Right now we’re getting a feeling that echoes the feeling from last fall, a sense that every new piece of investigative journalism on Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop will be ignored by the “mainstream media.” To be fair, when they didn’t ignore the story back then, they constantly implied it was a Russian disinformation plot.
On May 28, the New York Post returned to the corrupt scene. “A photo shows Joe Biden with a pair of his troubled son’s business associates from Kazakhstan in what appears to be the same Washington, DC, power-dining spot” — Cafe Milano — “where Hunter Biden introduced the future president to his overseas cronies,” the Post wrote. The photo “shows the Bidens smiling while flanked by Kazakhstani oligarch Kenes Rakishev and Karim Massimov, a former prime minister of Kazakhstan.” The Post reported that on April 16, 2015, while Biden was vice president, he “met with Ukranian, Russian and Kazakhstani business associates in Cafe Milano’s ‘Garden Room.'”
The Post wrote: “(B)anker Marc Holtzman … emailed Hunter Biden following the gathering. … ‘Thank you for an amazing evening, wonderful company and great conversation. I look forward to seeing you soon and to many opportunities to work closely together,’ wrote Holtzman, then the chairman of Kazkommertsbank, Kazakhstan’s largest bank.”
Hunter Biden is never the president’s favorite son, or the media’s favorite Biden. NPR tweeted over the weekend: “President Biden spoke in observance of Memorial Day at the Delaware Memorial Bridge on Sunday. It was also the sixth anniversary of the death of his son, Beau Biden, who had served in Iraq.”
On CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” Hunter Biden’s name emerged only as White House correspondent Arlette Saenz — the absolute opposite of Hostile Jim Acosta — noted the president went to Beau Biden’s gravesite. “He was there with his family, including Beau’s son” and Hunter Biden, said Saenz. “There was a moment where you saw the president and Hunter embracing.” She then touted how the president relates “his own sense of loss” with grieving military families. “Beau had served in the Delaware National Guard and actually spent some time in Iraq, and the president said that seeing his son in uniform made his heart swell,” she said.
Team Biden works in the memory of Beau Biden whenever possible. A recent promotional interview with MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell ended with a sappy question about what Beau would say if he were to see his “Pop” today, which allowed the president to get all misty over the thought. Obviously, O’Donnell had no troubling questions about Hunter.
CNN’s other mention of Hunter Biden since the New York Post story broke came just hours later, on Jake Tapper’s show “The Lead.” Tapper was interviewing liberal journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere about “Battle for the Soul,” his new book on the Democrats who ran for president in 2020.
Tapper said: “I have to say, one of the most shocking stories that you break in this — and it’s full of scoops — but one of the most shocking ones is about Biden’s son, Hunter. You reveal in the summer of 2019 — so, his dad is running for president — he’s actually pitching a reality show about himself to producers.”
What? The show never happened, but how did this story go untold during the entire election cycle, especially once Hunter Biden became a central figure in the campaign? Because everything was about suppressing Hunter’s importance.
Dovere explained: “One of the producers says to him, ‘Does your father know what you’re doing here?’ And he says, ‘Yes, yes. He knows. He knows.’ And Joe Biden himself has sort of — described in the book as a sort of willful naivete about this. He was always saying to Hunter, ‘You know what you’re doing, right?'”
“Willful naivete” pretty much describes the entire pro-Biden press corps when it comes to Hunter Biden. It’s see no Hunter; hear no Hunter; speak no Hunter.
Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog NewsBusters.org. To find out more about Tim Graham, and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
How the rich and powerful can manipulate the system and enrich their lives in things that would ruin you and me. They can even outright steal a Presidential election and get away with it.
Beau Biden died from “glioblastoma multiforme”, the most common form of brain cancer. Long-term exposure to radioactive dust can lead to accumulation in the lungs, leading to lung, lymph, and brain cancers, of which many believe were caused in our troops by the use of armor piercing depleted uranium shells used in the Iraq war. Beau like many of our unprotected troops afflicted could have been protected by wearing masks, but like in the picture above, in the Biden family dynamic, the children get no protection from the dirt, while the adults just get richer. They do get trotted out from time to time and used as emotional pawns, to pull at the heartstrings of the voting public, but otherwise are kept in the closet unprotected, lest the truth of the family dysfunctions become known. In the Biden family version of chess, it is the pawns who get sacrificed to promote their Queens and protect the Kings that seldom get mated.
YET they kept trying to tell us “NO ONE is above the law” during trump’s last year in office..
YEA RIGHT, pull the other leg, it has bells on.
The corrupt, dishonorable, dishonest, unethical, immoral, demonic, socialist Democrat Party and its propaganda industries have become our country’s most Destructive and Deadliest ENEMY and are leading us down the path to our own slaughter.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
If this Socialist Democrat Party is not Stopped and or Destroyed.
We the People will become servants. slaves and wards of the “Socialist Democrat Party State”
In a # of ways, we already ARE…
Nothing will come of this just as nothing came out of all the things hilliary did – cause they are democrats and have the best back up cover up in the world – first and foremost the “Big Guy”, fbi, dhs, etc. etc. By the end of the year, hunter will be a very rich person and worth tenfold as it is said he is only worth 1 mil at present time.
Who would let this man put a little child in his lap, what a sick pervert he is , just like his Dad !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!