A cultural issues writer asserts the NEA board member who recently declared that unvaccinated people with religious exemptions deserve to die either from COVID or a gunshot is not the only one at the association who feels that way.
Breitbart.com reports that the Pennsylvania teacher, Mollie Paige Mumau, believes anyone “hiding behind religious exemptions … deserve whatever comes their way, including losing jobs, getting sick, and perhaps dying from this virus.”
“I don’t know why the GOP doesn’t just take those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way,” she wrote, saying it would be “safer” for her friends and family.
“The fact that she would say people who do not get the vaccine should either die from the virus or be shot is an interesting position for the anti-Second Amendment crowd,” submits Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute (IFI).
Considering how the National Education Association (NEA) feels about Christians, Higgins is not surprised that Mumau is taking aim at religious exemptions.
“It’s an outrageous statement, and she shouldn’t be involved with teaching in any capacity,” the cultural issues writer contends. “She shouldn’t be a teacher. She shouldn’t be a board member on the NEA. But the fact that she would talk like that isn’t unusual.”
Since Mumau made the Facebook post, the district where she teaches has reportedly begun investigating the situation and will “act accordingly” if necessary.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Pennsylvania teacher, Mollie Paige Mumau, another communist teacher brainwashing kids, to hate our Country!
By her name, it soundas to me like this teacher is a foreigner. Deport her – she is threatening 72 million Americans who have not been shamed into take the vaccine! Everyone should go to Daystar- Joni – the 12/10/21 edition and check out what the real deal is on the vaccine. She has doctors on her show that will give you the real answer about the vaccine. It is not good. It’s a money maker for Pfizer and Moderna. This teacher has no right teaching in schools in Amezrica when she is this violent towsard thos who have not be shamed into take the vaccine. These teachers who are teaching our kids to become communists need to be kicked out of our schools – I would say her remarks that all unvacinnated people should die is classed as a hate speech and she needs to be prosecuted for those words.
We should IMO, never have allowed FOREIGNERS TO become teachers in america!
It’s people that think like this would have been right at home working for Adolf in the 3rd Reich. When someone wants you dead because you can think for yourself, and you decide to follow the science instead of the corrupt media and crooked politicians, they become the menace to society.
Like i keep saying, they are the borg. NO INDIVIDUALITY is allowed, with them. YOU must follow the collective (THEM) or else.
“The Unvaxxed Deserve To Die, Says Educator”
Does this also apply to the multi-million unvaccinated, disease ridden illegal immigrants that the treasonous Democrat Party and their puppet president “Let’s Go Brandon” is encouraging, illegally admitting and secretly flying around the U.S.??
“The Pennsylvania teacher, Mollie Paige Mumau, believes anyone “hiding behind religious exemptions … deserve whatever comes their way, including losing jobs, getting sick, and perhaps dying from this virus.”
“I don’t know why the GOP doesn’t just take those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way,” she wrote, saying it would be “safer” for her friends and family.”
Hummm…. Does this give anyone a clue why the young people in Democrat ruled States are so deranged? With teachers like this Pennsylvania teacher, Mollie Paige Mumau??? 😯
this psychopath is who we have in the classrooms of pubic schools in America now. not only are they a significant population of the dense and low intellect, it has become home to crackpots. this is because we dumbed down testing for the teaching license. the standard is so low that one can imagine the essay answers provide plenty of red flags regarding those who should be interviewed at length. no such oversight however interferes with this new world of incompetence and stupidity that rushes through the body politic and our dessicated society. it is the sepsis of our sad and terrible time. and of course it is killing us. that is what untreated sepsis does.
She’s more than likely, a PROUD OPEN BORDER LOVER..
Is anyone surprised at this?
If you can develop the courage of you malice, Ms. Mau-Mau, meet me in the street of your choice at high noon and be armed. Let’s see how it works out.
That’s no way to treat the mentally insane!
Got to allow her the chance to be treated equally and “put her money where her mouth is”, as it were.
lol….that’s their problem. They say stuff like this, then run and hide.
True, just like all those snowflakes last year and this, who kept demanding ALL COPS BE Defunded, but as soon as any conservative stood UP TO THEM, they CRIED “WHERE ARE THE COPS PROTECTING ME!”
If someone really suggested that to her, she’d probably call the FBI on you, for making “A death threat”..
BRING IT! Ill be waiting to greet “ANYONE” with open arms…you want a piece of this “COME GET SUM!!”
lol….that’s their problem. They say stuff like this, then run and hide.
Mollie Paige Mumau has the fear that was inbred into us listening to the main stream news media and the politicians who believe what they did at the beginning of the year worked so lets scare the p o o p out of you again and get you to wear sheeple masks. Bahhhhhhh Bee yah atch.
If somebody has gotten the jab, what difference does it make if another person has not? If the jab is so effective, how come employees and contractors working for Congressional, Senators or judicial personnel are exempt? According to test results, the jab is only about 30% effective against the Omicron variant.
PLUS If it’s so damn effective, WHY DO THE VAXXED STILL need to mask up everywhere?!?!?
Death for her type is permanent, eternal and filled with torment vs: death for Christians which is only temporary until God sends us to heaven and we no longer have this evil presence to deal with.
I do declare, Ms Mollie Moo Moo is not being very lady-like, but then again, I seriously doubt there is much of anything lady-like about this poor excuse for a human being. You are SUPPOSED to be an educator . . . ACT LIKE IT!!
Lets go Brandon also applies to this crazy person!
The left seems full of mentally ill people, I bet if you took a poll you would find out 90% of them are on Psychotropic drugs.
I wonder, how many are psychologists?!
“I don’t know why the GOP doesn’t just take those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way,” she wrote
Think I shall use your way of thinking girlie: since we disagree, I shoot you. (sarc) I overcame this childish way of thinking in the 1st grade. Now it’s your turn to grow up.
Lol. I get a laugh out of these people that say outrageous things to get recognized by the media. Just another PO you know what left wing nut job..
The problem is these PO of YKW after being hurled in the spot light, get elected to office through voter fraud… then there’s no stopping them
This NEA Board Member is too stupid & ignorant to realize that she is actually calling for the entire global population to be exterminated! No one on the planet has yet been vaccinated against COVID, because no true Covid vaccine has been developed yet!! It is all experimental drugs up to this point, which have been falsely described as a “vaccine,” but those are lies! A true vaccine that actually works does not require “booster” shots, and has a much greater success rate at illness prevention than what these so-called vaccines have had thus far.
The NEA has proven they are more like educated idiots that no one should listen to!
“I don’t know why the GOP doesn’t just take those guns they profess to love so much and just start shooting all of their constituents who think this way,” she wrote, saying it would be “safer” for her friends and family.”
Perhaps, Ms Mumau, you should be thankful that the GOP doesn’t go off the deep end as you have and turn those guns on the likes of you. We’re not COVID suicide killers, Ms Mumau—we simply believe in exercising our Constitutional right to choose. How about getting a grip before you go totally psycho?
Dems, especially teachers are so ignorant that they’re wishing their own constituency dead. Black Americans who vote 90% Democrat are a group with a low vaccination rate. Hey teach, tell them your views directly!
Dems – always wishing death on their opponents. This is no teacher, but a Stasi-KGB type indoctrinator brainswashing America’s youth.
She better start including the vaccinated too, since they are getting supposedly new versions of COVID and investing people if that is what she is afraid of the unvaccinated doing … fear fear fear from another Can’t Understand Normal Thinking