Counter-protesters pushed through barricades and clashed with anti-maskers on Boston Common in a showdown that left two arrested and others rubbing pepper spray out of their eyes.
The two groups clashed around 11:30 a.m. Sunday as projectiles flew overhead and ralliers pushed past police, kicking through fencing.
Related Story: Boston Antifa protest turns violent, 2 arrested after police in riot gear respond
“We came here to peacefully protest when we were violently attacked by a mob that pepper-sprayed us, attacked us and refused to allow our van to leave,” said Super Happy Fun America organizer Brandon Navom, who would identify himself only as “Super Happy Brandon,” to a Herald reporter.
Navom said his group — which is behind the controversial straight-pride parade — was conducting a “pro-freedom” protest on Sunday afternoon to speak out against mask, vaccine and other coronavirus-related mandates when the chaos caused police to cut power to the speakers, effectively shutting down the protest.
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Eamon Kavanagh and other members of Boston First Responders United — an organization formed by firefighters, police officers and medics to push back on state-imposed COVID-19 mandates — piggybacked on Sunday’s rallies.
Holding a sign about Gov. Charlie Baker that read, “Baker is a liar,” Kavanagh said first responders “are against the mandates” requiring workers to get COVID-19 shots or lose their jobs.
“We’re just advocating for our freedom, our medical freedom and to keep our jobs,” Kavanagh said.
Counter-protesters organized by Solidarity Against Hate/Boston turned up in force outnumbering Super Happy Fun America ralliers by the hundreds.
“We don’t want that in our city: Anti-vaxxers, people who don’t believe that COVID is real, people that put other people in danger, racist transphobes and people that hate other people for the way they are — that’s not OK,” said Ritla Handelman, an Emerson College student who attended Sunday’s counter-protest.
“They can be really loud and they can get a lot of attention, but this kind of thing is just not welcome in the community and the fact that there are more of us than there are of them is evidence of what the community really is,” Handelman added.
Dozens of police officers, clad in full riot gear and carrying Billy clubs, stood in formation around the Common throughout the afternoon as they worked to keep the crowds separate. A unit of state troopers strapped in helmets and holding shields held a line near the Soldiers and Sailors monument as counter-protesters danced and played music on the hill above.
Boston Police made two arrests during the mid-afternoon protests, officials said.
William Turbitt, 39, of Providence, R.I., was charged with disturbing the peace and interfering with police. Ronald McCarron, 68, of Wakefield, was charged with disorderly conduct, disturbing the peace, and driving to endanger after police say Turbitt drove a van through a barrier.
Both will be arraigned on Monday at Boston Municipal Court.
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This proves that the Treasonous socialist Democrat Party supports and encourages Antifa.
Fighting erupted at the Boston Common between far-left/antifa & anti-vaccine mandate protesters. Antifa called for comrades to shut down the rally, saying opposition to government Covid-19 mandates is fascist & white supremacist.
Those stooges belonging to antifa, blm, and all other like groups, don’t seem to realize that the more they call, or protest against other groups of people, racists, the more they ensure that people become racists. They don’t seem to realize how close this country is to exploding into a full blown civil/race war.
Please do not refer to worthless pieces of left over sewage as stooges. The Three Stooges were a class comedy act. And the sissy’s in Antifa can’t handle it because they think the Three Stooges were violent. LOL!!! Look who’s talking.
WE already knew that the DNC fully supported them, whe DOZENS OF DEMS funded the bail funds to get, those who got arrested, OUT OF jail…
Shoulda shoved some “white supremism” down antifa’s load mouths!
How many will have to die, and from which side will the casualties be on?
TOO many i fear.
Shamefully, his article names names but FAILS to disclose if it was the Antifa terrorists or the peaceful anti-vaccine protesters that were arrested. Every person spraying others should be arrested and tried for assault. We cannot allow this Democrat organized suppression of free speech to continue a day longer.
BECAUSE the media is in SWING with the tyrants and antifa…
Every time ANTIFA shows up for anything violence is sure to follow, it is the only way these facist little oinkers can put their message of hate and intolerance across, and they do it very well. They never have a rally FOR something they stand for, it’s always against other groups standing up for their rights which these hoodlums violate!
ANTIFA is a terrorist origination supported by, financed by and protected by the Marxist Democrat Party. The Democrats and the present administration are trying, and succeeding, in dividing our country. This was tried during Jim Crow era, the 60’s civil rights era, the Vietnam War era and now it is continuing. The only way to destroy this Republic is thru division and it is happening. Divide and destroy is the play book and the Democrats are winning with this strategy. Wake up now America or you will wake up in a Communist State.
They are pushing this country closer and closer to that big second civil/race war. The left wing liberal/socialists are not only supported by the current administration, but are part of it.
The only way we’ll end up a communist state is if WE lose the next civil war, which I find highly unlikely.
WE are already at risk of LOSING IT, because not enough folks are out there FIGHTING the left..
So let me get this straight…… opposition to a government mandate is called “fascist”?? …………those antifa morons are all over the map these days.
Just as King George the Tyrant sent the evil General Thomas Gage and his British Royal Marines in to put down the Patriots on Boston Common, the Marxist Democrat Crime Organization sent their Thugs in to stop the modern Patriots on Boston Common. Seems the modern tyrants are worse than the tyrants of the 1700’s.
Webster definition of fascism: a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition
So we have a group of people who are protesting a mandate that the dictatorial leader of the government autocratically forces a large percentage of the citizens to become vaccinated against their will and their God given freedoms in order to work and participate in other normal aspects of life. This mandate creates a social regimentation of people and severe economic harm and thus a two class system. Anyone who opposes this government mandate, as evidenced by the ‘antifa’ activists attack, are forcibly surpressed. BUT antifa says THEY are fighting fascism? Give me a break.
Antifa should be standing for anti first amendment. The ONLY fascists at the rally were those who were with antifa. This is so messed up. Will Boston again be the site of the beginnings of another revolution?
all i can say is smile when you see the flash.
And this is exactly why Americans feel the need to carry a firearm. The liberal satanic demonic followers use pepper spray because they cannot hold a conversation that requires an intelligible answer. What are these going to do when due to bozo joe there are not more cans of courage left?
Thing is, just look at what they are trying to do with Rittenhouse, and DID to that couple who defended their home in St Louis.. THEY ARE WEAPONIZING the injustice system to STOP US defending ourselves, against these anarchist louts.