I’m revolted, angry & scared watching how the combined forces of Dem Party politicians, globalists, Socialists / Marxist, corrupt public unions & Corp media have banded together to obtain dictatorial control of USA.
This is the actual insidious conspiracy, not J6, that American citizens must recognize, confront & somehow eradicate.
A political conspiracy is one that allows DOJ & judges to not only endlessly persecute Trump but also obtain personal private info as way to intimidate the millions of people who supported him on Twitter.
A political conspiracy was the Dem Party using covid to violate states election laws & create a chaotic situation whereby no one could verify election integrity re: unsupervised drop boxes, universal mailed ballots, unverifiable voters & vote counts for weeks after election.
A political conspiracy is the Dem Party & it’s collaborators infiltrating the J6 protests against what multi millions of us believe was election fraud & cover up.
It was Dem Party collaborators like Ray Epps, undercover FBI, antifa & BLM in the crowd who instigated the break in at Capitol that basically ended up being a walking tour.
What I don’t understand is why there are no patriotic constitutional lawyers & judges willing to stop the tyrannical takeover of America by the Dem Party & their collaborators.
on 12:53 pm December 7, 2023 at 12:53 pm
When the Dems Brae and hee-haw about OUR Democracy ,they mean THEIR Democracy of sanctioned mob rule .
Leftist inspired renta-mobs have brought disturbance and distruction for decades No one was seriously punished !SANCTIONED !!
superluminal on Trump revokes Biden’s security clearance: “When Biden was informed his clearance has been revoked he exclaimed: I had a security clearance?”” Feb 10, 16:14
I’m revolted, angry & scared watching how the combined forces of Dem Party politicians, globalists, Socialists / Marxist, corrupt public unions & Corp media have banded together to obtain dictatorial control of USA.
This is the actual insidious conspiracy, not J6, that American citizens must recognize, confront & somehow eradicate.
A political conspiracy is one that allows DOJ & judges to not only endlessly persecute Trump but also obtain personal private info as way to intimidate the millions of people who supported him on Twitter.
A political conspiracy was the Dem Party using covid to violate states election laws & create a chaotic situation whereby no one could verify election integrity re: unsupervised drop boxes, universal mailed ballots, unverifiable voters & vote counts for weeks after election.
A political conspiracy is the Dem Party & it’s collaborators infiltrating the J6 protests against what multi millions of us believe was election fraud & cover up.
It was Dem Party collaborators like Ray Epps, undercover FBI, antifa & BLM in the crowd who instigated the break in at Capitol that basically ended up being a walking tour.
What I don’t understand is why there are no patriotic constitutional lawyers & judges willing to stop the tyrannical takeover of America by the Dem Party & their collaborators.
Because they fear trying to stand up to the state, will likely get THEM beat down by the mob?
YYYUUUUPPPP. We ae there – a police state. Stasi, Gestapo, KGB – her we are. And it’s ALL levels of gubment.
YET the dems keep saying its WE maga types, that are the ‘threat to democracy’..,
When the Dems Brae and hee-haw about OUR Democracy ,they mean THEIR Democracy of sanctioned mob rule .
Leftist inspired renta-mobs have brought disturbance and distruction for decades No one was seriously punished !SANCTIONED !!
Exactamundo.. ONLY THEIR ‘democracy’ matters.