Rosie O’Donnell, once-upon-a-time comedian, is pushing a new game for the I-hate-Trump crowd — a video chance to push him off a cartoon-like cliff.

Well, let the haters hate, as they say. The left has its nanny-nanny, boo-boo; the right, the White House.

The game’s called “Push Trump Off a Cliff Again,” a somewhat uninspiring take on Trump’s famous “Make America Great Again” mantra, minus the zing.

And the big excitement is that players have the option of pushing Trump off a cliff, tossing him into a volcano, throwing him down a manhole, or leading him into the gaping jaws of a Tyrannosaurus Rex. Kill the president — what fun.

Conservatives are upset at the disrespect-slash-call-to-violence, particularly since the hypocritical left just went nuts on a satirical video showing Trump taking down CNN.

An example, from one Twitter user: “Violence against the president? Not so good.”

Fox News host Sean Hannity called the game “heinous.” The Young Conservatives on their blog opined, “Sadly, violence has become an acceptable form of dissent for liberals these days.”

Fox News host Sean Hannity.

They have a point.

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Liberals do have their share of calls-for-violence, pleas-for-overthrow, petitions-for-resistance of all-things-Republican, by any and all means possible.

At the same time, those of liberal bent could just as easily flip it and call the right hypocritical for laughing at the left’s outrage over the Trump-CNN tackle but raising angry brows at the video game.

Potatoes, potahtoes.

Fact is: Let Rosie and her kind cry. They’re mice. Republicans, under Trump, are lions. And lions don’t fight mice. They’re not worth the time or bother.

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