Just days before a 28-year-old transgender murdered six people at a Nashville school before police officers shot and killed her, a university professor crazily called it “admirable” to kill someone if they are “racist, homophobic, or transphobic.” That violence-condoning view of right wingers is ominously being repeated again and again by left wingers this week.
The social media post by Steven Shaviro, an English professor at Wayne State, got her suspended by the university president for advocating violence but, in reality, the American public is witnessing many others – journalists, left-wing activists, politicians – condemn gun ownership and denounce “transphobia” while they remain quiet about hate-filled transgender killer, Audrey Hale, himself.
GOPUSA Editor: The pronouns used in this story were chosen by the writers and not by GOPUSA.
After the horrific shooting made national news, and the public learned the gunman is transgender, AFN reported numerous jarring examples in a story that published Wednesday, such as NBC News fearing anti-trans backlash. A British newspaper reported Hale felt rejected by his Christian parents, and a left-wing attorney-activist tied The Covenant School to an unrelated report of sexual abuse from 2012.
“This is trans privilege in a nutshell,” writer Matt Walsh said of the NBC News story. “Even when they massacre children, they’re still the victim.”
The AFN story quoted Megan Basham, a Daily Wire reporter, who shared in a Twitter post she was fighting back tears after witnessing the media frame the school rampage as if Hale is the victim of the school she attacked. Yet more examples that are just as revealing keep piling up as the week comes to an end and the Far Left blames Republicans for dead children, and celebrates and defends mentally ill transgenders.
As the week continued, the dishonest media did not disappoint. At CBS News, a frustrated employee ratted out news executives who barred using the word “transgender” in news stories about the shooting. That instruction was included in a memo that was leaked from the newsroom.
“This is absurd because the police identified Hale as transgender,” the CBS employee told The New York Post. “If the cops didn’t address it, maybe you could avoid it, but withholding information is not journalism.”
At the White House, when MSNBC asked press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre about the Nashville shooting, she said Republicans in Congress should be asked what will they tell the parents of the children who were killed.
“We cannot sit around to allow this anymore,” she said, referring to legal firearms. “It’s enough.”
Later that same day, in front of White House reporters, the press secretary said the “Transgender Day of Visibility” is important in light of “anti-trans” bills being passed by state legislatures across the country.
“Our hearts go out to the trans community as they are under attack right now,” she told reporters.
“The one time she doesn’t have to sit and fumble through notes,” Dan Andros, managing editor of Christian Broadcasting Network, wrote on Twitter, “is when she’s defending trans people after a trans person targeted and gunned down Christians, including Christian children.”
Also on Thursday, President Biden celebrated that today, Friday, is “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
“Their courage has given countless others strength, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves,” Biden said in a statement.
Just days before, when a reporter asked Biden if he believed Christians were targeted in the Nashville student, the President smirked at the question.
“I have no idea,” he finally replied.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
“a university professor crazily called it “admirable” to kill someone if they are “racist, homophobic, or transphobic.”,,,thus sayeth the self-declared secular self-gods of their own sick mind and soul twisted redesigning who would redesign others from that which their Creator purposed, and become the new Democrat deity deciders of who is fit to live or die in their new worshipped American religion of secular socialism. where the two-dimensional demented people of just body and mind, think they can overcome and dominate the three-dimensional people of body, mind and SPIRIT. What spirits they possess are every bit as evil, dark, dangerous and destructive as those whose long dead ancestors are accused of being the very maleficent beings they themselves have become. The power of three is always greater than two, and even the socially confused must understand they will lose in the end when a united threefold chord withstands and overcomes the emotional slicing and dicing attacks of their two-fold corded knot headed political priests and deities, whose drugged, tramp stamped, and gender altered reframed images prove to be just re-framed pictures of Dorian Gray.
Can you imagine if a white CHRISTIAN, said “IT was admirable, to kill illegal invaders”. Or a Conservative said “It was admirable to kill these depraved deviants?”
Not only would they get FIRED immediately, but you can BET the left would be screaming for HATE CRIME Charges on TOP Of incitement to violence charges.
Of course the Biden administration is targeting Christians and when a loony transgender stages a massacre of Christian children Biden makes the most of it.
When a transgender murders 6 human being in their confused state of mind-
From the book, ”AMERICAN MRXISM , BY MARK LEVIN HE WROTE,” IT IS Well worth underscoring what Professor JONATHAN WEINER told THE TIMES: MARXISM and Feminism, Marxism and deconstruction, MARXISM and RACE-this is where the exciting debates are, and diversity is now the signature of once=monolithic MARXISM.”
To fully advance the Lying, Treasonous, Demonic, Woke, Socialist Democrat Party’s destructive beliefs and agendas is to divide our citizens with hate and promote – racism, open borders, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, the LGBTQ lifestyle, unfettered sexual identity, transgender, same sex marriage, child indoctrination into sexual confusion and perversions, the pagan Liberal left Democrats must do away with GOD, our Constitution, common sense, morality, Christian values, free religious exercise altogether and to cancel or destroy anything that violates the Democrat’s self- fabricated beliefs.
Under the of Disguise of Democrats versions of “anti-discrimination.”
“Religious liberty is under attack in many places because it is dangerous to those who want to hold complete power,”
Bigotry is not necessarily always a bad thing. One need not tolerate or accept every belief or action of another.
It is better to be condemned by Democrats for obeying God and his Word, the Holy Bible and standing up for one’s morals and values.
Than to be on their knees bowing down for the crumbs and the whims of the corrupt and immoral demonic Democrats.
It is time that we stop referring to these sick individuals by their “preferred pronouns!” I thought the point of this story was to illustrate the media’s unwillingness to report the facts, and it appears your reporter for the story is mimicking the sick journalism of the MSM. It needs to stop!
Well said. THE MORE WE ‘play along’ by using their Pronouns, the MORE THEY PUSH..
yes, trannies ARE VICTIMS (but of leftist “parents” who are mentally ill)
Had their parents been so mentally ill as to phsyically slice and dice off their own gendered organs that produce Kids, these trannys would never have been born. Another reason why they socially and insanely abuse those produced by sane others and redistribute your kids to themselves, just like they do with your taxes,,,,,from the productive to the unproductive which is the definition of social theft by any and all means.
Audrey is a gender neutral name, like Grace or Beverley.
“Their courage has given countless others strength, but no one should have to be brave just to be themselves,” Biden said in a statement.
Sure they do. It’s a cruel, fallen, world. Perhaps Joe never had to be brave, even when dealing with Corn Pop, but most others do to some extent.
In our country today, black is white, up is down, evil is good, deviancy is normal. The left is the perpetrator of the lunacy
Not just the perpetrators of it, but CELEBRATORS of it.