As the madness of Democrat leftists wreaks ever greater havoc on our Nation, it is important for us to realize that fixing the problem requires determining the root cause. Otherwise, our efforts to confront it are akin to attempting to cure cancer by only removing the most recently discovered tumor. To date, we have attempted to deal with the symptoms, which at best means “damage control” whenever we can achieve majority status. And given how much worse the corruption in the “system” has grown, along with the willingness of the leftist Fake News crowd to shamelessly lie about it, attempting to fix the latest outrages becomes ever more difficult.
While it is abundantly true to every Patriot with a basic understanding of America that our Nation is not a “democracy” but a Representative Republic, the goal of the founders was to structure government in a manner that was ultimately answerable not to a “ruling class,” but to the people. This approach to law and justice was a drastic departure from anything that had preceded it. And the result was a Nation that grew and flourished far above any other power on earth, achieving that status in a surprisingly short period of time.
Nevertheless, the Founders foresaw a major, potentially fatal pitfall that, if left unchecked, could spell doom for the American Experiment. John Adams warned of it in his one of his most famous quotes “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In essence, he was saying government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” would falter and ultimately fail, if basic moral principles of right and wrong were not upheld. Such a condition would require cultural cohesion, which underscored the Judeo-Christian principles on which the Founders forged our great Country.
Abraham Lincoln saw the potential for an insurmountable rift in the Nation over the defining issue of human slavery. It was with that understanding that he referenced the Gospel of Luke with his admonition that “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” Lincoln understood that slavery reflected a moral chasm between those who condemned it as evil, and those who accepted it out of tradition and pragmatism. Though the freedom of enslaved Americans was essential in the direct sense to the founding precepts of liberty and justice, it was also a physical impossibility for The Nation to go forward with such a vast divide of ideology.
Those same principles of basic right and wrong threaten to create a fault line in our midst that cannot be bridged by any effort short of brute force. What we’ve seen in our elections, long before we reached the current state of vast corruption and manipulation, is a cycle of intermittent dominance by one party over the other, at least to the degree that sincere Conservatives in office have mustered the will to oppose the status quo. Then, in the next election cycle, the opposition gains dominance and the entire direction of the Country is reversed.
In former times, the major political parties may have had their differences in regards to the specifics of how best to advance the interests of the American people, but not since the Civil War has there been any question as to whom they were ultimately loyal. That all began to fail with the institutionalized moral debasement of humanity in “Roe vs. Wade,” and although Ronald Reagan sought to repair the breach, he had limited power to do so.
At the same time, the traditional family, which had been the “firewall” against cultural debasement, was in the crosshairs of the left. For that attack to succeed, “traditional” (Judeo-Christian) values of right and wrong had to be undermined and supplanted with the perversions of the counterculture. Basic precepts of the American ideal were denigrated and marginalized under the guise of “multiculturalism.” Even the Church has been fractured and infiltrated with concepts that are diametrically opposed to any principle on which it was established, to the point that many denominations are now openly hostile to the precepts of Scripture.
By the time Bill Clinton took office, the notion of a cohesive American culture was being systematically dismembered by the Democrat machine. And its attacks on the fabric of America went into overdrive under the treasonous administration of Barack Obama. In a rare moment of candor, Obama promised to “fundamentally transform” the Nation. The havoc, suffering, deprivations, and trampling of basic rights ever since are a direct consequence of his agenda. Yes! He “built that.”
Nevertheless, such overt enemies of everything worthy and decent in this country could not have ever achieved high office, with their transparent condescension and contempt, had its moral and ideological guardrails not first been thoroughly decimated. The cultural attacks on America, which began in earnest in the 1960s, are bearing their toxic fruit on a scale that was previously unseen. And it is all absolutely intentional.
The notion of a National agenda with any consistency arising among such disparate ideologies, some of which are malignant and violent, is beyond reason. The erratic and chaotic redirection which ensues every few years is destroying not only the integrity of domestic life and business, it is rendering foreign policy to be an absolute nightmare. American commitment to allies has lost all trust and credibility, with Afghanistan being the most glaring example. How can other nations have any trust in a regime whose direction can veer from freedom and justice to Marxism and Globalism virtually overnight, in the aftermath of the latest stolen election?
President Trump has spotlighted some major areas where defining changes need to be made, if we are to have any hope of resuscitating this Nation. He flatly asserts that it is critical for election integrity to be restored. Otherwise, the outcome of every ensuing political contest will inevitably be determined by whichever candidate has the most corrupt political apparatus at his disposal. And we all know which party fits that mold. Furthermore, the entire “education” system must be thoroughly overhauled. The, total implosion and abandonment of real academics in government schools, despite a vast cost to taxpayers, is eclipsed by the degree of perverse indoctrination and propagandizing being inflicted young people in its place.
Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, known for her candor, suggests a “national divorce.” That is the essence of the “house divided” against which Lincoln warned with grim assurance. Given that leftist regions could not then sustain an infrastructure of basic commodities and sustenance, without leeching off of those who plant the crops, build the bridges, and fight the wars, this course would quickly lead to violence and bloodshed.
The only possibility of real “common ground” to be found by Americans is if we re-establish our guiding principles as Americans!
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
As the madness of Democrat leftists wreaks ever greater havoc on our Nation, we become weaker and weaker.
This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, immoral, demonic, socialist Democrat Party and their Democrat RINOs have become a demonic cult that revolves around and its philosophy is based on Total Control, Hate, Lies, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor.
This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, woke Socialist Democrat Party’s objective is to deliberately lie, cheat and steal. To disregard the U.S. Constitution and our laws, in order to take total control of the American people by their restricting U.S. citizens their constitutional rights and freedoms. Stopping oil production, increase Spending, Taxes and the inflation cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees by any way, unlimited illegal immigrant, promotion and support Socialism, enforced by their political DOJ and their FBI and IRS police Gestapo.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This treasonous, hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party, their RINOs and their corrupt, demented puppet president has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
Liberalism, regardless of whatever form it may manifest itself in, is evil because at heart it’s ultimately Satanic. Which means that liberals are led by the devil whether consciously or unconsciously. And until the rest of us realize that and act accordingly we are in essence fighting a rear guard action.
Jesus advised, that those who are not with him were against him. If the diminishing Democrat population of true Christian believers would burn this concept into their souls, then half would desert them, resulting in a divided Democrat party, instead of a Divided National defeat. Those not WITH the Christian Constitution, and the documented concepts of good government are doomed to perpetual social anxieties that will require stronger drugs than fentanyl to calm the national psyche, and ever bring us back together again. The most essential component of American SELF Government has been the enlightened individual’s capacity to first be able to Govern HIMSELF, which alone permits SELF government to succeed on any and all collective levels. All of our Current American social corruption stems from those who refuse to hold up their end of the bargain, and prefer others to take charge of their lives, rather than risk the pains or rewards of assuming responsibility for their own lives as God designed, having giving all the roadmap of his truths that set men free. All others just assuage their anxiety with fake offerings, using phony treasure maps that lead to no riches to be found under their rancid acid rain rainbows of greed. Government of the people, by, and for THE PEOPLE, doesn’t include self-chosen lab rats, love bugs, sex objects and drug bugs, who seek to force, the equity of their human deficient depravities, unfit to be the potter let alone form the clay.
As the madness of Democrat leftists wreaks ever greater havoc on our Nation
It’s all too easy to blame the Radical Left for our current condition. The question is where has the Spineless GOP been all this time ? And what if anything are they doing to stop the spread of this Liberal Cancer.
IMO their inaction, makes them JUST AS GUILTY AS the left…
Frankfurt school says: 1)Racism Offenses;2)Continual Change to Create Confusion;3)Teaching of sex and (Homo) sexuality to children;4)Undermining of Schools and Teachers authority;5)Huge immigration to destroy identity;6)Promoting excessive drinking (and Drug Abuse); 7)Vacating Churches;8)Unrealiable legal system with bias against victims of crime;9)Creating dependency on “the State” and “State Benefits”:10)Control and “dumbing down” of all media;11)Encourage total breakdown of “The Nuclear Family”:12)Overthrowing of traditional “Male/Female” relationships!!! See, folks, Communism would not be able to take root, in the West, unless ALL traditional Christian values and foundations had been totally destroyed. Amen. God Bless America. Now you can focus all your efforts. Read a Bible. KJV. Psalm 128. 10 Commandments everywhere. Kitchen Militias to decimate (really stupid Hegelian marxist philosophy) ideology and indoctrination. God Bless.