Stimulus checks for illegal aliens? That’s what Sen. Ted Cruz claimed when Joe Biden’s massive, wasteful coronavirus spending bill was debated on the Senate floor. Democrat Dick Durbin called Cruz a liar. Newsweek Magazine jumped in with a “fact check” and judged Cruz’s comments to be false. Guess what happened next?
It is true that millions of illegal aliens will be getting taxpayer-funded stimulus checks. Newsweek was forced to issue a correction. Do you think Dick Durbin will issue one too?
Tucker Carlson is under attack from woke military leaders. Plus, Joe Biden’s southern border coordinator says the crisis at the border is because of “hope.”
Check out today’s show for all the details.
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Stimulus checks for illegal aliens. Another way of buying the vote. Great job, Democrat communists. Spit in the face of the American citizen. What does one expect from Dick Durbin, communists are liars! Tucker mentioned that the military personally attacked him, for his comments on diversity and feminizing the military. Flight suits for pregnant women? What a joke! The military will be used to attack those of us that are Conservative. These politically correct clowns in the military have no business attacking Tucker, as Tucker told the truth. Women are not as strong as men, women are not as fast as men. Does anyone think that a woman in hand to hand combat can take on a Russian or Chinese man. It is like, when a man got into the White House, when Barack was President. The female Secret Service agent was over powered by the man and male Secret Service agents had to subdue the man. Political correctness and lowering standards in the military, will not win a war. It also looks like our military is attacking all of us verbally, as being “white supremacists”. It is only a matter of time, when the communist politicians in Washington DC, have the military come after us physically, in our own Country!!!!
one option left… “They” better keep that wall up around the cesspool / swamp. biden is a racist
Well of course they’ll get Monopoly Money Stimulus checks, it’s what the Dems enticed the illegals with to get them here, along with a false promise of “free” everything else! Too bad they don’t understand that what the government gives you, they can take away, and they will if they need to punish you!
And they WILL need to punish you, if you deviate from the script written for you — in thought, word, or deed.
PIty we CAN’T just give them fake money!!
with 30 trillion in debt to the fed–we are printing fake money every day
Democrat Dick Durbin called Cruz a liar. Newsweek Magazine jumped in with a “fact check” and judged Cruz’s comments to be false. Guess what happened next?
It is true that millions of illegal aliens will be getting taxpayer-funded stimulus checks. Newsweek was forced to issue a correction. Do you think Dick Durbin will issue one too?
So much for these Leftist ‘Fact Checks’…
Or Leftist “Facts,” for that matter.
Their idea of Fact checking, is asking themselves “IS he speaking the truth”.. IF they say no, that’s good for their fact check.
Why not just send 128 million stimulus checks to Mexico,
and 17 million to Guatemala
and 10 million to Honduras
and 6 million to El Salvador?
How’s about we send NOTHING TO THOSE nations ever again!
and that on top of the 50 billion congress has appropriated to those countries each in foreign aid-??
It makes me wonder. WITH SO MANY millions in the ‘poor house’ and homeless, in OUR OWN NATION, why the hell we STILL GIVE SO MUCH to every damn other nation?
Great idea, look how much tax dollars would be saved by having them stay in their own countries. If that works we should notify our embassies throughout the world that checks will be sent to billions of people in their countries. Just think of the benefits our taxpayers will enjoy when we are not over burdened by the cost of hospitalization, schools etc. just think of the economic boom to the countries around the world after all all we have to do is to print skillions of dollars.
AND How many times would we HAVE TO give those checks to all those other nations, PAID FOR ALL BY WE the tax victims?
Sorry, but to me, i say its HIGH TIME we ceased paying a single DOLLAR TO ANY other nation.. PERIOD.
Do you suppose that would keep them the HEII out of our country? I wonder if we could send Biden and his entire nest of slimy rats to Honduras, forever.
Calm down IT I was being bloody sarcastic,
The USA already does, it is called Foreign AID. I have said for years that Foreign Aid needs to cut severely. Politicians will not listen.
I was anything but calm and collected when I learned of this. America needs to do something and hopefully we can figure out something soon before we lose this country for good. We need to ship the dems and many of the republicans to China and/or Venezuela. They have made millions off of OUR hard earned money for way too long. Unfortunately, the American people were asleep until Trump came along, God bless him. I’m thankful he exposed the evil. Now, it’s a matter of reclaiming this great nation. We must fight for it with the same tenacity that our Founding Fathers had when they fought and sacrificed everything. It’s either that or lose this once great nation. What keeps me going is the anger I feel when I see those in congress who, unlike Mr. Smith that went to Washington, our lousy congress has never represented the people–ever! And they have never put any effort into working except when it benefitted their agenda. Imagine having the same employment benefits that they receive for doing zilch. When I think of what they get in vacation, health, sick, AND frequent hefty salary raises, it fries me. We must join the growing body of true Americans and fight to regain the soul of America once again. We can’t afford not to.
Unfortunately, I believe it is too late to regain our National soul, just like it is with the National Debt where more debt has been added in this one year than all the years since George Washington – debt we will end up eating as handouts from some solvent country such as China. Once the cookie starts to crumble and that momentum is unleashed, there will be no stopping it. I have a feeling most of today’s Americans won’t be able to handle it. After all, we panicked over the toilet paper and bleach shortages a year ago.
The three separate but equal parts of our government was established for checks and balances to prevent one part from gaining too much Unconstitutional power. The Hussein Administration spent 8 years undermining our Founding Fathers by inserting their cohorts into all the upper echelons of the government alphabet organizations to strengthen their Deep State. The results are blatantly visible! Just look at the inaction by the Supreme Court regarding the Unconstitutional Fraudulent election in 2020. The silence from the Marxist Communists during the year long destruction of cities throughout our Country, and their outrage over a few hundred unarmed individuals touring the Capital.
AND all these EO’s bidens done, has pretty much SHOWN just how neutered congress is.