Democrats, members of the mainstream media and Big Tech are elevating their rhetoric about their political opponents to alarming heights, Sean Hannity said Monday.
The “Hannity” host pointed to calls from figures like former “Today” host Katie Couric and Washington Post associate editor Eugene Robinson that Trump supporters must be “deprogrammed” of what they describe as dangerous groupthink.
“This kind of rhetoric is now commonplace on the left,” Hannity said “[Robinson] wondered [on MSNBC] how mostly White, mostly Republican voters, how do we deprogram them? Into what? Little socialists like you?”
People Have Too Much Choice of news and opinion
CNN complains about the availability of NewsMax and One America News.
"We are going to have to figure out the OAN and Newsmax problem. These companies have freedom of speech, but I'm not sure we need Verizon, AT&T, Comcast and such bringing them into tens of millions of homes," @alexstamos tells @brianstelter.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) January 17, 2021
Just a reminder that neither @Verizon, @ATT, nor @comcast have answered any questions about why they beam channels like OAN & Newsmax into millions of homes. Do they have any second thoughts about distributing these channels given their election denialism content? They won't say.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) January 17, 2021
Katie Couric: "How are we going to really, almost deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?"
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) January 18, 2021
Katie Couric turns to a former Moonie to explain the Cult of Trump. It might be the craziest thing you will ever see.
You will never get me to sell my soul, sorry Dems. How many worry that they will be locking us all up soon? Listen to their hate for Trump supporters. Was not aware that if your party somehow got in the White House that it automatically gave you rights to force the opposing party to your way of thinking. It doesn’t. They are using the word “deprogramming” when they really mean “Brainwashing Us”
More like PUNISHING us, for daring to EVER BEAT queen hillary…
Look up what every socialist/communist/nazi country has ever done to it’s dissenters. In America it’s called “deprogramming.”
Between the ‘brown shirts’, the ‘deprogramming’, the suggestions of indoctrination camps, the removal of guns, the defunding of police, the turning in family members, the hate, the desire to get rid of anyone who doesn’t agree with them I’m not sure if I have time warped into Nazi Germany, I have moved to Communist China, or I am living in the novel “1984”. None of those scenarios are good, none of them.
I wonder. THOSE FEW surviving WW2 vets we have left. HOW DO THEY THINK< watching this nation LITERALLY BECOMING Nazi germany… DO they regret going over and FIGHTING nazis??
They’ll keep pushing and emboldening attacks. Not one will say squat about the 1st amendment. The “regime” will be obeyed and no dissent.
I wonder, before we see armed guards at ‘public events’ FORCING YOU to ‘chant platitudes’ about our ‘esteemed great leader’, like they do in china, russia and north korea etc..
These ignorant ignorant people have no idea what they are talking about. Katie Couric doesn’t have the mental reasoning power of a cockroach. I don’t know if people like her were just not educated or if they are plain brick stupid. To call 75 million Americans a “cult” is evidence of some kind of arrested mental development. There are manipulators (political deep state socialist elite) and the manipulated. Ms. Couric is obviously the latter.
They’re coming for you. And if you think the Republican Party has your back, think again.
They’ll be the first to stick a knife in you.
They’ll GLADLY STICK It in our faces…
These arrogant narcissists think they are the truth tellers here. They want to silence OAN and NewsMax? It’s not enough that Fox caved to their lying agenda. Who at CNN or MSNBC , ABC, NBC and CBS, thinks that they are GOD and the holder of the truth? They don’t even practice journalism, much less seek the truth. God help us all if these hacks manage to use the Democrat/Socialist Party to squash our Constitution. Biden was right. We’re in for a dark winter, not because of Covid-19, but because tomorrow at noon, America is dead.
It’sa sad day in America – better hang on to your Bibles & your guns and be prepared to use them both to their maximum potential!
EXACTLY the kinds of things communists have always done…
As the saying goes. YOU KNOW Who has the power, based on who you are allowed to criticize!
Maybe CNN, MSNBC, PBS, and the Huffington Post should be de-platformed/banned and THIER viewers “reprogrammed”.
BUT can leftists, ever be ‘re-programmed’? OR IS THEIR DEMENTIA so ingrained.?
whats next the final solution?
ovens and mass graves of americans.
I’m WHITE, I’m MAN and I’m PROUD. You’ll never change that satan b/c, most of all, I’m CHRISTIAN!
Like David said to Goliath, you come at me with lies, deceits & threats, I come at you with Almighty GOD’s Blessings.