Never have so many won so many accolades for so few real achievements on the world stage. That about sums up the Olympics 2021 — or, as I call them, the O-limp-ics 2021. Indeed, the time has come to retire the hallowed motto of the Games: “Faster, Higher, Stronger.”
In our modern age, it’s: “Woker, Weaker, Loser.”
Take Megan Rapinoe, please. The infamously pink-purple-haired captain of the U.S. women’s soccer team teared up after America’s 1-0 loss to Canada, which hadn’t beaten the U.S. since 2001. “This sucks,” she lamented in a post-defeat TV interview on USA Network. “It sucks.” With a runny nose and watery eyes leaking, she complained: “I don’t think I’ve ever lost to Canada, so it’s a bitter one.”
Well, she is certainly a bitter one, ain’t she? Perhaps if Moany Megan had spent more time running drills on the field instead of running her mouth about Black Lives Matter or gender politics or her hatred for former President Donald Trump, she’d be on the gold medal stand instead of out in the cold. Good riddance.
Then there’s Laurel Hubbard, the New Zealand weightlifter hailed not for her victories but for being the “first out transgender woman to compete in the 125-year history of the Olympics.” Hubbard’s first outing consisted of failing not once, not twice, but three times to lift at 120 kilograms and 125 kilograms. Never mind. She’s already “made Olympic history” and become an “inspiration” for “young people” to “be their authentic selves.”
Three failed lifts? Woo-hoo! Bucket list items checked off! Now, Hubbard says, “it’s probably time for me to start thinking about hanging up the boots.” Talk about resting on your, um, laurels.
(Meanwhile, the actual victor and natural-born female in Hubbard’s event, China’s Li Wenwen, set three Olympic records as she won the gold medal. But, hey, who’s keeping track of the winners?)
Next up, Simone Biles: After bailing on her teammates last week and then withdrawing from the individual all-around competition as well as event finals in uneven bars, vault and floor, the acclaimed gymnast squeaked out a bronze on beam on Tuesday. She lost out to two Chinese athletes who don’t have the celebrity distractions of social media, Sports Illustrated photo shoots, and endorsement deals with Nike, Hershey’s, Kellogg’s, Visa, United Airlines, Uber Eats, Mattress Firm and Beats by Dre that Biles has racked up.
Who needs medals when you’ve got $5 million in glistening lucrative contracts hanging around your neck?
It’s getting more and more difficult not to root against American Olympians who’ve turned the medal stand into their own personal grandstands. According to The New York Times, several militant athletes have been plotting for weeks to hijack the Games. U.S. shot-putter Raven Saunders, who won a silver, told the newspaper she raised her arms and crossed them in an “X” as a predetermined symbol to represent “unity with oppressed people” and “the intersection of where all people who are oppressed meet.”
Never mind her physical accomplishments. What really matters is that the 25-year-old is taking a stand for “people who are Black, L.G.B.T.Q. and those who have struggled with mental health as she has,” the Times reported. She said she wanted “to be me, to not apologize.”
What a sorry example of Olympic competition. You’ve got one job: win. If you can’t cut it, find a different calling, and share your troubles with a therapist, not the world. Sheesh.
The bad news is there will be five more days for Saunders’ fellow co-conspirators to woke-ify the world stage. Her compatriot and victim of oppression, American fencer Race Imboden, flashed “a black X with a circle around it on his hand during the medal ceremony for the foil competition on Sunday.” American hammer thrower and tantrum thrower Gwen Berry, who turned away from the flag in June during the Olympic trials, is still set to compete; so is an American sprinter named Noah Lyles, who “often wears a black glove and raises his fist on the track before his races,” according to the Times.
The O-limp-ics 2021 are proof-positive that spoiled American athletes top the planet in self-absorption, narcissism and entitlement. Take a bow.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Michelle Malkin, great commentary on these woke clowns, who were supposed to represent our Country and in essence they hate our Country. Traitors! Why do these clowns represent our Country by spitting on it? Shame on this woke trash!
I LOVED watching that black gal, WIN the gold in wrestling, THEN SHOUT HER pride in being able to represent America…
I haven’t been watching, but I am not at all surprised. The sports industry has turned in on itself and is turning away fans at a record pace. Their foray into the political realm where they peddle their propaganda for so-called social injustice issues coupled with their anti-America rants has taken away the excitement of the game and the thrill of being a spectator. Old-time rivalries don’t mean anything any more. Changing team names that have been cherished for decades smacks of pure ignorance.
Athletes today aren’t content any longer just being athletes—they see themselves now as great social thinkers and cultural leaders—of which they are neither. They would do well to return to the days when they were entertainers and excelled in their sport. Their obscene and unpatriotic actions and comments have costed them in ways they yet do not see.
What’s sad is as I am very patriotic and extremely proud to be an American and people that love this country might find ourselves rooting against these babies. They are unappreciative of anything except opening their big mouths to get attention no matter what the costs to any one else and this GREAT country. Prima donnas, very selfish, self centered, and some of them not even talented enough to be there to compete with many other athletes who are proud of their countries or would be scared to death to defy their regimes in any way or disrespect them in any fashion. It ruins the concept of the Olympics and the Olympic organization should also be ashamed of themselves for allowing this disrespect to happen without any consequences. All of those who participate in these charades and those that allow it should not be allowed to be part of this tradition.
I remember the days, where sports stars were CELEBRATED for their actual accomplishments. NOT FOR ‘how much money they pull”…
Hitler turned the olympic games into a political stage too, and look what happened to him.
Though to be fair, it wasn’t the German people who took care of him. There might be a shocking lesson there somewhere. Like it or not, these are the next generations. But I won’t be here, so they are making their own bed.
BUT its not just them, who will suffer, if they ‘get their way’. IT WILL be all of us.
Haven’t watch. yawn.
Other than the apparently VERY RARE patriotic U.S. Athlete winning, I don’t give a rat’s rear end about the Olympics OR the athletes (specifically the ones who look like they stepped away from an Antifa/BLM protest to complete)!
It is FITTING that these ANTI-Americans are LOSING at the Olympics!
Pity two of them DID medal.. Though with all the others who HAVE MEDALED that a # of the media seems to be overlooking, it certainly seems “IF YOU ARE WOKE, you get air time, if you are not, who cares”.
“Take Megan Rapinoe, please” copied from the article. Yes, please take Megan Rapinoe, like to Mars or Jupiter. Or maybe another solar system. Get her far away from us.
Liberals typically run the their Safe Space where they suck their thumbs, wet their pants, cry themselves to sleep, the demand reparations for the discrimination they have endured.
Like Peter Pan, they NEVER grow up.
BECAUSE THEY have never been MADE to grow up!
I have never had very much interest in the Olympics but in the past it was always nice to see the American teams win. This time I’m glad to see some of the American teams get the snot beat out of them, like the girly soccer team, girly-man basketball team, and that horrid looking hammer thrower. And it was funny to see the girly-man weight lifter, even though he’s from a different country, get beat by a REAL girl.
Cause of RAPINO< i have FAILED to watch any womans football game she is in.. SO I AM PRAYING Canada whups their butt for the bronze, tomorrow.. AND Barry, made only 11th OUT OF 12 places in the hammer final.. GOOD!
Rats i was wrong about it being canada… It was Australia they fought for the bronze, and even MORE unfortunately, THEY WON 4 to 3.. BOO HISS>..
Please keep Michelle Malkin opinion columns coming! Totally agree and yes, please take Megan Rapinoe! Somewhere so we don’t have to look at her stupid hair or listen to her worn out complaints and tired comments. I myself have not watched 1 minute of the Nolympics and could care less about the medal count, etc. Such a shame! In the past, I couldn’t wait to watch, now, you couldn’t convince me to watch unless one of my kids or grandkids was participating! Yes, a crying shame!