The head of the Census Bureau goes to prison for 30 years in the cell next to Obama? They adjust the numbers and the balance of power changes in Congress? Hell no, nothing will happen because they all rub each others’ backs. This is just more propaganda to pacify the sheople.