Texas border counties are facing a migrant “invasion” and Gov. Greg Abbott, R-Texas, must expel people suspected of entering the U.S. illegally, local officials said.
Several local leaders and activists said Abbott would be justified to expel migrants because the Biden administration has failed to do so, the San Antonio Express-News reported.
Kinney, Goliad, Terrell, and Uvalde counties this week issued disaster declarations and called on Abbott to enforce federal immigration laws.
— Read more at Newsmax
Texas Counties Say The Border Crisis Is An ‘Invasion.’ They’re Not Wrong
The move was meant to pressure Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to take direct action to secure the border. The question is, will he?
A handful of Texas counties on Tuesday declared the ongoing border crisis an “invasion” and called on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to do the same, citing constitutional authority for states to act in self-defense in the face of federal inaction.
Speaking in rural Kinney County, which includes a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border, officials from Kinney, Uvalde, and Goliad counties said the Biden administration has refused to secure the border and enforce the law, and that although Abbott has done much to support local communities in south Texas most affected by the crisis, he needs to do more. Namely, he needs to follow their lead and declare an invasion.
— Read more at The Federalist
What does Article IV Section 4 of the Constitution mean?
Section Four requires the United States to protect each state from invasion, and, upon the application of the state legislature (or executive, if the legislature cannot be convened), from domestic violence.
TIME to start mining the border, and tell the troops to arm up!
Texas Fish hatcheries are hatching and releasing tons of Pirranhas into the Rio Grande. For ecological reasons of course. We would not want to discriminate against people, fish or any living woke thing that has to survive by feeding upon others. How can the Deomcrats complain about that? Feeding upon others is their Party’s very life force.
I’ve often wondered, how many illegals would cross that river, if it was chockablock filled with pirannah…
Trump secured the border without firing a shot. It can be done. Slo joe just doesn’t want to. The communist democrat party wants America to cease to exist.
Illegals are not citizens. Therefore are not Entitled to benefits. Except to be deported
Back in the late 1800s, the SCOTUS royally buggered things up, when they ruled our Constitutional rights, applies to illegal aliens…