Last week, I visited South Florida for four days, and what a shock: Everything was open. The beaches, the hotels, the restaurants (with some sensible safety and social distancing restrictions). The classrooms are full.
The other strange thing about being in Florida was that people were happy. They were playing tennis and golf. They were going to work and getting on with their lives. Florida is a Republican, can-do kind of place.
Then, there is New York. Manhattan is a morose and deserted place to be. It’s as if it’s boarded up. People are living their lives afraid. They are depressed, which makes the whole place depressing. In Southern California, I experienced the same dreariness. And it wasn’t the weather, which was warm and sunny. Restaurants were closed or highly restricted. Stores were sparsely attended, and people were generally grimacing and standoffish. They yelp in horror if you take off your mask, even for a moment.
Yet through it all, there is almost no evidence that lockdowns, business closures, stay-at-home orders and other strategies have reduced the infection rates or death rates from the virus. To take just one prominent example, open Florida has had a lower death rate (adjusted for the age distribution of the population) than closed-down California and New York. Even President Joe Biden’s crackerjack health officials can’t explain that one.
Fifty states experimented with responses to the virus, and the verdict is in: The big blue states got crushed. The highest unemployment states are Hawaii, Nevada, California, Colorado, New York, New Mexico, Rhode Island and Connecticut. On average, the blue states have 2 percentage points lower unemployment, which means millions of more jobless citizens. Their revenues have collapsed with businesses closed down.
Why New Yorkers put up with walking disasters such as Gov. Andrew Cuomo and Mayor Bill de Blasio, or why Californians tolerate Gov. Gavin Newsom, is their own business.
The “progressives” in these states voted for higher taxes, more regulations, high energy prices and economic lockdowns. That’s democracy in action. Now the latest census data and U-Haul trailer rental data confirm that productive people are “voting with their feet” and accelerating their race to get out of town. The New York Post reports about 1,000 Northeasterners every day are relocating to Florida, Texas and Tennessee. The biggest population losers last year were deep-blue New York, Illinois and California.
Now, Biden wants to give some $400 billion to the failed blue states, mainly from the prospering red states, the ones that wisely didn’t shut down their economies or schools. The blue states get a bigger slice of the pie, which is Robin Hood in reverse because blue states generally have a higher per capita income than red states.
The supposedly high-brow, highly educated, culturally refined elites in Beverly Hills, California, and Long Island, New York — the very same “progressives” who have generally thumbed their nose at the working class “deplorables” in Middle America — have fallen so far that they now have to beg people in West Virginia, Arkansas and Mississippi for money.
You’d think liberals would be ashamed, but spending other people’s money is what they do best.
Every liberal Democrat in Congress, from Sen. Elizabeth Warren to Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, will vote for the blue-state bailout. Do they understand that in doing so, they are verifying the collapse of the very blue-state liberal model they want to impose on all of America?
Stephen Moore is a senior fellow at the Heritage Foundation and an economic consultant with FreedomWorks. He is the co-author of “Trumponomics: Inside the America First Plan to Revive the American Economy.” To find out more about Stephen Moore and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
When peoples hopes, happiness, security and assets have been taken away then maybe Americas royals will be satisfied. Who will provide the tax $ then to support their momentarily taxpayer funded lifestyles? Again, free handouts = larger # of slaves.
This past election of stolen Blue State victories of Democrat designed frauds has only proven that blue state beggars CAN be choosers, but only when elections are tainted. Fauci and his political Science are just part of the same fraud, and enablers of the big steal.
MORE AND MORE i feel the nation, needs to SPLIT INTO TWO.. One side is all the blue states.. The other side is all the rest.
AND no more travel BETWEEN THE TWO countries get allowed….
President Biden’s ‘crackerjack’ health officials could explain it if they wanted but that would mean evertyhing they have told the public, mandated the public do, and their total assessment of the situation were erronious in spite of all the nes information becoming available. Even Dr. Fauci as acted too long the bureaucrat away from the hands-on science to be reliable.
The real outrage, seems to me, is that the Blue States are reliably Blue and don’t need to worry about losing Blue voters, but the Red states really need to worry about the influx of Blue voters who are bringing their commie attitudes and voting patterns to our beloved Red states. Hopefully all the progressive Californians who moved to TX to save money have just learned a Green New Deal lesson from the total failure of wind and solar last week. But will they still vote commie Left? Most likely. Once it warms up the suffering will all be forgotten and they will resume their quest to turn Texas to a Blue state so that they can put a stake through the heart of Conservatism as a national movement to save the Republic.
That is why i’ve often, WONDERED WHY conservative states, cannot tell those Fleeing from blue states “SORRY< WE ARE FULL. Go the hell back!"
Isn’t it funny, that with everything closed down, the virus spread. So, in essence the lockdown did nothing. Secondly, look at all of the people that died or will die from complications from other diseases, because of the shutdowns and because the hospitals were shut down.
Just like even WITH mask mandates all over the place, THE VIRUS STILL SPREAD.. Almost like wearing one doesn’t DO JACK SQUAT to stop it!
Everyone… and I do mean …EVERYONE… knows what the useless mask wearing and lockdowns was all about. It had …..NOTHING… to do with the CHINA VIRUS…. It was all about destroying President Trumps economy because the last thing the communist occupiers wanted was to prove he was right… the useless mask wearing was just a scare tactic and to render everyone “socially equal” to further usher in the acceptance of communism. 2.4 million people die every year in the US… 45,000 of them in car crashes… so destroying the entire country (while constantly moving the goal post) due to a cold virus is ….NOT… justified for what the communist occupiers did to the country.
Preach it brotha..
“On average, the blue states have 2 percentage points lower unemployment, which means millions of more jobless citizens.”
I’m neither a mathemagician or an English major, and I graduated high school before 1970 so this really puzzles me. If red states (conservative) have 2% higher unemployment while being OPEN for business shouldn’t all states be shut down to boost employment overall?