Fed up with the Biden administration’s open border policy flooding Texas with illegal immigrants and skyrocketing crime, Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) declared his state is taking things into its own hands by cracking down on all who illegally cross into Texas.
“We’re about to change the way that Texas addresses the challenges along the border, and we’re going to start by helping these 34 counties [along the border] respond by increasing arrests,” Abbott announced in an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. “We got a new game in town in the state of Texas that’s going to begin next week.”
Enough’s enough
With the border crisis – which the Biden administration has refused to call a crisis, but rather a “challenge” – only getting worse since President Joe Biden took office and designated Vice President Kamala Harris the border czar – Abbott has had enough of waiting on the Democrats in Washington to bring the worsening situation under control.
“[T]he Republican governor made it clear that Texas will do everything it can to defend itself from the unprecedented masses of illegal immigrants flooding the border and seeking to take advantage of the Biden administration’s tax policies,” The Western Journal reported.
Instead of refusing to protect citizens from the border surge as the Biden administration has done since taking office, Abbott is taking the security of his state into his own hands by enforcing the law of the land.
“The law that I’m going to use will be legal ways in which Texas is going to start arresting everybody coming across the border,” the Republican governor continued. “Not just arresting them, but because this is now going to be aggravated trespass, they’re going to be spending a half a year in jail – if not a year in jail – as well as other actions that I will be announcing next week.”
This announcement came just days after Abbott made a disaster declaration.
“[T]he ongoing surge of individuals unlawfully crossing the Texas-Mexico border poses [a disaster because it is] an ongoing and imminent threat of widespread and severe damage, injury, and loss of life and property,” the declaration issued Monday reads.
The severity of the border problem was also expressed in an earlier interview the governor had with Newsmax, which he posted on Twitter.
“You hear about disaster declarations for hurricanes, [but] this is the first time that I’m aware of where I had to declare a disaster for 34 counties along the border because of the crisis because of so many people coming across the border,” Abbott said in the video he tweeted. “And you have cartels organizing efforts where ranchers’ property and their fences are torn down, their livestock is let out, their homes are damaged, their cars are broken into, their neighborhoods are dangerous, and we are going to instill safety.”
“We are going to be doing things in Texas that no state has ever done before when it comes to cracking down on anybody coming across the border. We’re going to step up and secure the border.”
Continuing to clean up Biden’s mess
This is not the first time Abbott has attempted to bring the border crisis under control while the White House paid it little more than lip service.
“[Abbott] deployed more than 1,000 public safety officers and National Guardsmen to help combat rampant drug and human trafficking at the border as part of Operation Lone Star earlier in the year, and the Biden administration has essentially abdicated any responsibility for the ongoing crisis,” the Journal recounted.
Still receiving no relief months later from the Biden administration, Abbott took to Twitter Thursday afternoon to announce that “Texas has stepped up to do Biden’s job at the border.”
It is argued that after five months in office, Biden is more interested in catering to the far-left’s radical immigration agenda than in protecting the lives and livelihoods of American citizens.
“Whether it be his reimplementation of catch-and-release, his systematic resettlement of illegals throughout the American Heartland or his outright refusal to build a barrier to aid Border Patrol officers in their mission, Biden has made one thing astoundingly clear: He does not care about the border crisis or the Americans hurt most by it,” the Journal argued.Bottom of Form
Damage already done
With VP Harris having gone 70 days without a news conference since being appointed to handle the border crisis, Abbott is using his declaration to make all state and local law enforcement available to fight “criminal activity and property damage” ushered in by Biden’s pro-immigration policy.
“President Biden’s open-border policies have paved the way for dangerous gangs and cartels, human traffickers and deadly drugs like fentanyl to pour into our communities,” Abbott proclaimed in a statement Thursday. “Meanwhile, landowners along the border are seeing their property damaged and vandalized on a daily basis while the Biden administration does nothing to protect them.”
The Texas Republican noted the extent to which his state has had to clean up Biden’s border mess over the past few months.
“[The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) has] made over 1,300 criminal arrests, apprehended over 35,000 illegal migrants and seized over 10,000 pounds of drugs and over 100 firearms [since March],” Abbott said, according to Fox News.
It was also noted that from January to April, the DPS confiscated nearly 100 pounds of the opioid fentanyl – 50 to 100 times stronger than morphine – an amount that can produce 21.5 million lethal doses.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
This is GREAT!
Gov. Greg Abbott (R-Texas) declared his state is taking things into its own hands by cracking down on all who illegally cross into Texas.
“Not just arresting them, but because this is now going to be aggravated trespass, they’re going to be spending a half a year in jail – if not a year in jail – as well as other actions that I will be announcing next week.”
U.S. Constitution: Article 4, Section 4: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government,
and shall protect each of them against Invasion;
I do believe that millions of illegal immigrants, illegally crossing our borders justifies as an invasion.
So the puppet president Betrayal Biden is in violation of the U.S. Constitution that he swore to “preserve, protect and defend”.
100% correct Governor and I’d add that anyone caught with drugs would be required to take,then and there, all the drugs he/she was carrying. In addition sue the Administration for the costs associated with tis enforcement, and when jails are full ship everyone of them to WDC and SFO (Pelosi and Harris’ districts) and let them deal with it, not Missouri or Tennessee or… Then Impeach both Biden and laughing hyenacrat Harris.
IMO its something that SHOULD HAVE BEEN DONE YEARS BACK… Not waited tll now to do it.
Thank you Gov Abbott for stopping the invasion.
Good for you Gov. Greg Abbott. This is long past due for the Governors to react. The open borders, New World Order deep state traitors can go to you know where!
Get your fellow state Governors to go with you.
Have all the states sue, and have incoherent Biden and idiot Harris testify along with the puppets who are really running the gov’t. Send them to Delaware, pisslosi’s, Schumer’s , Omar, Presley, and of course bug eyed aoc’s street. Drop them off in front of their houses by the bus loads. Real justice.
I applaud the governor of Texas for standing up for the people of Texas, and in so doing, actually help those who are attempting to and entering the US illegally. If we had good border protection and a process to seek entry legally, then most of the troubles at the border would be reduced. At present, the only ones profiting are the smugglers and drug runners. Shame on Biden and Harris.
Drug runners? Make them eat, sniff or inject all the drugs they are carrying and take all the money they have as well. They can’t use it in jail. Castration for any that have raped.
I’ve said for years we need to do that with drug mules/dealers… MAKE THEM TAKE ALL The poison they are shipping/selling…
Biden is letting Dem voters cross the border, pure and simple. Dems encourage them to vote illegally (what’s another law broken for law breakers) while pushing legislation to reward them citizenship for criminality. Every Mexican “dreamer” steals the dreams of an American kid and his parents.
That’s cause they HOPE the illegals, VOTE DEM.. IF THEY even only 40% of the time, voted republican, THE DEMS WOULD BE ALL FOR border security!
Hey…. Hire Joe Arpaio (Former Maricopa County Sheriff)…. He can build those tent cities, make them all wear pink underwear and feed them bologna sandwiches!
I am SO SICK of treating these Illegal aliens BETTER than we treat OUR homeless and (government created) out of work AMERICANS!
Hell, build massive Trebucheets, and LAUNCH THEM BACK OVER INTO MEXICO..
>”Texas Gov.: ‘Start Arresting Everybody Coming Across The
What part of "Illegal" don't the lib-tards understand??
THe entire word! Just look at how many liberal cities where we’ve had year long riots and such.. Criminals being LET OUT OF prison etc..
Good first step but at this point it would make better sense to set up a mine field with all bouncing bettys on our side of the border. Then another field with claymores. If any one makes it past that point then turn lose a wall of lead coming from M2 machine guns. Let God sort them out.
“MY GOVERNOR” is very popular in Texas. And he has the “American idea” of getting rid of criminals, killers, rapist’s, and beggars on welfare. THEY belong in jail. And if word gets around, that will have a lot to do, with these unwanted “travelers” from trying to get in America for free.
GREAT! Someone since Jan 20th has the cojones to stand up, say no more, and start solid actions against the illegal invasion of the USA! Thank you TEXAS! Only problem I see is what to do with the illegal aliens after they are arrested? Catching them, feeding them, jailing them, etc. is going to get costly. And, the fake administration isn’t likely to step up and help!
That’s why i prefer the option of launching them right back over the border via a trebuchete or old school catapult. OR FLY THEM Back over their home countries, and air drop them from 10k up, without a parachute!
Make the biden administration pay for housing their future illegal voters. The biden administration allowed them in so use the next scheduled pay raise for democrats as payment for housing the illegal invaders. Maybe even send some of the younger ones to go live with the “squat” (sic) so we can see how aoc and her cohorts like it.
Well, these are all well and good, but until the thus ‘ “that help bring the people and induce the people to come are eliminated nothing will help. Making WDC pay is making you and me pay – no real solution. Ropes with nooses, lead poisoning and taking their own “medicine” will. Snakes don’t do well w/o a head.
ALL that would do is make WE the tax payer foot the bill, WHICH WE ALREADY ARE DOING..
Either sue them as INDIVIDUALS AND make them pay out of their own pocket, OR STOP SPENDING THE MONEY (welfare/food/housing etc) on them, and send them RIGHT BACK HOME>
Texas has posted tourism ads saying, “Texas. It’s like a whole other country.” Well, Abbott is now proving himself quite capable of becoming the president of the resurrected Republic of Texas, an independent nation again. This new player on the world stage would quickly prove itself as a global leader and serve as an example of conservative policies in action bringing wealth and freedom to its own citizens and hope to the people of all other countries; the way America did, but no longer really does.
“Abbott for President…of Texas.”
The lawsuits claiming “you can’t enforce the law” were probably filed before the virtual ink was dry on Governor Abbott’s directive. I hope this goes all the way to the Supreme Court, and his wins. Someone, somewhere needs to enforce law and order.
I’d LOVE To se the Scotus rule “Fine, if you don’t want the laws enforced, then there is NO NEED FOR LAW MAKERS in congress!”