While addressing conservative activists just outside Washington, D.C., President Donald Trump took aim at his Democratic presidential primary adversaries Saturday and the “Washington swamp” he’s been trying to drain the last three years, along with “low-life” Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah), who he ripped for his traitorous final vote to impeach him.
The president took time out of his 90-minute speech at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) to commend Republicans – “except Romney” – for holding together amidst relentless attacks from the Democratic Party … while blasting his political opponents as a “hate-filled lift-wing mob.”
“He got some good publicity,” Trump conceded, according to Fox News, regarding Romney, who won CPAC’s straw poll as the top GOP presidential nominee back in 2012. “He’s a low-life.”
Demolishing Dems …
It wasn’t long before Trump lit into former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg – who he calls “mini Mike” because of his 5’4” stature – recalling the former Republican’s tongue lashing he received from presidential rival Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), whom he playfully refers to as “Pocahontas” because of her debunked claim to be Native American.
“That was probably the worst debate performance of any presidential debate,” Trump told the crowd. “Boy, did Pocahontas destroy him. And look what I did to her – she went out and got a test. Remember when I said I have more Indian blood in me than she does, and I have none. Would love to have some, but I have none. … She was really mean to mini Mike, I’ll tell you, the way she treated him.”
Crowd goes wild as Trump imitates Mini-Mike.
He then returned to Bloomberg, who he criticized for pouring hundreds of millions of his own dollars into his campaign that has yet to record a victory or even a decent showing in any state.
“[Bloomberg] writes checks like a drunken sailor [and is advised by] very bad people,” Trump asserted. “I know some of his people – they are ripping him off. They’re bad people and they are laughing all the way to the bank. Keep running, Mike.”
Slamming socialism
Trump followed up by taking aim at leading candidates, with former Vice President Joe Biden slipping back into the race with a landslide win (that Trump predicted) in Saturday’s Democratic South Carolina primary, telling the crowd to scream the loudest for the candidate he would beat most decisively – between Biden or self-proclaimed socialist Sen. Barry Sanders (I-Vt.) – with the latter winning the contest. This was fitting, as the theme of the event was “America vs. Socialism.”
Sanders challenged such thinking, and addressed concerns raised by establishment Democrats – after Saturday night’s South Carolina primary loss – that he cannot beat Trump.
“Well, I say to those folks take a look at the last 60 national polls that have been done – Bernie beats Trump 56 out of 60 times,” Sanders said at his last event in the Palmetto State, according to the Washington Times. “Take a look at some of the polls in the battleground states – like Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan – Bernie beats Trump.”
Vice President Mike Pence also warned about the dangers of Sanders and his propagation of socialism.
“Freedom works. Socialism doesn’t,” Pence impressed to the CPAC crowd. “Elections are about choices [between socialism and freedom]. The choice has never been clearer – the stakes have never been higher. Men and women of CPAC, we’ve got work to do. The truth is, it won’t be enough to win the next election. We’ve got to win the next generation.”
One economist believes that Sanders’ early dominance in Democratic primaries – not the coronavirus – is the reason for the stock market tanking of late.
“Coronavirus? It doesn’t diminish it to point out that investors had long been pricing it,” RealClearPolitics (RCP) Editor John Tamny – a senior economic advisor to Toreador Research and Trading – wrote in a piece in RCP’s RealClearMarkets financial section. “Bernie Sanders was the odd Swan whom investors were forced to reckon with in the past week – that’s the speculation from here.”
Bashing Biden
But with Biden’s popularity in South Carolina, Trump targeted him and his continued gaffe parade, including his latest blunder insisting during last week’s debate that there have been 150 million deaths in the United States from gun violence since 2007 – a number that is almost half of America’s 330-million population.
“Joe’s not going to be running the government – he’s going to be sitting in a home somewhere,” Trump predicted about the 77-year-old candidate.
He berated Biden for his persistent slip-ups.
“How could you be easier to beat than Joe?” Trump asked the CPAC crowd, according to The Associated Press. “That guy can’t put two sentences together, but you know, he is more down the middle. Everyone knows he’s not a communist and with Bernie there a real question about that.”
This was met by a jab from Andrew Bates – the rapid response director of Biden’s 2020 campaign.
“A year from now, Joe Biden will have brought character, honor and decency back to the White House,” Bates told Fox News. “He’ll be rebuilding the American middle class, fighting to give every American healthcare – instead of trying to cost millions their coverage – rallying the world against climate change and reversing Donald Trump’s repugnant and un-American immigration policies. Donald Trump, on the other hand, will be ranting on Twitter about how Deutsche Bank is refusing to give him a loan for ‘Trump Tower Moscow: The Second Try.’”
Cleaning house
Trump then focused on corruption in the nation’s capital, saying he had no idea how “dirty” and “deep” its swamp really was.
“I never knew the swamp was so bad,” Trump told the CPAC audience. “It’s really bad, but we’re winning, and we’re winning not easy. A lot of dirty people, a lot of very, very bad people – bad people. I do think justice will be had … or I wouldn’t be very happy right now.”
After boasting about the U.S. military’s robust move of targeting and killing ISIS founder Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani, he justified recently signing an agreement with the Taliban in order to bring troops home from Afghanistan, where they’ve been stationed since 2001’s 9/11 attack.
“But American forces cannot be the policemen for the entire world – a lot of time we’re not even appreciated, taken for granted,” Trump argued. “We signed a deal with the Taliban so that we can hopefully begin the immediate process of finally bringing our troops back home – 19 years. We just signed it. We really have to thank the families and those incredible people who lost their lives.”
He then remained stalwart about protecting Americans.
“[We’ve waged] the most aggressive action to control our borders [and] intend to keep radical Islamist terrorists the [heck] out of our country, and we’re keeping them out,” Trump proclaimed, according to Fox.
He briefly touched on the coronavirus outbreak, insisting that the U.S. is taking all precautions and that it will gladly assist all affected nations – including enemies like Iran.
“All they have to do is ask,” Trump assured.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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