Marjorie Taylor Greene says the country needs a “national divorce.” “We need to separate by red states and blue states and shrink the federal government,” she tweeted. “Everyone I talk to says this. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrat’s traitorous America Last policies, we are done.”
Generally speaking, I’m sympathetic to the idea that the political left is unable to accept a truly diverse nation. Virtually every legislative policy proposal from modern Democrats — and every policy issued by edict — strengthens federal power and economic control over states. Modern Democrats are champions of direct democracy, an effort to undercut the choices of local communities and individuals. When they don’t get their way, the D.C. bureaucracy steps in to circumvent the will of states. And when courts stop them, Democrats work to delegitimize and weaken the judiciary.
Just this week, Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) argued states should simply disregard the Supreme Court when they don’t agree with a decision. Ignoring the division of power is far more likely to cause a national schism than any Greene tweet.
None of that means a “national divorce” — really secession, since other states are unlikely to concede to a split — isn’t a reckless thing for someone who took a vow to defend the Constitution to advocate. Even if we took a moment to seriously contemplate the idea, how would it be achieved? We aren’t separated ideologically into large geographic regions or even states, but rather urban, suburban and rural areas. Conservatives like to share that map showing virtually the entire country painted in electoral red — and it matters more than Democrats like to admit. But we can’t discount that density also matters. A “national divorce” would create even smaller minorities and divisions, but little difference in the way of policy.
For that matter, where will Greene’s Georgia, which Joe Biden won in 2020 and now has two left-wing senators, end up in this split? How about purple states like Virginia or New Hampshire? Will we have 50 separate referendums? Will there be population exchanges like the one India and Pakistan undertook in 1947? If history is any indication, it’s the kind of situation that leads to political violence and economic ruin.
And, you know, you already have the freedom to move about the nation and find a place that suits your lifestyle and politics. That’s one of the reasons we’re a place that has room for a progressive vegan, the evangelical conservative farmer, the suburban moderate and everyone in between.
During the past 42 years, the federal government has been divided for 30 of them. Over the past three presidencies, the president’s party lost at least one house after only two years. The instinct of the American public is to split power. The organic state of a divided nation is glorious gridlock — which is why the 10th Amendment exists. Now, it’s also true that leftists struggle with the notion of letting people in red states think, speak and live in ways they dislike. There is a national political and cultural effort to homogenize us. And when Republicans appropriate the existing local power Democrats have used for decades to implement their own choices — as Gov. Ron DeSantis has done in Florida — leftists act as if we’re on the precipice of a dictatorship. But they have no power to stop him. Only Florida voters do. This is why federalism exists. It is why some states thrive and others don’t. And federalism is not only a more desirable solution than breaking the country into two, but also far more feasible.
None of this is to argue there aren’t serious problems facing the nation, but Big Tech’s relentless highlighting of every decisive moment, every rabid voice and every radical position clouds our view of reality. The nastier and crazier you pretend to be, the more misleading your tweets and the more partisan you act, the more followers you can expect. The incentive of social media success is corrosive. Most of it just exacerbates political divisions.
In the real world, you probably live in proximity to plenty of people with different religious, cultural and ideological values, yet, despite what you’ve heard, we’re a nation with negligible political violence. In many ways, despite the mess politicians have made, our lives are better than ever. Let’s keep it that way.
David Harsanyi is a senior editor at The Federalist. Harsanyi is a nationally syndicated columnist and author of five books — the most recent, “Eurotrash: Why America Must Reject the Failed Ideas of a Dying Continent.” His work has appeared in National Review, the Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Reason, New York Post and numerous other publications. Follow him on Twitter @davidharsanyi.
“our lives are better than ever”???????? How are our lives better, when we have the Democrat communist party in our Country, shoving wokeism, diversity / equity down our throats, along with open borders with Mexico (drugs, gangs, criminals, terrorists, rapists, drug dealers and child molesters crossing into our Country from Mexico), criminals released onto our streets, lawlessness, and inflation????????? There is no room for communism in our Country, as it directly attacks our Constitution and the framers of the Constitution.
YOU beat me to it.
Exactly. Not to mention, the Blue States and their zealous laws trying to make it easier to committ voter fraud. That affects the Red States in terms of the federal government and the courts. We can’t just embrace federalism to keep them from invading and circumventing our will. The federal government and the Deep State are arms of the Democrats. As a result, they are becoming increasingly hostile to half of the nation.
Especially with their OPENING VOTING UP to illegal invaders!
Illegal immigration causes downward pressure on wages.
The basic concept embodied in the Constitution is federalism,
which refers to the division and sharing of power between the national and state governments.
Amendment 10
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, woke Socialist Democrat Party’s objective is to deliberately lie, cheat and steal. To disregard the U.S. Constitution and our laws, in order to take total control of the American people by their restricting U.S. citizens their constitutional rights and freedoms. Stopping oil production, increase Spending, Taxes and the inflation cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees by any way, unlimited illegal immigrant, promotion and support Socialism, enforced by their political DOJ and their FBI and IRS police Gestapo.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This treasonous, hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party, their RINOs and their corrupt, demented puppet president has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
While the author makes some excellent points he fails to get to the root of the problem. And the problem is ultimately spiritual in nature. It’s not so much political issues that divide us as it is spiritual ones. Until liberalism is recognized as Satanic in nature and dealt with accordingly there are always going to be issues. So I submit that a national divorce is not only an excellent idea but it’s also a necessary one. And although the author seems to frown on a population exchange like the one that took place between India and Pakistan back in the late 1940s it’s probably the only viable solution. Give the liberals the Northeast states and California and let them live in their own stink holes. The rest of us will go our own way and do our own thing and leave the liberals in peace. They can do the same for us no matter how much they don’t want to.
California is really valuable property with a long coast and highly productive agricultural sector, and valuable natural resources. Give the Left LA and the SF area, and keep the rest for normal America.
So I submit that a national divorce is not only an excellent idea but it’s also a necessary one.
How do you propose to make this happen?
The rest of us will go our own way and do our own thing and leave the liberals in peace. They can do the same for us no matter how much they don’t want to.
You really think it’s that simple? The liberals are going to live in peace and allow us to just take our states and live in peace too?
And for those brave, right-wing Americans who say it’s all about keeping America — keeping America as independent and safe: If you want to fight against a country, you need an F-15. You need something a little more than a gun. – Joe Biden, August 30, 2022
Blue bankrupt Democrat run states of social consumption could not exist without the productive wealth creating red states to feed off of. They talk a good divorce game. but when push comes to shove they will cling to the Blues States for the same reason Joe Biden clings to his Presidential office,,,,,,left to stand alone on their own their incompetence, and criminal politics, they will soon get found out and they would then have an accounting and no control of the prosecution of their well-earned social crimes. What those Libs who want a divorce are really telling you, is they want their own Collective feral federal ability to print infinite amounts of new money to cover their governance malfeasances while in office, that the Blue states now individually do not have. Any Blue state designed divorce will entail tons of Red State support payments from here to eternity, but they will never get it, hence they will never agree to it.
AND As we see time and time again, THEY WILL INEVITABLY SPREAD from their liberal cess pools, and move to RED states, and do their best to Corrupt those states too..
SO for any divorce to work, we would need to BAN ANY TRAVEL from the blue side to the red side.
No, it’s not simple. It has never been simple and we have always had to fight for what’s right. But to even remotely imply that a national divorce is the only way to go is so upsetting to the millions of disabled citizens and senior citizens who do not have the ability to move out of the reach of the LA, NYC, Chicago, and SF liberal woke morons is despicable and unacceptable. How dare you think about abandoning those of us who gave their all to support this Republic? I despise the fact that I live in CA in today’s times but I’m stuck. That doesn’t mean I’m WOKE !! Please don’t desert us.
At one time, the same thing could have been said about George Washington and the rest of the brave patriots of his day fighting against the British Empire. The British Empire had every resource in the world. George Washington and the men under his command had nothing but guts and a faith in what they were doing. Assuming we can find enough Patriots that are willing to make the sacrifices that they did it’s not impossible to save what’s left of this once great country.
And no I don’t expect the liberals will give up without a fight. And they won’t give up a fight for the same reason that their father the devil won’t quit fighting against Jesus Christ. They have too much to lose. But on the other hand we who are on the right side have so much more to gain.
And it’s true that there would be many issues that would have to be dealt with. Some would be easy to resolve and many others would not. But at the same time they are not impossible. And I submit that the effort is well worth the cost.
While I agree that a National Divorce is probably the only solution to the Blue/Red issue, it would only be a temporary fix. The Founding Fathers very wisely put the Electoral College into place to keep the larger states from using “majority rule” to run over the rights of the smaller ones. Today, it is imperative that states implement a similar process, and quickly. As things stand today, almost every statewide decision made by the People is made by a simple majority. If cities, which are almost always heavily Democrat, continue to grow at their current rate, they will soon have the power to take that simple majority away from the rest of the state. As example, Chicago rules Illinois, NYC rules New York, LA and San Francisco rule California, Seattle rules Washington – despite the fact the rest of the state may be (and usually is) deep red. In Missouri where I live, 90% of the state is rural with traditional American values; however, we will soon be outnumbered by the “woke” residents of St. Louis, Kansas City, and Columbia. If the State Legislature doesn’t implement some sort of statewide Electoral Collage, or at least make it necessary to get much more than a simple majority in order to pass new laws and/or changes, we will very soon be at the mercy of the Tyranny of the Majority. Once that happens at state level, the National Divorce won’t make any difference.
As a resident of rural Virginia I have experienced that exactly.
EVERY state needs to implement their OWN State wide Electoral college.. JUST for that reason alone.
If a “national divorce” were at the county level, it would solve this issue. Let the progressive left have the cities. The internet has been a disaster for humanity in many ways but one positive thing it has succeeded in is making the city redundant. You don’t have to be on Wall Street to trade stocks anymore or in Chicago to trade cattle futures. You don’t have to have a shop in Soho to sell your high end goods. People can conduct business from anywhere, even the middle of nowhere as many now do.
As i worry though, even i we do ‘give them the cities’, THEY CAN STILL spread their rot, out into the burbs and countryside..
OR try to.
The problem with this article is that it purposefully ignores the fact that as a nation, we have moved further leftward at breakneck speed for the last 70 years and that trend shows no signs of slowing even if we could get fair elections (which clearly, we can’t). More federalism how? Half the public already drinks the socialist, climate change, transgender-our-kids kool-aid and the legacy media is brewing more as we speak. And what does that solve for taxpayers working two out of every five days not for their own families but for the most wasteful, debt ridden government on the planet? All the federalism in the world won’t matter when we have a 16th amendment with no limitation on taxation.
AND when both parties seem to be IN ON this ruination of our nation…
The problem is, conservatives cannot coexist with liberals. Whether it’s within the country or within a state, liberals do not believe in the principles of the Constitution and therefore are not going to respect the rights of conservatives. That is why woke is being shoved down our throats, conservative speech is banned, and our ability to protect ourselves threatened. Democrats/liberals have no problem violating the Constitution and law to get what they want. If you don’t believe that just look at the illegal way the FBI has gone after President Trump. Whether it’s a “national divorce” or a return to federalism, and local control, we must reverse the plague of left-wing Washington totalitarianism.
ANd as i said in that other thread on ‘a national divorce, no we need marriage counceling”. the left is and always HAS BEEN UNWILLING TO ever compromise, but yet they keep DEMANDING WE compromise, tollerate and the like.. So every time we DO give in, they just essentially WIN, as THEY GET what they want, and we don’t…
Ergo, i can’t see ANY WAY we could ever live together..
Which is why i favor rather than a ‘national divorce’, (assuming they existed and we found them), CREATING A 2nd earth, out of phase from this one, opposite this one from the sun, AND SEND ALL LIBERALS< libtards, commucrats, communists, socialists and anarchists there.. AND LEAVE THEM THERE…