Pope Francis has hinted that racism was behind the fact that many countries have been more welcoming to refugees from war-torn Ukraine than to those from other parts of the world.
Speaking to Italian television station RAI, the pontiff said the weakest always suffered the most in wars, adding: “The refugees are divided. First class, second class, by skin colour, whether you come from a developed country or a non-developed one.
“We are racists. And that’s bad,” the Pope said.
According to UN figures, more than 4.7 million Ukrainians have left the country since Russia invaded in late February.
Later on Good Friday, when Christians remember the death of Jesus, Pope Francis is due to hold a public service at St Peter’s Basilica in Rome for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began over two years ago.
Francis told RAI that he accepted countries had a right to defend themselves, but said the general abandonment of peace was a problem.
“We live according to an idea where we kill each other because of the need for power, for security, for many things,” the head of the Catholic Church said.
“I understand governments that buy weapons. I understand them, but I don’t approve of it.”
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I’ve been to the Ukraine and did not see many Afro Ukrainians nor Latino Ukrainians, maybe some of Tarter extract. Perhaps the reason Ukrainians are getting more assistance is because unlike this Pope who is jealous of Orthodox Christians getting as much attention in doing the work of Christ to oppose secular Socialist Communist totalitarianism, the Ukrainians actually have a chance to defeat Putin and his oligarch stealer of wealth from the Russian people, not to mention his outright crimes of murder. When the head of the Catholic church joins the ranks of the rankled race obsessed, blaming skin color for choice of charity in the face of crimes against God and Humanity, you just know that the former Real Christian Pope John Paul is spinning in his grave, the Polish guy who threatened to put off his Popish robes and take up arms against the communists if they sent the tanks into Poland. He is correct that the weakest suffer the most in wars, like the weakest version of social collective Christianity who prove not as worthy to be the dispensers of charity funds as real Christians of INDIVIDUAL conscience, whose Catholic Christian warrior class and spirit died off when the wealth and comfort of their palaces overcame their ability to sacrifice or show no greater love than laying down one’s life for a friend. One more socialist papal pronunciation for political correctness over the truth that sets men free, to oppose evil wherever, and whatever form or skin color it appears.
This is one example of a pope standing before Jesus in judgement with Jesus saying “I never knew you.”
This satanic demon just can’t keep his mouth shut. He can’t see any difference between refugees from Ukraine, and those illegal invaders flooding our Southern border. The poop is pathetic.
BECAUSE to him, there shouldn’t BE ANY BORDERS period.
Other than the one protecting the vatican.
“We are racists. And that’s bad,” the Pope said”. Yep Pope Francis, you are a “racist”, so I have a great idea, since you want open borders, so there are no countries with borders and as a result, we have parasite illegal aliens living on welfare and illegal alien criminals in our country. We should send you, Pope Francis to North Korea, on a one way trip, since you Pope Francis are nothing but a communist!!!! Pope Francis, how can a communist like you be a Christian who celebrates Easter, since communism is antithetical to Christianity?
Just what the world needs—for the Church to stoop to politicize itself and to start engaging in racist propaganda and rhetoric. The only black and white in the church should be the black print on the white pages of the Bible.
““We are racists. And that’s bad,” the Pope said.”
Just exactly who is his “We”???
The U.S. welcomed millions of Blacks into our country in the past.
Now look where that has gotten the country.
Tinkerbell Barack Obama imported hundred of thousands of unvetted Muslims.
Now look where that has gotten the country.
Now the corrupt, puppet president F… Joe Biden is importing millions of illegal immigrants. Now look where that has gotten the country.
Why is it that everything and everybody has to be defined as Racist in order to make their point. The Pope says, “We are racist” maybe so, but some are Mentally Challenged do we need to point that out?
“We are racists. And that’s bad,” the Pope said.
Speak for yourself, Commie!
satan comes in many forms!