Utah Sen. Mitt Romney not only criticized President Donald Trump long and loudly for planning to remove thousands of troops from Germany, he has apparently successfully helped to block it.
A House-Senate conference working out differences on the annual defense bill included a provision pushed by Romney and allies to block any significant troop removal.
“Congress made the right decision,” he said in a statement.
Romney was joined by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.; Marco Rubio, R-Fla., Chris Coons, D-Del.; Tim Kaine, D-Va.; and Jeanne Shaheen, D-N.H. in introducing and pushing the amendment.
– Read more of the head RINO and his partners at The Salt Lake Tribune
That wasn’t all that great RINO had on his plate this week. Read on.
Romney blasts Trump lack of leadership during pandemic
Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) on Thursday night issued a scathing condemnation of President Trump’s leadership during the coronavirus pandemic, calling the president’s rhetoric a “great human tragedy.”
Romney, one of Trump’s most prominent Republican critics, was asked by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer where Trump’s leadership is as he continues to push unfounded conspiracy theories about the election as the coronavirus surges across the nation.
“Well, this hasn’t been the focus of his rhetoric, apparently, and I think it’s a great human tragedy, without question,” Romney said.
“Not all respects, but we’ve relaxed our standards as individuals,” he continued. “Some states haven’t had mask mandates. And from Washington we have not had a constant, consistent plan and plea for people to wear masks, to social-distance, to take all the measures that would reduce the spread of this disease.”
– Read more at the Hill and watch the CNN interview below.
"This hasn't been the focus of his rhetoric apparently and I think it's a great human tragedy," says Sen. Mitt Romney of Trump's approach to the Covid-19 pandemic.
"The extraordinary loss of life is heartbreaking… From Washington, we have not had a constant, consistent plan.” pic.twitter.com/pmHsJjykxw
— CNN (@CNN) December 4, 2020
This content is published through a licensing agreement with Acquire Media using its NewsEdge technology.
Mittens is like the kid who yells insults from behind his mothers skirt. The guy has never done anything for America. All his time is spent on his appearance and looking in the mirror. He probably compliments himself.
Maybe the one he’s hiding behind, needs to smack him!
That’s funny… I thought he wore his mothers skirt… It still haunts me that I voted for this jackass. Is there anything else he does besides whine like a spoiled little girl. Useless.
I don’t think you will find a single person, who’s STILL proud they ever voted for this useless waste of oxygen.
Look RINO up in the dictionary and romney’s picture is beside the definition.
Hey Mitt, it isn’t Trump who is “a great human tragedy”, all you have to do, Mitt, is look at yourself in the mirror. Then you will know Mitt, who the “great human tragedy” is. The voting public better wake up, when they vote. Of course there is Lindsey and Marco. Need I say more?
Romney is too late,,,they already closed the military bases in Darmstadt Germany, real home of Frankenstein’s castle that had as many monstrous failed social experiments as our current Congress. The last empress of Russia, Alexandra, Anastasia’s mother, and her husband Nicholas were both closely related to Queen Elizbeth, and the Kaiser of Germany,,,,which goes to show you what bad things happen when American politicians marry up with people too close of the same blood lines but on opposite sides of the political interests. Incest is not best, neither when combining human DNA, nor political party interests or things sometime get deadly. Just ask the last Czar how it worked out for him with the Socialists of his day. Romney is acting more and more like Rasputin, and a great human tragedy himself. So much in promise, so little in results.
Fun read, and basically all fact.
There is no question COVID-19 is real, the question is over the tactics being used to control the masses, the questionable numbers we are shown, and the actions taken by governments based on those very same questionable numbers. Questionable numbers based on tests questioned by many professionals, professionals who claim, the numbers could easily be off by 70-90%. Then there is the failure to treat with drugs PROVEN to work, held back by those with a political or financial agenda. There is no doubt that to those who have died and to the families of those who have died, this is no joke. One still has to keep it in perspective, 1.6 million in the world have died from COVID-19, .021% of the population, but 1.7% of the world population, according to the WHO, 130,000,000 people, 80 times more, have been forced into starvation, this does not count suicides, drug overdoses, deaths because of failure to get medical tests and for some, down right loneliness. You do the math, never accept at face value, what you are told by people who have ulterior motives. Always remember, old Mittens hates Donald Trump
Exactly. The fraudulent leftist election operations are substantiated fact supported by undisputable evidence, not what the leftist media calls a “conspiracy theory” in their corrupt coverup and participation. IT is the Corona/China Virus scam that is the real conspiracy theory, where the leftist lame stream media and leftist “social” media have taken an active role in interfering with the people’s right to know and are also accessories to murder, among treason and other crimes against the people. Using the actual statistics, backed up by the “scientific” numbers, the Corona/China(Gates/Faucci) virus doesn’t even qualify as a pandemic. Trump’s lack of political experience requires him to hire loyal, experienced advisors to help drain the swamp, flush out all obama and clinton moles, fix the justice dept, and prosecute all those internal enemies of the people and the US Constitution.
Name me one spot in the constitution, where it says the Govt can MANDATE WE ALL wear an article of clothing? That is why to me, all these mask mandates are Unconstitutional!
It’s bewildering but common that people especially in public life who have been rejected, mocked or villified will develop self loathing & align themselves with their attackers / enemies in futile hope they can somehow make them like them.
Sort of a twist on the well known Stockholm.Syndrome.
IMO, Romney, McCain, Graham & the many other past & present Repub politicians who have allowed & even facilitated the imposition of Dem Party or Islamic style tyranny have been too weak minded & too weak willed to be entrusted with protecting / defending this nation from enemies foreign or domestic.
Dem Party tyranny is more dangerous to America & the very lives of our citizens than any virus ever could be.
Ah, for the day back when ,,,,when men were men and the sheep were not nervous, like in WWI when American Marines known to the Germans as “Bengal Hunds” or Devil Dogs for their ferocity in battle, who charged and overran the German trenches with no body armor of laser sights wearing only gas masks to prevent them from mustard gas, not Medical masks to protect them from the Spanish influenza that took over 600,000 American lives at home out of a population of 94 million, and killed more Doughboys in WWI than bullets. I think Romney’s relatives were still in Mexico at the time where the only masked men were banditos, a lot like the ANTIFA anarchists and frightened politicians of today.
I’ve often said, if we had to re-fight WW1/WW2, with today’s crop of sheeple, we’d all be speaking german by now.
Mitt must be groveling for a job with the dem-rats. RINO fits him to a T.
It is just simply amazing how we have lost control over the W.H. …
Have you seen so many of these that have run for the office of president and could not get voted be in front of the camera having job offer’s within the last 3 weeks?
Joe Biden and Harris weren’t chosen by the people on their own! Who are the people that voted them in now?
This man is a RINO and a legend in his own mind, he may have amassed great wealth for himself and his family, but he’s done very little for the American People.
Other than bringing us nightmares and suffering, i don’t think he’s done anything for ‘we the people.
Every morning after sitting on the toilet , I look at what is floating there and give myself a reminder of why I was stupid enough to vote for romney the rat. Gov. of the Eastern equivalent of Calif. and then a senator from Utah and as phony as an ozero three dollar bill. He isn’t even a true RINO but a romneyite. He cares about nobody but himself . OOPS , sorry , I have to go to the toilet and dump some more Romney… It must be something I ate for breakfast.
Maverick Rides Again
How they all hailed him as a maverick
When he was in the Senate
Then he got a rude awakening in ‘08
When he didn’t win it.
Seems the truth of the matter
Concerning all his ‘fans’ on the left
Is that to them all that matters
Is what they want addressed.
So proud was he of his bipartisanship
That it outshined his constituents
Yet they still reelected him
While we sought his discontinuance.
Alas before he left so tragically
His last great act of defiance
Was to foil his party’s vote to repeal
With his ego driven bias.
Alas I said before
And alas I’ll say again
As the second coming of ‘the maverick’
This time did not win.
But oh how the left all swooned
On ‘impeachment day’ Mitt Romney too
Fell slave to his own ego
And condemned himself to doom.
Though this time for the nation
We all have a hope
That the folks out there in Utah
Will send Mitt packin’ with one giant resounding NOPE!
Mitt did the right thing – for the political elites. If we pulled our troops out of Germany the political class wouldn’t have anywhere safe to send their children in order to add “military service” to their resume.
Maybe if mitt actually SERVED, he’d be MORE pro american, rather than PRO HIMSELF.
I think it’s high time someone look into Mitt’s finances and closet. Especially his closet, there’s probably a skeleton in there. Other than his 2012 campaign.
I’ve read that both he and Nancy have children working in some way for Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. So when Trump disclosed all the info on Hunter, out came the claws to protect their children too.
Wouldn’t surprise me one bit.
What a sad representative for America! By the grace of God and President Trump, you once again were allowed to roam the halls of government, only to turn on our nation’s last hope. Aside from your vote, I am sure that Biden did not receive anywhere near the historic totals being cited from the election. “How like a serpent’s tooth, a thankless child” or something to that effect. You are an embarrassment to our Republic.
From what I heard from the good people of Utah, is that this pathetic phony will be put out to pasture at the next election in 2 years.
PITY they can’t recall his sorry butt, NOW… Rather than having to wait 2 more years.
He is so jealous of the fact that Trump won where Mitt could not. So NOT like such a good godly guy, he comes out swinging instead of trying to work to seek truth. It wasn’t Trump that caused all these deaths. The falsehood that the Dems spread and the media spread is just that, false. Mitt can’t even give credit where credit is due because he is so insanely jealous and suffers the worse virus of all: TDS
The country rejected Mr Romney’s leadership in 2012. He knows most Conservatives barely tolerate him. He’s now trying to worm his way into liberals hearts (even thought they treat him like a dog and have NO respect for him). He’ll say anything for approval from them.
“You like me! You really like me!” – Sally Fields
But they don’t, Mitt, and they never will.
Hey Mitt, hear that loud rumbling coming from underground? That’s your Republican father rolling over and over in his grave as your constantly offend him and the party over and over again! You and McCain, sad Repub representatives.
Somewhere above, the commentator is asked to look up the definition of R.I.N.O. It is Republican In Name Only, so Romney doesn’t qualify. If he ever actually qualified as a Republican, it was way back in history. It has been many years and he does not qualify for the name Republican. Rather than RINO, about the only letter designation he qualifies for is POS.
I see some editing. Let me give you a clue and say the asterisks would normally be flushed.
I do wonder, HAS HE EVER been a real conservative?? OR has he always been a Faux conservative?