The diverse and inclusive U.S. armed forces has a recruiting problem, meaning the military branches can’t find people willing to wear the uniform, and a military watchdog says wokeness is pushing good people out and keeping good people out.
In the U.S. Army, the largest service, recruiters who are already good at what they do can now wave $50,000 enlistment bonuses for some military occupational specialties, but even that eye-catching stack of cash isn’t doing the job. When the 2022 fiscal year ends in September, the Army expects it will hit 40% of its recruitment goal for the year.
To many who are non-woke but fully awake, the recruitment problem is no surprise and a no-brainer.
“Traditional, patriotic families are the prime ‘market’ for military recruiting,” Elaine Donnelly writes in an op-ed for The Federalist. “Pentagon officials and professional marketers, therefore, should objectively consider whether woke Defense Department policies have alienated that core constituency.”
It appears, however, that self-analysis won’t happen anytime soon. When the calendar rolled to June, and to Pride Month, the services tripped over their stiletto high heels to show they were embracing homosexuals, lesbians, and transgenders. Among the groveling behavior, the Twitter account for U.S. Air Force Recruiting tweeted a photo of cadets marching with a “pride” flag. Back in March, the Air Force celebrated “Transgender Day of Visibility.”
That recruitment photo generated public comments for several reasons: Absent in the photo was any sign that Old Glory was flying, too. Another issue is the irony of sweaty, hard-running cadets pictured in a recruitment photo considering the Air Force revised its physical standards in 2021 to allow walking to finish the mandatory 1.5-mile course.
In the U.S. Navy, where homosexuality is already as common as ocean water, that branch lectured its sailors about proper pronoun usage in a bizarre video that looks, sounds, and feels like a PBS kids show.
“Using the right pronouns is a really simple way to affirm someone’s identity,” one of the co-hosts states. “It is a signal of acceptance and respect.”
In 2020, a massive fire on the USS Bonhomme Richard was started by a sailor. The ship-destroying fire, which burned for five days, was ultimately blamed on three dozen officers and sailors who failed to train and prepare properly, maintain equipment, and coordinate and communicate well during the blaze.
Meanwhile, the Navy lost an FA-18 Super Hornet fighter jet earlier this month that was not secured to the deck of the USS Harry S. Truman. The accident was blamed on bad weather in rough seas.
“The classes on securing our fighter jets to the deck are just gonna have to wait until we’re gay enough,” Jesse Kelly, the Texas-based radio host, stated in a Twitter post.
Much like Donnelly does with the Center for Military Readiness, Kelly, a U.S. Marine veteran, frequently warns the public the U.S. military will “lose a major war” because it is not fulfilling its role, which is to find and kill our enemy.
Even the famously tough Marine Corps, which fought the Pentagon (and lost) to keep women out of its combat units, acknowledged Pride Month with a combat helmet adorned with rainbow-colored bullets.
In an interview with AFN, Donnelly says the blame falls on the Biden administration for allowing “anti-recruiting” messages that potential recruits oppose.
“I don’t think they even realize what kind of messages they’re sending to parents,” she says, “when they keep pushing woke agenda items that turn away families.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
I retired from the US Navy.
But now this treasonous Democrat Party has turned a once proud, honorable service to our country into a LGBTQ, Woke dishonorable, immoral social club.
I talked to a couple of CPOs a couple of years ago and they told me it was the Chief’s obligation to promote inclusion in the military. Huh? So now we promote thief’s, LGBTQs as acceptable?
When I served their were two things that were on the top of the not acceptable to do list.
#1 unacceptable behavior was “a Thief” #2 was being a homosexual.
Now heterosexuals have to use the same head (bathroom) as a meat gazing homosexual.
Their is no way in hello that I would have ever enlisted into this LGBTQ, Woke social club.
Our military is supposed to be a highly effective, highly trained, high disciplined, high moral, honorable service.
“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”
Why would any rational person join this radical, immoral, dishonorable, Woke, LGBTQ social club anymore?? 🙁 🙁 🙁
Me neither. There’s days that go by, i am glad i retired out in 2012, while others said with how buggered they have become, maybe i shouldn’t have even joined in the first place..
Back when I was in the Army queers were kicked out. My son is in the Air Force and he said he wishes he was in when the queers were kicked out. Says it’s disgusting to see a male sarge where a dress when off duty.
In my day the fairies usually didn’t make it out of Basic. The ones who did kept their perversions to themselves. If they didn’t they would have an “accident” that ended their careers.
I was in during the height of don’t ask, don’t tell.. Ahh, how i wish we could go BACK to those days.
Hitler Quote
The control and authority that the Nazis gained in the school classroom and education curriculum allowed them to take over the minds of children from kindergarten to university. Education was a major tool by which the Nazis racial policies were promoted and implemented into the youth of Germany. The Nazis understood that to have loyal Nazis by adulthood they had to educate them on the relevant ideals from childhood. Schooling played a critical part in developing a loyal following for Hitler (Trueman, 2014).
“…. teachers with rival political views were sidelined, Is This Whats Happened to young voters in America.?
You Commented, ” I retired from the US Navy.
” But now this treasonous Democrat Party has turned a once proud, honorable service to our country into a LGBTQ, Woke dishonorable, immoral social club…” I’m Sorry. It’s Not the US Navy that you And I Knew Once,
“… In an interview with AFN, Donnelly says the blame falls on the Biden administration for allowing “anti-recruiting” messages that potential recruits oppose….”
“I don’t think they even realize what kind of messages they’re sending to parents,” she says, “when they keep pushing woke agenda items that turn away families.” Taken From Article Above…
Who would want to join organizations once admired for their rigorous disciple that no longer can discipline themselves. Lax standards and emphasis on the nonessential (woke, not military) is a recipe for failure, ie Afghanistan, where it seemed giving and obeying orders could be traumatizing if the wrong pronoun was used!
Just a thought, instead of the old fatigues for training, recruits be issued rainbow training garb and everyone will feel much better about themselves.
Especially when we see story after story about how buggered up the VA and such are.. WHY would anyone willingly put themselves through that?!
Rome fell when their ranks stopped being filled with the sons of Roman citizens but of people from other conwuered countries who in the end showed no ultimate loyalty to the basic tenets of what it meant to be a Roman. It was Rome who brough the wortd LAW, and order in the form of Pax Romano.Today America is doing the same to itself and its military with Gays, tarangender and homosexuals now woke taught to hate America, who cannot define what a proper gender is let alone what it means to be an American. All the high tech advantages mean noting without people of integrity doing the aiming and pulling the trigger. As the military goes, so goes the Union. Woke equals weak.
+10000 to that!
Theres a quote that says ” Those Who do Not Study History Are Bound To Repeat It, To paraphrase this Quote, America would do well to have Studied ” The Fall Of The Roman Empire ” and learned Why Rome Fell.
Correction, “Paraphrase ” and,Studied, ” Sorry!
I am an Air Force vet who spent four years active duty and two years inactive reserves. My last 13 months active duty was in SEA working on radar and weapons control on the F-4 Phantom in 69 & 70. I personally am appalled by our high ranking military officers who have turned “woke” and are forcing our soldiers to “use the proper pronouns and carry multicolored bullets” ?!?! What self respecting enlisted soldier from any branch of the service would be comfortable doing that, in addition to having to follow all of the other rules and regs we had to do everyday. What are the military brass trying to train enlisted to do – be combat ready or speak “the woke dialect”?.? PLEASE GIVE ME A BREAK!!! We were proud to be in the military and go fight for our country and now the brass has gone woke?!?! I do not blame anyone who is thinking about serving our country to be having second thoughts. WAKE UP GENERALS AND GET A BACKBONE AND STAND UP FOR YOUR TROOPS AND STOP THIS WOKE IDIOCITY!!!
Unfortunately its the generals and such, who seem to be PUSHING this nonsense…
I served with many very honorable officers, but there are legions of bad ones, too. The Pentagon is full of bemedalled sloths waddling the hallways like banana-republic dictators, and they will do whatever is necessary for promotion. Every colonel wants to be a general, every general wants to be Chief of Staff of the Army or Chairman of JCS, and every CJCS wants to be Secretary of State (like that empty and meaningless product of affirmative action Colin Powell). They would do ANYTHING to improve their chances of obtaining those goals. They would sell their daughters to a Juarez brothel, hand their sons over to a Bangkok bath-house, prostitute their wives in a Brazilian slum for a glowing fitness report. If Biden strolled onto a stage in a nationally televised event and announced that he was going to have HIS senior military officers exhibit their loyalty (as he dropped his pants), they would scratch, crawl and scramble to be first in line to kiss his behind (or worse). I firmly believe that there are no more self-respecting officers over the rank of O-5 in our armed forces; otherwise they would have long ago done what I did, and that was to flee that Kafkaesque nightmare while some dignity and self-respect were still intact. The farcical “leadership” under a long list of previous administrations are still deeply imbedded in today’s military, and are continuing to work diligently in destroying the tattered remnants of what was once the world’s finest fighting force.
I saw the writing on the wall, back in the early 2000s, when i saw many a good officer, RESIGN, rather than have to ‘kiss’ ***, of the politicos…
Who wants to join the military and wear those pretty dresses, read about how racist America is and be forced to take untested clot shots?
Gay, Guinea pig lemmings??
I lived through WWII, the Korean Police Action, Vietnam, Desert Storm, Afghanistan, and all through the years of the Cold War, but what I feel now, under the Pentagon, Milley, and this Democratic Party which is destroying of our service personal, I am worried. When the War dogs of China or Russia can practically walk across our Northern and Southern borders, if they aren’t already, I worry. I can’t help wonder which sides the protesters we have watched these past few years will be on. My guess is they will wish they hadn’t trashed America after they are under the iron rule of communism. I also wonder if Soros, through his Anti-American funding , feels it is letting him accomplish what the third Reich and its leaders couldn’t.
Vlad Putin and Xi Jinping are tickled pink to hear about **** like this.
What we need is each of our states form their own state military/reserve, state guard/force and/or state militia for the benefit of protecting its state against all enemies invading the USA. Make the qualifications be strict and demanding to ensure only the best are able to join, Cooperation among the states that also have other equipment (aircraft, tank. humvees, etc) available make for a better defense of the state.