Congresswoman Lauren Boebert demanded Monday that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi ‘tear down this wall’ of fencing that has remained around the Capitol complex since after the January 6 attack – even though a review resulted in recommenders for installing a retractable fencing system.
The Republican representative for Colorado released a minute-long video on Twitter where she lauded former President Donald Trump for building a security wall at the southern border but bashed Democrats for keeping a fence up around the Capitol.
She continued: ‘President Trump built a big, beautiful wall because he loves America and he wanted to secure our country and protect us.’
‘And now, welcome to Fort Pelosi,’ Boebert said as the scene changed to her standing along the fencing surrounding the entire complex, ‘where Democrats decry walls from within their own, heavily guarded, razor wired wall.’
– Read more at the Daily Mail
Madam Speaker, tear down this wall!
— Rep. Lauren Boebert (@RepBoebert) March 8, 2021
Republican Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert calls on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to “tear down” security fencing around the Capitol in a new ad.
Miles of fencing was put up around the Capitol and thousands of National Guard troops were deployed to guard the surrounding area after the Jan. 6 riot that resulted in five deaths and hundreds of arrests, but now, lawmakers, D.C. residents and the Capitol Police oversight board are calling for the razor-wire fencing to come down.
– Read more at Fox News
Hey Nancy, walls do not work, do they? Secondly, Nancy you are part of the police state aren’t you? This is what you think of us, the American citizen, by walling off the Capitol. Nancy, what is the name of the Church you go to? Is the Church you go to called “The Gestapo Stasi Communist Church of Pelosi”? In other words the Church of The devil.
And i thought walls were racist…
“And i thought walls were racist…”
That is what the traitorous Nasty Nancy Pelosi and her dishonorable Congressional Democrats said when President Trump tried to protect our southern border from the illegal immigrant invasion.
But notice now how anyone from anywhere is allowed and even encouraged to illegality enter the U.S..
And the traitorous corrupt demented puppet president biden even supports these illegal immigrants with your money 🙁 🙁 🙁
Not just welcomed, but given MORE PREFERENTIAL treatment than US Citizens it seems.
This wall is what happens when Dems, RINO’s and the deepstate steals an election and gives it to an illegitimate President Biden now afraid of the people they’re supposed to serve.
You hit the nail on the head! The Dems and Rinos know what they did and are fearful of the people they screwed.
THEY damn well should be!
The Capitol complex no longer belongs to the America people it now belongs to the democrat communist party U.S.A.
That’s what i was saying, during the whole “bash the right for the 6th Jan invasion”.. HOW THE HELL CAN WE invade a capital complex, THAT SUPPOSEDLY belongs to We the people??
but it looked so nice.
And it send a wonderful, heart felt, welcoming message to the rest of the world how great our society is… and how perfect our government is… it just makes everyone everywhere want to be just like us. Well done there Nancy… you should be proud!!
Pelosi apparently recognized she has replace Hillary. Most reviled person in DC. She is scared to death. So, the wall and the troops. No telling if someone within the troops may decide she needs to go.
I think she’s got a # of other contenders for that title..
What does Pelosi know that makes her put up a defensive screen all around her? Is the Capitol going to be attacked? By whom? If she knows something, or if she is getting threats, then she should tell the citizens.
She can’t provide proof of why..
Since when does the House Speaker call up and deploy National Guard troops? I thought the dems didn’t like guns? Oh yeah, only the guns protecting American Citizens…
Pelosi is the biggest threat this country faces today. More so than any of our external enemies.
I would say Pelosi and the whole democrat communist party as well as there voters are the biggest threat this country.
Agreed Boone. THEIR voters, are just as TREASONOUS, as those in office are.
The only guns they like, are those in the hands of their GESTAPO>
I thought walls were Racist Piglosi ?
You can’t have it both ways Piglosi, either walls work, or they do not work. Which one is it. The citizens fear the intruders at the border, just like you fear the citizens of the country. The only difference is that the citizens have done nothing to deserve the fear they are experiencing.
SINCE when have the left, NOT had it both ways though>?
It would be better to tell that stupid ugly old cement faced hag to drop dead.
IMO she’s gonna try to do a RBG and stay in office till she drops dead.
Paranoia plan paranoia. Evil never makes the perpetrators as at ease as they wish it would. Must be horrible to have to continually look over your shoulder.
They really should be looking over their shoulders…
FOR the rest of their natural lives..
Nancy you’re getting use to being behind bars. However your new future home won’t have the comforts you do now.
Also Lauren Boebert for Colorado Governor 2022! We need some sanity here.
I’d rather keep her in the senate..
She is in the house of representatives, not the senate.
Sorry. In that case change my answer to keeping her in the house… WE need all the seats there we can get.
Has anyone else noticed that the recently elected politicians with the MOST Intestinal Fortitude are women? Traditionally, Republicans quietly sit on the sidelines while DemocRATS ride roughshod over OUR Country. It took a Non-Politician, Donald J Trump, to finally speak up and fight for RIGHT, and a few of our newly minted Republican Politicians are following his example. Bravo!!!
They certainly appear like they have more BALLS than most of the men do..
The new Bolsheviks securing their new Kremlin against the new Proletariat. I predict there will ALWAYS be a “threat” requiring the walls and troops to remain forever.
As many of us have claimed, they’ll try… AND most likely succeed at, cause the GOP and feckless incompetent hacks in the DOD, are too COWARDLY TO FIGHT them on it.
Dictators need walls and military security to keep the people from throwing them out. What does that say for this administration? They know what they are doing and that we the people don’t want it. Pelosi is the absolute ‘poster child’ for term limits.