House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) has once again taken a vocal stand in defense of his Christian faith after a Democrat strategist said that what Mr. Johnson believes is a “bigger threat” to the United States than the Al-Qaeda terror group.
Democrat strategist James Carville made the comments during comedian Bill Maher’s show “Real Time With Bill Maher” on Dec. 1.
“Mike Johnson and what he believes is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States,” Mr. Carville said.
“I promise you, I know these people,” Mr. Carville continued, prompting Mr. Maher to ask him to clarify that he’s referring to Christian nationalism rather than Christianity in general.
“You’re talking about Christian nationalists?” Mr. Maher said.
Nodding in the affirmative, Mr. Carville said, “Absolutely. This is a bigger threat than Al-Qaeda to this country.”
The Democrat strategists’ remarks drew a response from Mr. Johnson, who took to X on Sunday to post his response.
“It’s twisted and shameful that a leading Democrat strategist says millions of Christians in America are a greater threat than foreign terrorists who murdered more than 3,000 Americans,” Mr. Johnson wrote. “The Democratic Party should condemn this. But they won’t.”
Mr. Johnson’s Faith in Focus
While there’s no canonical manifesto of Christian nationalism or a single definition, it’s generally considered the belief that the American nation is defined by Christian values and the government should adopt policies—like on issues of abortion or same-sex marriage—that align with this worldview.
Progressives have argued that Christian nationalism is antidemocratic. Amanda Tyler, executive director of the Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty, called it the “single biggest threat to religious freedom” in America.
While Mr. Johnson has never identified himself as a Christian nationalist, he’s been vocal about his Christian faith and the fact that its values guide his thinking and actions, including as a congressional representative.
He’s made remarks—such as that he thinks God “raises up those in authority” to leadership positions—that have drawn criticism from secularists and others.
Mr. Johnson’s rise to the role of House Speaker at the end of October put his Christian beliefs into focus and prompted critical op-eds from publications like The Washington Post (titled “Mike Johnson is a pro-gun Christian nationalist. Yes, be afraid”) and The New York Times (titled “The Embodiment of White Christian Nationalism in a Tailored Suit”).
Despite criticism, Mr. Johnson has repeatedly defended his faith and insisted that its values are beneficial to the country.
Speaker Defends ‘Judeo-Christian Tradition’
In his first international speech after being elected as House Speaker, Mr. Johnson laid out several key concepts for his vision for the future of America, which includes drawing on Christian traditions and values.
Mr. Johnson made the remarks in a virtual speech on Oct. 30 to the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship’s inaugural conference in London.
Citing “unprecedented times,” Mr. Johnson laid out a number of key questions that need to be answered if an “optimistic vision” and “better story” for the world is to come to fruition.
These include how to restore good governance and faith in institutions, how to strengthen the social fabric and refocus on the family, how to provide cheap and reliable energy, and how to persuade people that finding the answers to these questions “are the keys to greater human flourishing across the globe.”
Mr. Johnson said that, today, a lack of a “necessary” common narrative and moral framework that can bind people together is behind the many problems facing the world, including tensions flaring in various hot spots like the Middle East, Taiwan, and Ukraine.
He referred to the current turning point in history as a “civilizational moment” that, if approached the wrong way, could lead civilization to collapse.
“We will lose our critical connection to our foundational principles if we answer this question the wrong way,” he said.
“If we answer it the right way, it will lead to a renewal, rather than a replacement or the ultimate decline of our civilization,” he continued.
In his remarks, he stressed the validity of drawing on the “Judeo-Christian tradition” that he said has helped guide the “extraordinary heritage” of Western civilization.
“I believe God brings leaders together to address certain challenges,” he told the audience, adding that now is the time to “begin the challenging work of pushing back on the failed visions that currently plague the West.”
Some of the problems gripping America and vexing Western civilization include bad governance on the part of political leaders, a lack of public confidence in institutions, deep and destructive political divisions, and a “crisis of identity” in the West as a whole.
“Mike Johnson and and his Christian beliefs’ is one of the greatest threats we have today to the United States,” Democrat strategist James Carville said.
This is a bigger threat than Al-Qaeda to this country.”
God did not make the 10 Commandments for his benefit, God mad them for the benefit of mankind.
God did not make laws for his benefit, God made them for the benefit of mankind.
Jesus Christ son of God did not let himself to be sacrificed on the cross for his benefit, Jesus died for the forgiveness of our sins.
Note that almost everything that God “Yahweh” has declared a sin or an abomination in the Holy Bible, the Democrat Party and its disciples encourage, approve of, support and protect.
The Democrat Party and its disciples hate the ways of God but encourage, approve of, support and protect the ways of Satan. 🙁 🙁 🙁
‘God did not make laws for his benefit, God made them for the benefit of mankind.”,,,,,,and he is the God of Love but also the God of Justice or Jesus gave his life for nothing. He can be no other. We are now realizing that middle east terrorist Islamofascists and the secular Socialist American Liberals are our new conjoined distorted Siamese twin enemies of Christian America. Both political organizations disguising themselves as religions, with the socialists designating secular government as their new god from whom all blessings flow, and their party apparatchik children-of-the lessor-god operatives their working minions. I’ve been to Fatima where in 1917 the Virgin Mary appeared and the miracle of the sun occurred witnessed by tens of thousands. The fourth secret of Fatima revealed by Mary to the child Lucia was that the coming anti-Christ would be the last Pope, which according to Pope Bennedict XVI was scheduled to follow him. I’m really wondering what Church this prediction really was aimed at. If it is not current socialist Pope Francis, but was the Secular Church of the American government of living liars, whose Current Pope is Biden, if we aren’t living in the end times of man, thanks to Joe and guys like Carville we definitely are living in the approaching end times of Christian America if Chirstian Americans do not wake up and vote their conscience instead of their pocketbook.
I’ve got smarter and better-looking lawn trolls sitting in my front bushes that make more sense, and are twice as honest as James Carville. These days it’s not “The Economy Stupid” but the stupid people like Carville running our economy. I hear Biden has several white lawn Jockeys in front of the driveway of his many homes, that bear James image, that represent the enlightenment of the Democrat party while Joe and Obama were in office, and Americans of all colors were forced to act like runaway slaves from the government tax, indoctrinate and spend oppression, with Trans Secretary Mayor Pete now overseeing the underground railroading of honest self-governing American citizens who now never seem to get to their destination of being able to make an honest living let alone acquire the American dream turned nightmare.
It’s not Christians that pose the greatest threat to American democracy, but the Democrat Socialists who are to America, what Hama is to Israel,,,BOTH political organizations disguised as religion. The further we leave our workable Christian based heritage and standards that kept us safe, and financially secure, the more economically and morally failed we become in FUNdeMENTALLY Obama redefined America, where violent Democrat run slum cities are now offered to replace safe happy Churches when it comes to their idea of Sanctuary.
AND who the heck is Carvel to me, but yet another libtard butt kissing hack?
Yeah, Carville, we should all be scared & worried about the apparently unknown secret Christian terror groups who are raping & slaughtering innocent people all over the world in the name of Christianity & doing so right under our very noses.
Maybe we aren’t being shown any Christian terrorist atrocities because the Dem Party & their state run MSM are very afraid that Christian terror groups will send out assassins to kill them?
Or maybe Carville & Dem Party radical left ideologues would like to institute the same type power, control & oppression in US that Islam has in Mid East & other places in the world that have allowed Islamists to populate & exert dominance over them.
At any rate, let’s hope the majority of US citizens are not stupid enough to believe or trust anything that comes out of the mouths of the always lying & totally corrupt Dem Party & their seditious supporters.