House Democrats, including members of the Massachusetts congressional delegation, are pushing to rapidly impeach President Trump after the violent siege of the U.S. Capitol this week.
They laid the groundwork on Friday to impeach Trump for a second time, potentially as soon as the beginning of next week, or to pursue legislation surrounding the 25th Amendment.
And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she had spoken to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff “to discuss available precautions for preventing an unstable president from initiating military hostilities or accessing the launch codes” for nuclear war.
“It is the hope of members that the president will immediately resign,” Pelosi said in a statement after an hours-long virtual meeting with the House Democratic Caucus.
“But if he does not, I have instructed the Rules Committee to be prepared to move forward with Congressman Jamie Raskin’s 25th Amendment legislation and a motion for impeachment,” she continued, adding that the “House will preserve every option” to limit or remove Trump from power.
The number of Democrats calling for impeachment continued to grow on Friday. Massachusetts U.S. Reps. Ayanna Pressley and Lori Trahan are among those who have signed onto articles of impeachment that could be introduced next week. One draft accuses Trump of abuse of power, saying he “willfully made statements that encouraged — and foreseeably resulted in — imminent lawless action at the Capitol,” according to a person familiar with the details.
With just 12 days left in his term, removing Trump from power at this stage would be a tall order. But Democrats are determined.
“Every hour that passes without consequence sets a dangerous precedent for democracy,” Pressley tweeted Friday. “Impeach now.”
One Senate Republican, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, called for Trump to resign.
Related Story: ‘Hang Mike Pence’ trends on Twitter after platform suspends Trump for risk of ‘incitement of violence
Trump has been abandoned by aides and Cabinet members in his final days in office. He promised an “orderly” transfer of power, only to say Friday he will not attend President-elect Joe Biden’s Jan. 20 inauguration — the first such snub since Andrew Johnson. Vice President Mike Pence is expected to attend.
Biden told reporters he was unfazed by Trump’s lack of RSVP, calling his absence “a good thing.” Asked about impeachment, Biden said, “That’s a decision for the Congress to make.”
Trump’s announcement, made via tweet, became one of his last before Twitter permanently suspended his account Friday afternoon citing “the risk of further incitement of violence.”
Trump later issued a statement through the White House press pool blasting Twitter for “banning free speech” and alleging that the company’s “employees have coordinated with the Democrats and the Radical Left in removing my account.”
“I predicted this would happen. We have been negotiating with various other sites, and will have a big announcement soon, while we also look at the possibilities of building out our own platform in the near future,” Trump said. “We will not be SILENCED!”
Michelle Obama demanded that Big Tech block Trump permanently and they complied. And now, in a coordinated attack to try to destroy Twitter’s competition, Google deplatformed Parler and Apple is blackmailing Parler. Fight back and tell all you know to join Parler ASAP!
— Mark Levin Marklevinshow Saturday, January 9, 2021
Herald wire services contributed to this report.
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The very core of our country is under attack and there is no response from the Republican Establishment.
Conservatives best think very hard about who this worthless spineless party is and where their loyalties actually lie.
I am a registered Republican voter, But I have NO FAITH in this wimpy, pansy Republican Party.
The Democrat Party can break any law, violate the U.S. Constitution and do whatever they please and not be held accountable for their actions.
We have definitely seen this for the last 12 years. Tinkerbell obama, Eric Holden, Hil-Liar-y Clinton, Lois Lerner etc. were never held accountable for their crimes. Just look at the Brett Kavanaugh disgraceful Senate hearing and the Nancy Pelosi’s fabricated phony impeachment kangaroo court that tried to overthrow President Trump.
And now we have a Democrat Party dictatorship. Thanks to the useless, wimpy, pansy Republican Party.
Hence why, i’ll STAY HOME AND simply no longer vote, rather than put my faith in ANYONE IN THE GOP again…
“The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing” So take your ball and go home and let the good men fight the fight, running your mouth on the internet is not fighting the good fight.
Ring, was that towards me?? IF so, point to me, where ANY GOOD MEN still exist in congress, worth fighting for.
If the republicans had a spine, Impeachment of Biden would have started a long time ago. The whole world is laughing at us when they see that the head of a crime family was flying all over the world shaking down foreign leaders. Now that the Iranian leaders are threatening us again, how long will it be when Biden sends them another plane load of cash to appease them. I’m sure Hunter will want a percentage of that hush money.
So, if Pelosi’s, Obama’s, John Kerry’s Iranian friends or anyone else decides to attack before Biden is sworn in, the blood will be on her hands. The party of free speech destroyers, disguised as the party of unity is about to commit political suicide, led by a monster in skirts bent on getting even at President Trump for cutting off her free military rides back home to California. NOBODY, particularly of the low caliber of human existence named Nancy Pelosi is worth starting the second American Revolution over. Their greed for power will be their undoing having little or no understanding of the Passion of WE THE PEOPLE for freedom of speech, freedom of movement and freedom to worship. Go forward Nancy at your own peril but first read your history books on how socialist rebellions end, and what happens to their leader’s legacies. The statue they erect of you won’t stand any longer than your own failed 15 minutes of fame.
When it comes to the gift or the theft of political power, those who abuse are soon destined to lose it. Smart leaders quit while they are ahead, but you are not veryt smart, just good at beguiling.
We are living in a locked down economy (the communists have taken control), Parler (the free speech cite), analogous to twitter (which practices censorship) has been shut down by Google Play Store and Apple is threatening to shut down Parler), which the President of Parler stated on Fox News, will shut Parler down, Google, Facebook and Twitter and the news media, are no different than communist North Korea, communist China and Pravda, where there is mass censorship, and the Pelosi / Schumer gang are nothing but communists, who aid and abet the communists and the Republicans In Name Only are silent. We need to have something similar to Facebook, Google and Twitter, in the state of Texas, with only Conservatives running these entities, so freedom of speech and expression is preserved in our Nation. There is going to be a civil war and we are going to have to win it, to preserve our freedom, which is being destroyed by the left, who are nothing but communists!
THAT WAR should have already happened..
We hear all this sentiment about the great push back for our freedom and yet the media and the so called medical experts have everyone wearing mask like a bunch of sheep with a virus that has a 0.002% chance of killing you! Next order of business for the Commies is take away your gun and freedom of religion, implement “Universal Income” and they got you where they want you!! and it will happen faster than you can blink an eye!! Think about where we were pre-COVID-19 and think about where we are 10 months post COVID-19, so much has changed since then, imagine a year from now!!
Agreed. THOSE IN OFFICE< all they seem to ever do is talk about what MAY happen.. BUT NEVER ACTUALLY do a damn thing about it.
IMO the entire bloody federal government, needs to be launched into the sun.. EVERY BRANCH, every dept, every agency….
I agree 100% Ituser, Can you say “DEFUND THE GOVERNMENT!!!”
If President Trump is forced out by impeachment or the 25th Amendment, Pence becomes Acting President. You can bet that immediately after, Pence will get the fastest investigation and impeachment himself. Pelosi then becomes President until Harris takes the Presidency (Oops, I mean Biden).
Historical Note: Usually coups in third-world countries have the coup leaders brutally murdering the previous leaders immediately during the coup. Guess in America we show more class by using a “government system” to remove previous leaders from power instead of machine guns. So far, that is!
What’s the bet, ONCE THEY ARE OUT of the picture, they’ll both secretly have an accident..
Not Trump, he has more balls than all of ’em put together.
Free speech is dead in America and the media (news and social) is controlling people lives. Most of the main stream media is not telling you the truth but bias information bent to the left. The Democratic party spent 4 years trying to get Trump out of office. What they did was beyond vial. Now they control all parts of the government. They won’t be able to get rid of the 2nd Amendment, but they will pack the Supreme court and interpret the 2nd Amendment to mean we can only use Flintlocks.
Make it fast Nancy. Mike moves up, you move to VP and have to give up your house seat. Go for it Nancy you DA. She better not be able to keep her seat and VP at the same time. The question I would like to know is how do we impeach congress? Why do they have no accountability.
The only way to get rid of them, is via voting them out. BUT WE’ve all seen HOW THAT WORKS.
You can NOT outvote cheaters.
For 236 years both sides accepted the duly elected president. In 2016 the extreme far left decided to refuse to accept duly elected Pres. Trump and proceeded to riot, vandalize, arson, assaults on citizens and police with constant threats of assassination for 4 years along with insults and a constant attempt to impeach. I’m totally fed up with the left’s embrace of communist BLM/Antifa and massive voter fraud crimes. Rest assured that 75 million Trump supporters will not accept the illegally elected communist sympathizer and a future of guaranteed voter fraud accepted by traitorous rinos.
Well, if they impeach Trump over the supposed ‘call to violence’ they are claiming he gave during his speech then every single member of Congress who has called for any sort of ‘violence’ needs to be removed also. This includes Pelosi, Harris, Schumer, Waters, AOC, etc. They have ALL called for the continuation of violence, they have called for ‘getting in Trump supporters faces’, they have called for not allowing any Trump supporter to have a job, eat out, etc.
You want to play that game let’s play it….all the way. You want to invoke the 25th amendment remember that once that line is crossed with one president it will be more easily crossed with subsequent presidents. The liberals need to shut up, stop rubbing people’s faces in their ‘win’ (really steal), and just tone down things for less than two weeks.
I’m sick of the liberals posturing and fake outrage. And I’m disgusted by the alleged Republicans who have zero backbone and don’t give a darn about the people, only keeping their job. 2022 needs a real house cleaning at the elections.
AHH, but you forget. DEMS DON’T have to follow the same laws, we conservatives do.
So all of those demented dems, won’t ever get charged..
Think we’ll last two years Praireliving? I contend that we wont know this country by the end of the year. Think 2020 was bad? Huh!
Liars cannot stand the truth. Honest people must not tolerate lies.
Parler has been silenced by liars. Fake News denies the truth. Liars claim that there was no election fraud.
Hold tight to Him who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; without whom there is no path to heaven.
When the media tells you something, believe the opposite.
Do not surrender to the forces of evil but act in righteousness and in power.
So, anyone wanna bet, on how long it will be, before the left tries to Silence this site, OAN and others??