Politically this has been and continues to be a year like no other. Many millions of Americans believe that we have just witnessed the grand theft of a presidential election. No, it wasn’t the Russians. The Fake News Media are doing their best to shame President Trump and his supporters into just accepting that it’s over. Joe Biden is the President-elect because the media and a number of states have said so and certified it. But what about the disputed results? Those have to be sorted out.
It looks more and more like the narrative is starting to change. It’s in the eyes of Jake Tapper, George Stephanopoulos, Chuck Todd and Rachel Maddow. There is no evidence, they tell us, none, of any voter fraud. Well, maybe a little, but not enough to change the results in any states, and certainly not enough to reverse totals in enough states that must be changed to swing the election to Trump. Where are the Republicans with the character and backbone to stand up to the Trump cult, they ask?
Frustration, anger and a bit of panic seem to be building on the left as it becomes abundantly clear that Trump is not going without a fight. Could it really happen? Biden has named his cabinet, they’ve all accepted their positions, and the media and the Dems are attempting to convince us all that it is over. Anyone who doesn’t accept that is either a cultist, a conspiracy theorist, a denier of reality, or just a fool, they tell us.
They want to keep pretending that Joe Biden won this election by staying in his basement, being coy about his positions, and depending on the hatred and contempt that the Left believes we all feel, or should feel, towards Trump. But hold on. How many times has Trump been done and headed for the exit? The Access Hollywood tape, the Russia-collusion hoax, Michael Avenatti, Michael Cohen, the impeachment over Ukraine, though in fact it was Biden who actually threatened to withhold funds to Ukraine unless they fired the prosecutor looking into Burisma, which was paying his son Hunter Biden more than a million dollars a year.
And then the full force of ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, Washington Post and the rest to spin virtually everything against Trump, while ignoring massive evidence of corruption and cognitive issues in the case of Biden. They are the same media that pretended that the Obama administration didn’t spy on and attempt a coup against Trump. The media that ignored the abundance of evidence that poured out of the “laptop from hell” revealing how the Biden family used their name to peddle influence for tens of millions of dollars in compensation. No evidence, they assured us. All debunked. Unverified. That is why they are and will always be, Fake News.
The latest is that there is no evidence of any meaningful corruption in the election. But several states are still in dispute, and will be until the U.S. Supreme Court says it’s over. Sidney Powell has introduced a powerful lawsuit in Georgia that the media continue to ignore. And another one in Michigan. Pennsylvania state legislators held a hearing Wednesday that revealed a lot of evidence of corruption. And though an appeals court rejected the Trump team’s arguments in Pennsylvania the day after Thanksgiving, their real goal is to get it to the U.S. Supreme Court. A Nevada judge has agreed to look at the evidence in that state. That is, if evidence can be defined as sworn testimony by people claiming to have witnessed corruption. The speakers at the hearing in Pennsylvania weren’t under oath, but many have signed affidavits, and those come with the penalty of perjury.
So here we are. President Trump is playing out his legal options. He is convinced, as millions of people are, that the Democrats and their fat-cat dark-money backers, along with the social media mafia that attempts to control what news and information we can or cannot receive, set out to guarantee a win for Biden, regardless of what the legal votes determine.
Trump is not backing down. He has indicated that if he loses these legal and constitutional battles, he will leave and continue our long history of peaceful transitions. But after all the efforts to remove him for four years, isn’t he entitled to exhaust his legal options over the next few weeks? If the Democrats have nothing to fear, then they should welcome this process, as it is exposing vulnerabilities in our election system.
As I pointed out prior to Election Day, with the new election protocols in place, neither side was prepared to accept defeat without a thorough forensic examination of the election process. Whether Sidney Powell, Lin Wood, Jenna Ellis and Rudy Giuliani can prove fraud and corruption in court remains to be seen. Most Trump supporters no longer believe he has a path to victory, and they may well be right. But despite Democrat and news media protestations, there is plenty of evidence of fraud and corruption. You have to read through the affidavits and lawsuits to see what is there. The question is, will the courts be able and willing to step into the fray and disallow any votes that may have been from the result of such fraud. If not, what are the consequences of that? The world waits on the American judicial branch of government to sort it out and do its duty.
Roger Aronoff is the executive director and Editor of the Citizens Commission on National Security. Aronoff founded the Citizens’ Commission on Benghazi. He has produced and directed six documentaries, and produced a weekly series on PBS called “Think Tank with Ben Wattenberg.”
The views expressed in CCNS member articles are not necessarily the views or positions of the entire CCNS. They are the views of the authors, who are members of the CCNS.
The courts are a lost cause. They do not have the guts to overturn this corrupt election. Biden will be President and we will be headed to the communist nation that he and Kamala want. We will be slaves to the government.
We seldom get the kind of leaders we want, but God usually sends us the ones we deserve who reflect who we really are in our acts and morality. Thanks to President trump, much of the secular liberal beguilement in indoctrination by a corrupt media has been revealed and our moral compass in spite of how evil the lying Democrats tell you that he is, the American moral compass has spun much more toward the north for a guiding star. Trust me, there are still plenty of Anglo Saxon men who will willingly die to protect our freedoms, who willingly give freely out of their own abundance who will not allow these socialist to take away your or my basic necessities or freedoms. Others hopefully will join in and assist but if not we have plenty enough strength left to get the job done, and get it done proper, just like they did in 1776. Our American justice cannot and will not sleep forever. Lets hope the Supremes can do in proper elections and judicial pronouncements what bullets may have to do later when and if the elections and freedoms get stolen.
Even the Scotus, seems uninterested in getting involved… I fear you’re right, in that they’re a lost cause.
I have no idea what SCOTUS will do if and when a proper case is brought to them except I do think that 5 of them will support the Constitution and 4 will not.
Some seem not to understand that the Supreme Court is the last court. They do not jump in until the case is brought to them. They do not go out and snatch a case from the county judge, the state supreme court or a federal appeals court. The case must travel its route and then be submitted to the court of last resort to accept or not, to decide if accepted.
It is the job of those challenging the election to prepare a coherent case and take it step by step through the lower courts and then finally to submit it to the Supreme Court. If they have done their job properly the court will accept it and make a decision.
Election fraud is very difficult to prove and so far the president’s team seems to be struggling to put it all together. It is a massive job, much more difficult than Florida was.
I try to remain calm and pray for America.
Seeing state after state CERTIFY this flat out theft, its HARD AS HELL TO “remain calm”…
The only way to insure a clean election is for voters to vote in person or not at all, and present a proper ID. Just how complicated is this anyway? Any who fail to perform the equal right of any person to vote in such manner are the ones who disenfranchise themselves. The walking dead, nor the buried dead need not apply
Note that a single act of mail fraud can carry a fine up to $250,000. This bankrupt COVID infested country could pay off a lot of expenses and perhaps the national debt by just prosecuting the mail frauds in this past election. Just offer each FBI agent or policeman a $1000 bonus for each person caught in the act and then see how fast things get cleaned up. Better to get rich ratting on your election cheating neighbor, than ratting him out for a thanksgiving dinner. MAGA in motion.
SINCE The ag’s and da’s in these libtard ridden cesspool states, REFUSE TO even see evidence, let alone prosecute rioters, WHAT MAKES You think a single person who was in volved in all of this fraud, will even SEE THE INSIDE OF a court room, let alone jail time?
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. If we don’t eat at them they will eat us,,,the symbols of the elephant party.
If we as the U.S.A. can not hold a fair and honest election. We are no better than a 3rd world socialist dictatorship.
Why is it that the Democrat Party is permitted to break so many laws and the Useless Republicans in congress just let the Democrats get away with their criminal acts against our country??
Because for FAR TOO LONG< the GOP has not had a spine, to enforce the law…
also …the Useless Republicans have sold out our country for their own financial / power gain just like the Regressive Liberal Socialist Democrats have. They will NOT jeopardize their own greedy wealth just for us pissons. They don’t live by the laws they pass for us…they don’t care. The liberal / conservative farse is just a game to them.
Hence why if an asteroid flew in, and wiped DC OUT Tomorrow, while ALL of these hacks were there, i’d CELEBRATE…
I’m tiring of the left always getting blamed. They are who they are, and we all know what that is. The fault clearly lies with the GOP. These Radical Leftists are just not all that smart. they got away with what they did because there was no opposition. None.
No one stood up to them when they were harrasing Trump for four years, and no one has stood up to them now as they clearly stole this election right in front of everyone.
It’s just all too very convienent for the GOP to always have a scapegoat in the Radical Left, knowing they can leave this president out to dry, turn their backs on the theft of this election and yet someone will always blame the Radicals.
“But you have to vote for the GOP or the Dems will get in” Right, a lot of good that has done for us.
We have no friend in the GOP. it’s about time the dog started wagging the tail again.
IMO the Dog has been put down…