Support for monthly $2,000 stimulus checks for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to swell online, with more than 2.6 million Americans now pushing the Biden administration and Congress on the idea in a handful of petitions.
Congress isn’t likely to approve more stimulus checks anytime soon — if at all. But a petition calling for recurring payments, posted more than a year ago by Denver restaurant owner Stephanie Bonin, has 2.3 million supporters as of Sunday morning. Another petition that kicked off last year has picked up steam and is approaching 82,000 supporters. At least four other petitions have gained between 28,000 and 73,000 signatures.
“Middle Americans are the heart and soul of our country,” wrote Tyson Su, whose petition to the U.S. Senate now has 63,780 on board. “As the government has ordered a lockdown during this pandemic, our economy has lost tens of millions of jobs and we are suffering from a deep economic crises. We understand that this lockdown was needed to save lives and we’ve watched as big business has been bailed out with trillions of our tax paying dollars.”
The petition calls for “at least $2,000 per month throughout the crisis and for three months after it,” for all unemployed Americans 16 and older who earn less than $130,000 annually. The petition also pushes the feds to provide full rent and mortgage payment forgiveness throughout the pandemic.
All told, at least 2,625,614 have signed the top petitions calling for $2,000 in recurring payments.
Bonin in a May update said the “country is still deeply struggling,” and that economic recovery from previous stimulus packages hasn’t reached enough Americans. Without recurring payments during the pandemic, she argued, “laid-off workers, furloughed workers, the self-employed and workers dealing with reduced hours will struggle to pay their rent or put food on the table.”
With the economy reopening as COVID-19 vaccination continues to ramp up, the checks remain unlikely despite online support and the backing of a few dozen Democratic senators and House members.
Progressives, including Sens. Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren and others in the Massachusetts congressional delegation, say the three one-time payments approved since March 2020 simply aren’t enough to help sustain working families coping with job loss, food and housing insecurity sparked by the pandemic.
More than 167 million Americans have received third-round stimulus checks for a combined total of $391 billion, the Internal Revenue Service announced in late May.
While President Joe Biden has called for more payments to parents and extensions of tax credits to tens of millions of Americans, he has not called for further direct stimulus checks. The White House has punted the issue to Congress as it eyes nearly $4 trillion in combined spending — far more than Republicans want to invest — on jobs, infrastructure, education and families.
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And the comforting thought is that the 2,625,614 who have signed the top petitions calling for $2,000 in recurring payments, indicates we only have less than 1 % of the American population of a Self-governing people that chose to live like fearful manipulative socially dependent children in adult bodies. The problem occurs when that 1% takes over the media, the schools and the governing bodies and tries to impose their totally unworkable ideology on the real adults. People too stupid to realize when the goofballs give away $2000 in COVID checks and then raise your gas prices by $3000 in energy mismanagement and your taxes by the same amount in government mis-spending, you end up owing the piper who sooner or later can only be repaid in more borrowed money, resulting in a magnitude of child abuse unheard of in history when your impoverished, jobless kids have to figure out how to pay the bill. Struggling through Crisis and coming out stronger is what the history of American humanity is all about, not cowering in fear and defeat. When the fearful spineless jellyfish rule, society soon gets slimed. Make the Chinese pay in import fees.
IF THEY can’t live off 100k a year, THEN 2k a month, won’t mean JACK SQUAT..
“The petition calls for “at least $2,000 per month throughout the crisis and for three months after it,”
Well, the problem is, it seems to be an open-ended panicdemic with no real end in sight. Furthermore, had the 2020 election not been stolen and Trump was rightfully holding office, we would not have the economic mess that we now have due to incompetence.
They never let a crisis go to waste, and never let a crisis go to bed while there is still cash on the table to be had.
Add to that, when those on ‘unemployment’, as per today’s news, ARE MAKING almost 64k a year, TO STAY UNEMPLOYED< that is WHY FIRMS are having a hard time hiring folks back..
WHY WORK FOR IT, when you can sit on your ***, and VOTE For it.
Open up the economy, do not give the parasites any government checks, so these leeches have to work for a living. A novel idea, right Democrat communists? Oh, I forgot the Democrats want to buy the vote!
The race-baiting dishonorable Democrats have been buying the black votes for decades and now they are trying to buy the illegal immigrant votes.
The Dishonorable, Socialist Democrat Party game plan is to lie, cheat and steal elections in order to take total control of the American people, increase Taxes on everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
AND as i’ve been saying for years. MANDATE THOSE ON WELFARE, either give UP THEIR VOTE to stay on welfare, OR CANX WELFARE after 3 years.. NO MORE.
Also, RE all those “Farm jobs”. HOW MANY living in those states where they have all those HB-1 visas issued, ARE LIVING ON WELFARE?
Why not tell those lazy butts, GET THE HELL OFF YOUR BUTT and work, or get cut the hell off.
Here’s a $2000 monthly stimulus for you 2.6 million takers with your hands out: Get a job. There are “Now Hiring” and “Help Wanted” signs everywhere I look and my town isn’t the only one with many employers seeking employees.
That money has to come from somewhere. It will come from hardworking, middle class, taxpayers. Any funds they will receive will be greatly outweighed by the rising cost of commodities including food and fuel. That hidden ‘tax’ will hit the poorest the hardest. Apparently basic economics is not something these people understand.
That’s the 2.6M people RECEIVING government handouts who support continuing the handouts! What a surprise!
I wonder, how many of those who signed it, ARE STILL WORKING, vs how many are siting on their butts, collecting Govt unemployment/welfare?!
Let’s see 2,000 a month plus food stamps ,welfare ,schools serve 2-3 meals a day. free healthcare Practically free public housing, section 8. Free computers from schools ,free internet ,free education. Did I leave anything out. Oh get out of jail race card
What they are actually saying is “Democrats, give us $2000 per month and we will vote Democratic!”
HENCE why those on welfare/unemployment, shouldn’t be allowed to vote.
The price of drugs and alcohol will go up. Isn’t that racists?