The media love to portray members of the Tea Party movement as out-of-touch hicks who are racist and only care about themselves. News outlets tried so hard to find something bad to report at Tea Party rallies, but try as they might, they couldn’t. Contrast this with the filth, crime, and vulgarities that often accompany ‘Occupy’ protests, and one wonders where all the news coverage is.
Check out this post from The Blaze in which they report on the hundreds of Occupy Oakland protestors who were arrested when they clashed with police officers.
Police Sgt. Christopher Bolton said the arrests came after protesters marched through downtown Oakland a little before 8 p.m. Saturday, with some of them entering a YMCA building.
At different moments on the livestream video, protestors could be heard yelling “Kill the police” and “F**k the police.”
The Christian Science Monitor reports that 300 protestors were arrested following incidents in which “Occupy Oakland demonstrators broke into the historic building and burned a U.S. flag.”
Saturday’s protests – the most turbulent since Oakland police forcefully dismantled an Occupy encampment in November – came just days after the group said it planned to use a vacant building as a social center and political hub and threatened to try to shut down the port, occupy the airport and take over City Hall.
An exasperated Mayor Jean Quan, who faced heavy criticism for the police action last fall, called on the Occupy movement to “stop using Oakland as its playground.”
It’s amazing how these protestors are portrayed and how the media tries to spin them as some kind of freedom fighters. Just look at the story at First, the opening paragraph has this line: “the culmination of protests Saturday that saw police and protesters trade allegations over who was responsible for clashes.” By writing it in this way, the attempt is made to put the “Occupy” protestors on equal footing with law enforcement. There’s a clash. There are allegations. Maybe the police are right; maybe the protestors are right. That’s how they spin it.
Then, the very next paragraph reads: “Undeterred, the protesters — who remained on the street early Sunday morning — said they will forge ahead with a planned “Rise Up Festival” at an area park later in the day.”
Undeterred? As if the police were somehow the ones in the way of progress??? Come on! And, of course, the protestors will “forge ahead” with even more protests. The bias is just so blatant.
At least the local video report on the CNN site appears more balanced:
The “Occupy” protestors need to go home and grow up. “People not profit” might be a good slogan, but without business making money, there are NO jobs! These people should take a good look at the Tea Party movement and see what can happen through the power of a strong message and peaceful demonstrations.
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