In the 2016 Republican Party presidential primary, decades of dissonance between the party’s aggrieved grassroots and its blinkered elite spilled out into the open. For years, the chasm widened between the GOP’s heartland base, the river valley-dwelling “Somewheres” from David Goodhart’s 2017 book, “The Road to Somewhere,” and the party’s bicoastal “Anywhere” rulers. The foot-soldier Republican “Somewheres,” disproportionately church-attending and victimized by job outsourcing and the opioid crisis, felt betrayed by the more secular, ideologically inflexible Republican “Anywheres.”
Donald Trump, lifelong conservative “outsider” and populist dissenter from bicoastal “Anywhere” orthodoxy on issues pertaining to trade, immigration and China, coasted to the GOP’s presidential nomination. He did so notwithstanding the all-hands-on-deck pushback from leading right-leaning “Anywhere” bastions, encapsulated by National Review magazine’s dedication of an entire issue to, “Against Trump.” Trump’s subsequent victory in the 2016 general election sent the conservative intellectual movement, as well as the Republican Party itself, into a deep state of introspection.
Trump’s victory was primarily propelled by a white working-class revolt, but the emergence during his presidency of a deeply censorious and anti-American left — epitomized by the Democrats’ outrageous conduct during the Brett Kavanaugh Supreme Court confirmation battle and the destructive “1619 riots” last summer — opened the door for a broader working-class, pro-America political coalition. By Election Day 2020, that multiethnic, working-class conservative coalition had begun to take more definite shape. Trump lost a nail-biter of an election, but the GOP made massive inroads in crucial Black and Hispanic communities, such as Florida’s Miami-Dade County and the heavily Mexican counties dotting Texas’ Rio Grande Valley.
Now over a year removed from the 2020 presidential election, as President Joe Biden’s poll numbers plummet and frantic Democrats gird themselves for a 2022 midterm election shellacking, data continues to trickle in supporting the emergence of a “Somewhere”-centric, multiethnic, working-class Republican coalition. In Texas, where former Democratic Rep. Beto O’Rourke lost to incumbent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz by less than three points in 2018, a new Quinnipiac University poll finds Republican incumbent Gov. Greg Abbott, up for reelection in 2022, leading challenger O’Rourke by a whopping 15 points. Abbott outright leads O’Rourke among Texas Hispanic voters, 44 to 41, and Texas Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s job performance by a massive 27-point margin.
A new Wall Street Journal national poll evinces much the same trend. On a generic Republican versus Democrat ballot, the WSJ poll shows Hispanics evenly split 37 to 37. Nationally, Hispanics disapprove of Biden’s job performance by 12 points, and they support Biden over Trump in a hypothetical 2024 presidential rematch by a razor-thin 44 to 43 margin. Nor, of course, is the GOP’s good news with Hispanic voters limited to Texas; in Florida, the state’s growing conservative-leaning Cuban and Venezuelan populations make Republican incumbents Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Marco Rubio heavy favorites for reelection next fall.
If the trendlines continue, the Democratic Party could end up as a parochial regional party with extremely limited statewide appeal outside the Northeast and the West Coast. But the trendlines are not guaranteed to continue; the onus is now on Republican leaders to ensure the party’s new coalitional inroads are nurtured, not squandered.
The woke left’s dramatic cultural excesses, especially on such issues as policing, critical race theory and gender ideology, have already paid some handsome dividends for the GOP — just look at Virginia Gov.-elect Glenn Youngkin. And because the left has overstepped so much on bread-and-butter cultural issues, the temptation will be strong for the right to exclusively focus on that fertile terrain.
This would be a mistake; the right can and should aggressively fight the culture war with the aim of victory, but it must not lose sight of the economic issues that helped propel Trump’s insurgency and the subsequent emergence of the GOP’s multiethnic, working-class coalition. That coalition is deeply discomfited by the wokesters’ anti-American cultural assault, but it is also turned off by the old Republican guard’s dogmatic commitment to laissez-faire absolutism. Immigration restrictionism, trade pragmatism, total disentanglement from China and the prudential use of antitrust against the Big Tech giants and other woke corporate miscreants must become part of a standard “common good capitalism” Republican economic repertoire.
The median voter is culturally commonsensical (respecting the flag, saluting the troops, appreciating the police) and economically pragmatic. The Republican Party has a golden opportunity to attract and maintain the support of that crucial bloc. It must not blow it.
To find out more about Josh Hammer and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
Going back forty years I was not initially enthused about Ronald Reagan, but then I wasn’t reaaly aware of how the Democrat Party fear into the campains that weren’t true as was quickly proved after he won. But the Republican establishment didn’t read the message correctly and ended up with candidates who lost to Clinton and Obama or won against Dukakis and Gore! All the time the elites got bland candidates who were nice but didn’t inspire nominated, even though I and many like me filled out the GOP questionaires that said the ideas were right, the candidates were wrong. Donald Trump was what the rank and file had been looking for and they voted him in. The establishment was furious then and is now, they lost the election for the choice of the people because he called them to task and they reneged. They let that incompetent, out of touch, babbler walk into the Oval Office to spite the person who really pulled the party together without them!
With Trump the Republicans finally got a leader eager to take it to the enemy, not just wait for the enemy to defeat himself. Having worked for years with New York Democrats whose approval was needed to get his buildings approved, he understood how the game was played, and the need to put on the worst face of the enemy like the media at times, in order to defeat him. Proactive people always get more support and respect than the timid reactors who redistribute their acting skills, thinking like Smollett, Hillary, Biden and others, they can act their way out of anything. Trying to fool all THE PEOPLE all the time never works long term. January 6th showed there are plenty eager to take it to the enemy, they just need the right leader, not the usual Casper Milktoast.
Nicely put.
To open the Republican National Convention, Jennie Kilpatrick, A long-Time democrat, gave a opening Speech which became known as ” The Blame America First Speech . ” When Jennie Kilpatrick gave that Opening Convention Speech she in reality wax referring to the Middle Class Working Americans who still felt a pride in being Americans and who worked hard to provide for their familys. The Republican party would do well to represent the Middle Class and pay attention for they are Americans who’s voice is seldom heard but their votes will speak Loud and Clear this next Election, Repub
Ican, Pay Attention.!
I wonder, IF VOTERS will show up to any of HER rally’s!
GOOD.. LET them be scared of WE the voter…
America will turn completely red and not at the hands of red china.
The GOP, “Grand Old Party”, lost their way decades ago. Their heads are so far up their ***e$ they still don’t get it. The so called “old guard” need to be eliminated and replaced with people who really want to save this (once) great nation. Trump almost pulled it off. Almost, not do to Marxist/Socialist (democrat) opposition, but due to opposition from the old guard GOP. He was gutted from the inside. Those R.I.N.O’s need to be eliminated and “we the people” need to throw the bums out and return this nation to the world leader it was, Actually, the so called ‘free world’ needs this or we will become another Australia or Great Britain.
More like up the democrats’s butts!
This next Election coming up may well determine the fate of this nation if there’s still time to correct the socialist/ Communist democrats rule , Barack H. Obama’s 2 Terms as President, and the democrat Joe Bidin’s Presidency. Joe Bidin and his Social policies may have destroyed the last chance to save this Once Grate Nation from its fate awaiting it.I pray that its not too late to save America..
That’s all assuming we even GET an election.. Some fear the left will DO ALL THEY can, to implement martial law or the like, to DO AWAY with the vote in 2022….
As far as I can tell, the GOP is so incredibly incompetent that they will fall apart in less than 3 years. As a lifelong conservative I have watched the Democrats wipe the floor with the GOP because they always do the same thing; act like petulant 5 year olds. I have this advice for the GOP, grow up!
With as many petulant brats that are in the GOP, i am not so sure they CAN grow up.