As we march into June, the midterm prospects for the Democrats look very bleak. President Joe Biden’s approval ratings are often under 40%, below Donald Trump’s numbers at this point, when the TV soothsayers were always predicting “the walls were closing in” on Trump. His presidency would surely self-destruct in 5 seconds.
It’s rough enough for Biden that NBC News ran an online article by four reporters who gained anonymous access to “more than two dozen current and former administration officials, lawmakers, congressional aides and other Democrats close to the White House.”
The headline was “Inside a Biden White House adrift.”
“Amid a rolling series of calamities and sinking approval ratings, the president’s feeling lately is that he just can’t catch a break — and that angst is rippling through his party,” the subhead read.
You can tell the journalists are Democrats when Biden is never considered responsible in any way for any “calamities.” No, just like the press under Jimmy Carter, NBC says “crises have piled up in ways” that “made the Biden White House look flat-footed: record inflation, high gas prices, a rise in Covid case numbers.”
Incompetence is unthinkable. It’s just bad luck.
They found author Chris Whipple to speak on the record about the “epic challenges,” lamenting the poor Bidenites “came in with the most daunting set of challenges arguably since Franklin D. Roosevelt, only to then be hit by a perfect storm of crises, from Ukraine to inflation to the supply chain to baby formula. What’s next? Locusts?”
When Republicans are in the White House, nearly every problem in America is blamed on Republican rule. Under Democrats, it’s just a “perfect storm” of mysterious failures.
The funniest line in this narrative was that Biden “has vented to aides about not getting credit from Americans or the news media for actions he believes have helped the country, particularly on the economy.” Biden’s blaming the news media! Somehow, they aren’t dedicated and dutiful servants for the Democrats.
They really can’t complain about NBC when they’ve picked up both Biden press secretary Jen Psaki and Vice President Kamala Harris spokesperson Symone Sanders to repeat Democrat talking points on “news” programs on MSNBC and Peacock.
It’s also amusing that Biden grumbled about being corrected when he steps in rhetorical doo-doo. “He makes a clear and succinct statement — only to have aides rush to explain that he actually meant something else,” reported NBC. “The so-called clean-up campaign, he has told advisers, undermines him and smothers the authenticity that fueled his rise.”
Don’t “smother the authenticity” when Biden says something that sets the globe on edge. The NBC example here was Biden said in Poland that Vladimir Putin “cannot remain in power.” He didn’t want anyone “walking that back.” Or when he said America would go to war to China to defend Taiwan. He’s “authentically” reckless.
Biden thinks his staff shouldn’t correct him because it gives Republicans a talking point. Wrong. That talking point is already there, whether they correct it or not. He sounds like a blabbering boob. Democrats all thought Trump was the loose-lipped generalissimo who would tweet us into global war, so what is this?
NBC found surprising “managerial breakdowns,” upending “an assumption baked into Biden’s candidacy … that he would preside over a smoothly running administration by dint of his decades of experience in public office.”
That “baked assumption” of Biden’s smooth competence has collapsed under the weight of reality. The assumption was always false, but the media sold it aggressively. Now Biden pressures them to engage in ridiculous happy talk about his accomplishments. He’s more likely to succeed in manipulating journalists than he has succeeded in manipulating the economy.
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog To find out more about Tim Graham and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Poor old joe. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me, think I’ll eat some worms.
He’s like the end stage alzheimer’s patient in the nursing home, slapping and cursing at the nurses aide trying to clean him up after he has crapped his bed.
Every Crisis Joe has failed has been created by Joe himself, the Mickey Mouse Sorcerer’s Apprentice who just Like MIckey Mouse in the Fantasia Cartoon, put on the Sorcerer’s dunce cap and tried to see if the radical Liberal agenda’s he imposes upon an already COVID oppressed people can actually carry water,,,,water broomed right out of Joe’s Lazy river of course, which ended up drowning everyone including Joe. If Johann Wolfgang von Goethe were writing Joe”s speeches and programs like he wrote the poem that inspired the cartoon, Joe would be putting down his out-of-control powerful Presidential magic wand that he stole, and be handing it back to Trump.
IN NO WAY do i feel any pity for this fool..
We know: he’s merely the victim of circumstances beyond his control, all the left wing political hacks in his administration create those circumstances for him; those pesky vast right wing conspiritors can just sit around and point them out when they happen and not do anything else!
We the People have allowed the President, Senate and the House of Representative to be ruled by treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
Vote ALL of the Democrats OUT OF Office, Everywhere!
The Treasonous, dishonest, destructive, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal in order to take total control of the American people, by restricting U.S. oil production, overspend and create inflation, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees and to promote Socialism.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, corrupt, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their corrupt, demented puppet has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY! 🙁 🙁 🙁
the head liver spot in charge has done un-fixable damage to the nation with his
love for the lbgtq and blm and antifa. now he has and still is flooding america with south american trash who
will not fight for a better life in there own country so they migrate to amreica and ruin our country.
let there be no doubt the left is doing this to replace conserative god fearing people.
Yes the demonrats stole an election and then in their most ridiculous and almost unbelievable lack of wisdom placed a completely psychotic pile of WORTHLESS subhuman cells into what is historically supposed to be the most difficult job in the world! They did so without ANY regard for what devastating and catastrophic results were sure to follow…… every single one of the treasonous and psychologically twisted engineers of the diabolical plan to destroy our Country should be hunted down and made to answer to the American Citizens!! This should NEVER be allowed to happen again to our once great Nation!
IT shouldn’t have been allowed in the first place.
Seems like that 3rd Term is working just the way the puppet masters planned. Truely the worst thing that ever happened to this country.