President Biden’s first formal press conference is in the books, and it was deeply embarrassing to anyone who thinks the media’s job is to hold presidents accountable.
Taxpayer-enabled PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor was the worst. She complimented the president, saying: “You’ve said over and over again that immigrants shouldn’t come to this country right now; this isn’t the time to come. That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors.”
Mr. President, you’re a decency magnet! Biden replied: “Well, look, I guess I should be flattered people are coming because I’m the nice guy. That’s the reason why it’s happening.”
One overarching theme of the reporters Team Biden hand-picked was their lust for the destruction of the filibuster and their channeling power-hungry leftists such as Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who want a “big agenda.”
Alcindor followed up by noting that Zeke Miller of the Associated Press began the event by vaguely asking how far Biden is willing to go to override Republicans (hint, hint). She mentioned immigration: “(I)mmigration is a big issue, of course, when it — related to the filibuster, but there’s also Republicans who are passing bill after bill trying to restrict voting rights, Chuck Schumer calling it an existential threat to democracy. Why not back a filibuster rule that at least gets around issues, including voting rights or immigration?”
Washington Post reporter Seung Min Kim echoed: “To follow up on the filibuster: So, do you believe it should take 60 votes to end a filibuster on legislation or 51?”
CBS News reporter Nancy Cordes repeated that Republicans want to “restrict” voting for young people and minorities and asked, “Is there anything else you can do about it besides passing legislation?”
CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins didn’t rip into Biden like Jim Acosta. She doubled down on crushing the filibuster. “At John Lewis’ funeral, President Barack Obama said he believed the filibuster was a ‘relic’ of the Jim Crow era. Do you agree?” she asked. Biden said yes. She added, “Why not abolish it if it’s a relic of the Jim Crow era?”
Was it racist when Obama or Biden filibustered? No one asked.
How is it fair or factual to claim that Republican bills that would require voters to show voter ID at the polls or a signature verification for a mail-in ballot are relics of Jim Crow? CNN claims to be “Facts First”? This is a pants-on-fire lie.
The other dominant issue was immigration. ABC News’ Cecilia Vega channeled the story of a 9-year-old immigrant being sent to America by his mother. (There’s no criticism of the mother.) She lectured Biden by noting that unaccompanied minors are sleeping on floors.
Janet Rodriguez with Univision, which is both a TV network and an immigration advocacy group, demanded to know when all these shameless border crossers are going to get a smoother entry. “When can we expect your promise of things getting better with contacting and expediency and processing?” she asked.
To her credit, NBC’s Kristen Welker asked when Biden will allow the press inside the overcrowded facilities for unaccompanied minors, and she was denied a serious answer. There were serious questions about Afghanistan and China and North Korea.
But overall, there were no questions allowed from outside the liberal-media bubble. Peter Doocy of Fox News was snubbed. It all felt carefully scripted, as Biden seemed to be reading some answers from a notebook. Most reporters pushed the president to be more partisan, more radical, to defeat allegedly racist, democracy-destroying, “restrictive” Republicans. It felt much more like a cozy Democratic strategy session than a press conference.
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog To find out more about Tim Graham, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
PBS White House correspondent Yamiche Alcindor: “That message is not being received. Instead, the perception of you that got you elected as a moral, decent man is the reason why a lot of immigrants are coming to this country and are trusting you with unaccompanied minors”. Yep, Yamiche, Joe is a “moral and decent” criminal and so is Joe’s criminal crime family. Yep, “criminals are moral and decent”, aren’t they, Yamiche?????? The press is more than embarrassing, they communists, they are Pravda.
Even Pravda has more moral standards then the American MSM.
Moral and decent? COMING FROM a guy who’s addled brained, and LOVES abortion on demand?
Give me a flipping break.
Truth, Facts, Reality and History are all irrelevant to a Democrat
if they DON’T WANT to believe them.
Democrats will just make up their OWN Truth, Facts, Reality and History to fit what they WANT to believe or fits into the Lie, Con or Deception that the Democrats are running at the time.
There have been a whole lot of world leaders who were ‘nice guys’ in certain contexts who still were the worst choice for their country and brought the country to ruin.
There were Germans all the way to the end of WW2 thought Hitler was a nice guy. Even the Russians said Stalin was a nice guy, or he’d have them killed. I see no difference in senile Joe when compared to Adolf and Joe.
Nice guy, NOT TO WE THE AMERICANS< who are victimized by these illegal invaders being WELCOMED IN!
Biden as “nice guy” is just another media myth, the complimentary ones they make up about every Dem president. Joe has never been “nice” – a cynical corrupt easily angered useless barnacle in Congress for half a century who blows whichever way benefits him the most. His willingness to lurch to the extreme Left got him his life’s dream – the Oval Office and a place in the history books – whether covered with asterisks and cut short, doesn’t matter to him. He’s a willing puppet of the destroyers of America and chewed out any voter who had the nerve to confront him at the few meetings his handlers allowed. The Dem propagandists calling themselves media and giving this mean old coot a free ride are shameful and shameless.
SO true.. How was he nice, when he told blacks “You ain’t black if you have to ask whether to vote for me or not”.. How was he nice when he called that woman “a dog faced pony soldier”..
“It all felt carefully scripted, ….”
It WAS “all carefully scripted,” questions, answers, reporters called upon, EVERYTHING! Yet the MSM SAY NOTHING and the Dem voters have NO CLUE!
I tried talking with some of my Dem friends, even showed them evidence … they just dismissed it all as “Republican propaganda”! One told me to “stop talking to me, our friendship is over!” All I can do is shake my head and leave as I witness the destruction of our nation!
They were never your friends. This divide is the same as it was in 1861. Get used to the idea that your dummycrat “friends” may end up shooting at you, or you’ll be shooting at them.
I agree. CRETINS like that, were NEVER REALLY a friend to you.
DUMB THEM and be happy about it.
Eventually, since it was not nipped in the early stages, we will have to shoot our way out of socialism, if we are to remain free,.
Max, as the old phrase goes
You can vote yourselves into socialism.
You have to fight your way out of it.
We really have to stop referring the MSM as that … it’s the LAME STREAM PROPAGANDA.
Hw’s about the “Ministry of truth!”
The current Presidential press conferences are totally scripted, but Biden is too senile to be able to read the script. The “reporters” have to submit their questions before the conference, and the Democrat handlers write down the answers they want and give the teleprompter and Biden’s notebook the answers they want the reporters to print, or say on the nightly news.
First of all we shouldn’t call them main .I’m hopeful that main st real people don’t believe in them and their “RADICAL” bs. It is not progressive but radical left, socialist-communist leaning . Most of the press are obligatory puppets and propaganda machines for these idiots, who have no moral thinking, no common sense plans, no willingness to protect our country, our values, our children, our borders, our way of life, our democracy and especially OUR money. Most people should stay off social media(unless they stop cancelling people or censoring people). People should spend the time and effort to get all the information and do their homework before you vote so we don’t end up with these losers we have now in charge.
People don’t seem to understand that the current Democrat Party and their stooges in the press, are in the middle of conducting a Coup d’Etat. Their intention is to overthrow our government. They have been preparing for it to happen for several decades, and they have decided that “now is the time.” Clintons, and Biden, and Pelosi, and the rest, hate the country which made them all richer that Kings and Queens. Public servants have become dictators.
They are not “in the middle” of anything. They accomplished their coup d’etat when they stole the election, and are now putting the finishing shots into the head of America. Without an actual revolution, with actual bullets and bloodshed, America, as we know it, is finished.
Was it racist when Obama or Biden filibustered?
Without an opposition party to push back, they can say and do as they please without repercussions.
The problem is not the criminal left, the problem is the worthless spineless Republican Party and their disinterest in opposing these criminals.
Isn’t everyone in the Democrat party a racist? They sure act like it. Obama and Biden are both racists and race hustlers with or without the filibuster.
Thse days, it certainly SEEMS like all dems are racists.
I don’t watch any of the late night “comedy” shows. I do know though that during the Trump years, these became platforms for the I-hate-Trump crowd. Any thing Trump did was scrutinized, exaggerated, taken out of context, and totally defiled. All the positive accomplishments of President Trump were down played or ignored. Now that “Uncle Billy Baily” Biden is in office, what are the likes of Jimmy Kimmel and Stephen Colbert doing? I mean they have a BOTTOM LESS well of material to clean from the idiocy and corruption that is Biden. From policy to racism to corruption to physical pratfalls to senility . . I mean Biden and Harris’s antics could fill an entire show! And what do we get . . .NOTHING. Or more likely, rehashings of Trump and his followers. Zero credibility is the signature of the entertainment industry.
Most of those shows, i stopped watching, BACK during the days of obama, as we started to SEE THEIR shift from being commedy, to being political hacks..
The egregiously fawning and biased stooges in the White House Press Corps and the rest of the mainstream media portray corrupt, clueless Joe Biden as a decent, moral man whose radical, divisive, and destructive policies are based on “good intentions”. Unfortunately, what these leftist propagandists fail to realize is that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions.
WHAT good intentions? IMO I don’t see a single ‘good intention’ from these leftist butt kissers. OR THE Commucrats they faun over.