Once again, the nation is traumatized by horrible video of police brutally beating to death a Black man. Need I note the victim was Black? Would we be less or more traumatized if the victim were white?
But the rule seems to be the victims are Black.
Everyone sees there is a problem. Everyone wants to fix it. But how?
The first question in the pursuit of a solution invariably is, “What is wrong with the system?”
How about we start this time by asking a different question. What is wrong with the men who did it?
The shocking video certainly doesn’t give us the whole story. What were the circumstances that lead to the police apprehending this man, forcing him defenseless on the ground and beating him to death? Can we imagine any circumstance that would justify this behavior?
Suppose somehow all this occurred under the radar. That these policemen beat this man to death, but no one found out about it.
Could they live with themselves? Could they just go home to their families after doing a day’s work without a second thought that their law enforcement work left a man dead with little justification why this happened?
We in the pro-life movement ask how women can destroy the child in their womb and live with themselves. Those who rationalize it say they don’t see this unborn child as life.
But can we say these police did not see Tyre Nichols as a living man?
When these incidents get spun as racial, the answer comes forth that racists do not see those whom they hate as human. There was a historic data point in this regard in our nation’s history in the Dred Scott decision.
But in this case, the police officers were Black.
How about if we ask if each of those policemen felt they live in a world with a Creator and that every human being is a creation made in that Creator’s image? If they believed this, could they have done what they did?
Rep. Jim Jordan summed it up well saying, “I don’t know there is anything you can do to stop the kind of evil we saw in that video.”
Something very bad has happened in our country.
This nation was founded as a free country under God, not as a “system.” The Constitution is an operating manual creating the basic structure of government and to assure that it would be kept limited and not interfere with citizens taking personal responsibility and living free.
Yes, it began with the horrible reality of slavery. But this reflected the sin of man and not a systematic flaw in the country.
George Washington said it, and I quote him all the time, that there is no freedom without religion.
But today we are going in the opposite direction. We want to use courts and legislatures to produce systematic answers to our lives rather than turning to our parents and our pastors for eternal principles. The answer is not in the system; it is in ourselves.
Regarding the police, they need more personal responsibility for their behavior.
One path to this is getting rid of qualified immunity, which shields them from exposure to lawsuits. Qualified immunity allows police to violate constitutional rights of others without concern they will be sued. Per this judge-created doctrine, as long as there is not another identical precedent, with all the same facts, police are immune from being sued.
Unions protect policemen with a track record of infractions, and then qualified immunity protection allows them to go out and do it again.
This is the most important technical reform that can improve police behavior.
But we must remember, good men will produce good results even in a bad system.
But bad men, even in the most perfectly designed system, will produce bad results.
Star Parker is president of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education and host of the weekly television show “Cure America with Star Parker.” To find out more about Star Parker and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
These people with the same mindset that demean life from conception to grave000and using the most transparent “reasoning” to back up their belief system by relegating second-class status to anyone whom they frown upon.
All five of them look like ex=gang bangers..
My question is, why do they always resist arrest and run?
He would still be alive if he complied with the officers.
There’s something we’re not hearing about this situation.
Did you see the video? They beat him before he ran. I think he was literally running for his life.
But, I also think there is still more that we don’t know. There was something personal in this. I would bet on it.
Agreed.. The video shows that they are PULLING him out, and starting to beat him, before he ever had a chance to ‘flee’/.
They were baked by their religion of socialist entitlements to be offered up in sacrifice as a host of gingerbread men. Just run, run as fast as you can you can’t catch me I’m the gingerbread man,,,,While under the infulence of their drugs,,,,but in reality, when sober and awake realize they are just the stale chewing gum democrats wipe off the bottom of their shoes. Democrat contrived, Collective collateral damage.
Star asks: The first question in the pursuit of a solution invariably is, “What is wrong with the system?”
How about we start this time by asking a different question. What is wrong with the men who did it?
Yes, exactly. That is the question that should be asked. I’m not sure we can find an answer to that either but at least we would be starting at the right point.
There are thousands upon thousands of policemen and women in the same systems who have not lost their humanity and done something like this.
This imo, is a direct result of forced hiring of certain ethnicites in the name of equality, and NOT TAKING those who are qualified!!
It is not just the character of the Police, this has become the character of so many people. It all about self, self-righteous. self-serving, self-worshipping, self-anointing. People are thinking that they themselves are gods. Half of the country thinks it is their right to murder their unborn babies. We the People have allowed the demonic government to prohibit any and all teachings in schools or exhibiting of any form of respect for the Lord God Almighty or his son Jesus Christ in any public space. But these same people encourage every form of sin or abomination against God.
It is a matter of who you Love, worship and obey. God or self and Satan.
John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
Matthew 7:15-16 Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them.
The individual himself is the true gatekeeper who allows either the better Angels of our nature or the darker Angels of our passions to come in and govern our actions that rule us. Choosing to dwell with the legions of good or evil spirits we ourselves define which team we wish to play on and score the most points for. Abuse that God given choice as he sifts us on his scales, and the loss of not just this world, but eternity is in the balance. Dem sob sisters who cannot deal with the reality of the darkest side of man, in their denial of evil just empower it, and open the gate for it, to the point of denying God himself, because if there is a God, there must be a Devil, and then they and their political evil soon gets found out.
“What does it take to insure that Policemen Are Human Beings you ask??, Just quit denying that having the capacity to be Evil is not part of being HUMAN, get real that the human condition is one of a moral testing ground that has nothing to do with skin color, gender, national origin or Political affiliation. If evil was removed and only the good was allowed to exist, it would not be a human condition. We would all become either God beings who go straight to heaven or Devil Beings that go straight to hell,,,nothing that looks how we humans were designed to be under the gift or the curse of free will. Just raise humans with good moral gatekeepers and even bad cops will begin to act like Angels. Evil is a choice, never a result of being a victim.
This is what you get as soon as standards are lowered just to fill positions. Affirmative action in hiring police will result in affirmatively getting negative results
One of the ironies of the success of affirmative action is that the middle class within the black community no longer lives within ‘black community’ by and large. Only a partial success which empowered the few to continue to diminish the many. Affirmative action was never meant to be permanent, and now is truly PAST time to move on to something more workable and permanent. Fifty years of affirmative failure should never have been an option.
In English grammar, two negatives make an affirmative, but two affirmatives never make a negative. In American politics, two or more affirmative actions, more often make a negative outcome. Initial immediate gratification, followed by long term social pain and anxiety.
Famous Democrat ebonic double negatives;
“He ain’t Never told no lies.
“I didn’t steal nothing”
“All the witness said they didn’t see nothing”
“That political proposition won’t get you nowhere”
“It is not unnecessary to tell the truth all the time”
“The COVID disease wasn’t non-Infectious.”
AS will continually LOwering standards just to ‘fill slots’..
No noise from Burn, Loot, Maime cause there is no money to be made and destroying buildings would not look right since it was Black on Black.
They can always find a reason…
I read another article that stated that one of the “officers” (thugs) said “This is fun”. The five thugs should be tried, convicted, and sentenced. They should be put in prison with the general population where they will be VERY popular and will develop a new gait and have a very sore throat. To me that is justice.
True that. STICKING any cop, regardless of what he did to get in jail, is bad news for him.. OR her.
A long ago and far away comic strip carrecter said ‘we have met the enemy and he is us “. The problem in this situation is not that these men are’nt human They are human,very human . We humans were created and granted free will by our creator .Early on we fell under the influence of the evil dark angel Lucifer . murder followed soon after . Mankind is natural;y capable of kindness and incredable selflesness ,we are equally capable of tremendos cruelty and greed for power . Hitler Stalin,Mao ,Pol pot and even littie Rocket Man ,all human ! The toadies who followed them and “just followed orders” ,these ****** were human too! Systems,rules, training. all mean nothing when ungodly men are in charge. The Devil revelles in conflict . So much evil so little time .